Carl Pavano
Jason Vargas
Since the Twins saved up all their runs from the last three days, I expect a hit parade tonight.
Carl Pavano
Jason Vargas
Since the Twins saved up all their runs from the last three days, I expect a hit parade tonight.
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I'm sure the Mariners will get a hit in the first inning- I'm not sure that was ever in doubt.
Here's a shocker for everyone: Morneau's not ready to play yet.
Oh, a real shocker: Butera catching, Mauer DHing, and Doumit in right field. One man bench: Plouffe.
The Fed Ex guy just dropped these off for Ubes.

heh heh
Tigers just walked off against the Sox. I expect the Twins game to end in a similar fashion. Well not so much similar as they lose 13-7.
Mariner's broadcast highlighting UZR during the pregame. Can haz Mariners broadcast team?
How about run expectancy on the stadium scoreboard?
And all we get is dickneffinbert.
I really like Dave Sims as a PBP guy just for his attitude. Even though the Mariners have been bad the entire time he's been here, he still announces like he enjoys watching the game. That's the sort of person I want describing the game to me.
whoa, FSN giving AVG, HR, RBI, and OBP
Hey, they're only ten years behind!
baby steps
That's why you bat Carroll second. The Twins managed three hits in 18 innings with Casilla batting second.
That's why you bat Carroll second. The Twins managed three hits in 18 innings with Casilla batting
there's no way Casilla got that many hits in 18 innings!!
It's a hit!!!!
It's a hit, hit, hit!
good job, flannel wearer
Cuzzi said that should be fan interference.
also, one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes
double play x2
Isn't it awesome when they other team keeps hitting into DPs?
Guy in the lineup with the lowest BA (Butters excepted) gets the first hit? Figures.
That should be a standard exception clause in any trivia question about a Twins worst anything.
That is to say, the hitter in the lineup with the lowest BA got the first hit.
That's semantics I can agree with.
HA! Butters, you forgot to bring your bat to the plate!
that will help Parmelee's UZR
Joe's due.
What the heck am I saying?! Everyone's due. (Butters excepted)
I predict a Willingham HR
just missed his pitch
I miss the CF camera. this left center cam is hard to read balls and strikes
what the hell is going on in the radio booth? No Gordo OR Dazz!!!111one111!!!
Got to the broadcast a little late and when I didn't see Gardy on the top step, I assumed he had gotten thrown out for something.
Twins games are like women's fastpitch softball. I'm hoping for a HBP, SB with throwing error, and a balk.
Another hit!
BrittaButera, you're the worst.I think the only thing worse so far tonight was Wedge deciding to give Brendan Ryan the green light to steal second base. I mean, Butera is obviously playing for one reason and one reason only.
Comedy relief?
Nah, naked BP was a different backup catcher.
ComedyTragedy reliefFTFM
There's only one other bench option?
Aaaaaand there goes the ballgame.
G. O. S. O.
Well, there goes the shutout. It's unfortunate that Pavano's fastball is about 70mph these days.
Hmmm..based on this half inning, the Twins might consider positioning a rover in LCF.
Carp smoked that, but Doumit plays RF like a catcher.
He just can't match the other catcher's aptitude for right field.
Seems like Valencia could have done more to get that tag down quicker.
Nice stop by Carroll, though. Still under 3 runs allowed! Tonight could be the night!
(Baby) Jesus walks.
the Twins have hit 2 HR's since April 20th (11 games, 12 if your count tonight). The last time the Twins hit a HR was last Friday against KC
More HR than Pooholes.
That's not likely to change at Safeco, unless one of our left-handed hitters goes against the grain and pulls the ball.
M's broadcast playing tricks on me. They had a run up for Minnesota just a second ago.
I saw that too. I haven't been paying full attention to teh game for the last hour or so, but I got confused because I at least thought I'd remember them scoring.
Whew, still not going crazy. Well, probably going crazy, but not yet seeing things.
How many times do you see a RF not quite get to a ball in the outfield and then pop up with 2 runners in scoring position his next time up?
How often do you watch the Twins?
It appears I'm a masochist.
Come on, guys. When we only get a hit every other game, we need to take advantage of it.
Tie goes to the Twins. That probably used up any remaining luck though.
Props to Butera on that. Unfortunately, he just kept himself on the roster for another 2-3 weeks.
I'm pretty sure he already did that with his CS.
Dick seems perplexed how a team could win 116 games in a pitchers' park. Hint: they had a really good team.
that's just idiotic
Bret f^#@ing Boone.
So, things that are more entertaining than this
gameTwins team? How about orangutans who look like London mayor Boris Johnson??Hey guys, a runner in scoring position! Just one out! Nice 2B from the Parmesan cheese.
I predict that the Cheese Stands Alone.
Double cheese!
I was thinking that in the 7th inning it isn't a big deal to lose the DH because you can pinch-hit around the problem. Then I remembered Plouffe is the entire bench.
and the catcher is PH for by a guy hitting .111
Jeebus wept.
The entire effing bench. It's absolutely comical that somehow this is acceptable--if any player gets injured a pitcher has to hit--as opposed to being worried about pitchers hitting if the catcher specifically gets injured.
Over/under on Morneau going on the DL: Sunday.
Morneau has to DH a game or two before going on the DL for two weeks longer than should have been necessary.
Oh, Noes! Teh bench is empty! No reserve catcher!
Plouffe trying to grow a beard
Unless Game Day is mistaken, ump's taking away the low strike.
Well, the Blue Jays are beating the Angels, so that's cool. I'm guessing that I'll need to develop some alternative rooting interests to keep paying attention to baseball this year. I'd like to see the Blue Jays and the Orioles do well. I don't really know much about either team, but hey, they're off to good starts.
will you cheer for MWP to be moved to third base in Bal'more?
Who doesn't love World Peace? (I have no idea where you're coming from on this one.)
Mauer. With. Pauer.
I'm 100% OK with the AL East standings finishing up looking exactly like they do right now.
Fun fact: the Angels, even after the drubbing of the Twins, still have scored fewer runs per game than the Twins. They're 0.04 runs/game lower than the Twins. Still 0.43 runs ahead of poor Oakland.
If the Twins could keep that up all season, I'd feel good about something.
It seems the Twins record for being shutout is 29 innings. Happened in 1978 from Sept 6* until the third inning, three games later, to Sept 10. That means, if the broadcast is right, they're at 25 innings prior to the top the seventh. They would then break the record in the second inning of tomorrow's game.
* The Twins scored two runs in the bottom of the ninth in the game on Sept 5.
See, all you had to do was look it up and it no longer mattered. Ain't that the way it goes?
So you're saying I should have investigated the hitless inning streak sooner? I'm going to blame B-R on that since it only supports game streaks.
Just like washing your car if you want it to rain- you can't do it on purpose, but it'll rain every time if you don't think about it.
Sweet walk.
I'd consider Plouffe not hitting into a double-play a win for the night.
Butters couldn'ta done that
wait, what? The Mariners acquired Furbush for Fister??
Easy, easy. Down, boy.
It's not my fault. Just read that in your best Jon Stewart voice.
"The Mariners acquired Furbush for Fister."
Twins baseball.
that. was. awesome.
Montero's reaction to Wilhelmsen turning away from him is great. Understated, but great.
Just a slow sloping pair of shoulders. I don't think that was the first time.
There goes the scoreless streak. All that work for naught!
Good catch by Ackley, actually.
Error in the Twins favor!
collect 1 run!
way to monopolize the conversation.
Go directly to jail. Do not pass home plate. Do not collect your 1 run.
I could see the Twins doing that, but it would've included a throw down the left field line.
Cool deal, tie game.
It's an offensive eruption!
and now they bring in the Furbush to face the Pussy.
This game is NSFW.
Jason Marquis has 625 PA, but he's a starter, and if one of our starting pitchers got injured, the season could actually get even worse. So if the Twins do have to use a pitcher at the plate, who's the choice? Just throw the worst pitcher out there since it won't matter if he hurts himself trying to lay down a bunt?
Too bad we don't have Santana, I always enjoyed his at-bats.
You could always tell that Santana loved to compete, but it was really obvious when he got the chance to hit.
Like when it was Bobby Korecky!
I don't know if you saw this when I posted it around when Marquis was signed, but his slashline is better than Butera's.
I didn't see that, crazy. I feel like NL pitchers are a good example of how well a typical high-level athlete would hit if he didn't have much experience hitting.
Butera to the 'pen! Third catcher and 14th man in the bullpen.
He does seem to have a strong arm.
Glad I just joined the game (and this thread - here for all of the good part of the game, missed all the bad.
I'm surprised the Safeco ushers haven't clamped down on the heckler yet.
what the hell is he yelling?
I can't quite tell, but it must be family-friendly.
Twins baseball!!!
Mauer strokes one off of Furbush.
How long were you waiting to be able to say that?
about 5 seconds.
That's usually called getting to second base. A double entendre, so to speak.
it was kind of a dribbler. Off of Furbush.
This is getting messy.
Sweet Baby Jesus!
Nice single, pussy.
Eric LaRussa switches another pitcher
1 minute lead.
Did Tony LaRussa become the manager of the Mariners?
This inning brought to you by Tony LaRussa.
1 minute behind.
Still transfixed by Furbush.
Holy crap. The Mariners losing streak is more impressive than the Twins.
Now, to win the game, the Twins just have to allow fewer runs this game than they have in any game all season.
Screw that, get 10 million runs to their 9,999,999.
THey just showed Wilhelmsen sitting in the M's dugout wearing his wedding ring. I can't think of another time I've seen a player wearing a ring during a game.
Charge the mound! Wait, don't charge the mound, there's no one on the bench!
C'mon. I want a Salami Donut!
Montero is getting pissed behind the plate
It's his first year with the Mariners. He's not used to The Losing yet.
We've secretly replaced the Mariners bullpen with Matt Capps clones, let's see if anyone notices.
If they run out of pitchers just let them use Capps.
Wouldn't that require them to serve up some homers? They looked more like Jose Mijares clones.
I hope Doumit starts hitting again, eventually. It'd be unfortunate if he went all RonDL on us.
I know RonDL was a bad choice when it came out that he overpaid for steroids.
Pavano threw 69 pitches tonight. Last game he was 6.1 inning and threw 83.
If he can keep that up, maybe we can have him pitch on three days' rest.
"The Mariners batters strike out a lot.... The Twins' pitchers do not strike out a lot of hitters."
Movable object, meet resistible force.
Scout says that Duensing is trying to tie up Saunders inside; he's only hitting .000 there, compared to .063 elsewhere.
That's some great Scouting, there.
nice opposite field power. to bad it didnt find the gap out there
If it was Doumit out there, it woulda been a double.
anything Span can do, Ichiro! can do better.
I wonder if Detroit would be interested in making a trade to bring Furbush back to the Tigers. They could really re-Furbush their bullpen.
After bS' joaks, that was not the punchline I was expecting. Your pun is way too high-class for this joint.
ok, ok, we can work with this.
Perkins with a short stack. Tasty.
I don't want anyone to get scared, but unless the Twins score a run Capps is not gonna have any breathing(or eating) room.
I just realized Capps will be coming in to save this game. My stomach doesn't feel good now.
I turn on the game to a nice surprise. A lead!. I see Carroll took any drama out of the hitless streak early.
Carroll at-bats >>>>> Casilla at-bats.
When Carroll starts to hit, he's going to be really fun to watch.
Im surprised the powers that be let Brandon League on the field with the top 4 buttons of his jersey unbuttoned
Let's end a bunch of streaks tonight. The losing streak, the streak of allowing at least three runs and never scoring exactly 4 runs. Of course, I would prefer more than 4 runs, but right now I'd be happy with 4.
Carroll promoting theft.
Couldn't even hit a pussy single.
Who's confident in Capps here?
I am
It's growing after getting Ichiro.
I've accepted all 3 possible outcomes.
What could possibly go wrong?
A scary notion. "It's up to Matt Capps." Fortunately, Bill James has shown otherwise.
K Ichiro.
K Montero.
Kapps? Me likey.
Never a doubt.
Victory donuts for everyone!
Victory, Doumit!
Yankees scouts must've been in the stands tonight, right?
I feel like Valvano after Lorenzo Charles' dunk. Who do I hug?
Whom. For your grammatical mistake thou hugst thineself.
*looks around frantically. can't find anyone to hug*
Are you TRYING to bring Furbush back out?
Only if Furbush wants to be hugged.
By whom????
oy. Attebury saying the strength of the team is "Duensing, Perkins, Capps."
Well, of the pitching staff, I wouldn't argue against it. They certainly were tonight.