Bad news guys, (a) Jeremy is back. The good news is that he's not scheduled to start against the Twins during this series. Unfortunately, Blackburn is also back and scheduled to start.
Nick Blackburn
Luke Hochever
Blackburn started for Rochester four times, pitched 21 innings, and have up eight runs (six earned). He also struck out seven, walked five, and gave up 20 hits. Proving he had a lot nothing else to learn, the Twins decided to call him up.
Blackburn. Huh. My interest in this game is flatlining as I type this.
Next year, he gets $5.5 million!
Jamey Carroll back to hitting second. yipee
What the hell is Nick Blac_burn doing on the mound?
Obviously, you're not a golfer.
Hi everybody.
WTF BLACKBURN?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
Whose idea was this anyway?
I am pretty unimpressed by the facial hair featured on the Twins this season.
Lack of leadership by Mauer.
Fire gArDy!!oneone!!!!11
Get some of the Timberwolves to show the Twins how to do it right.
Bob CobbThe Maestro!Maestro!?
If anyone pretends to have spookied that I am calling bull.
Spooky sure didn't.
Maestro looks like he belongs on the cast of jersey shore.
So, Blac_burn still gives up a ton of hits. Great.
is the guy who tags the Jimmy Johns commercial the same guy who voices Fry on Futurama?
I haven't seen the Jimmy Johns commercials, but Billy West gets more work than most people, so I wouldn't be surprised.
You mean the guy who voices Jake on Adventure Time, right? /hip
I really hate stadiums when FSN cant have the behind the center field cam. Its hard to tell balls and strikes with the off of the pitching mound angle camera.
sno coned!
Ooh. Buck O'Neil bobblehead day tomorrow night in KC. I don't have a single bobblehead, but DG, go get me one of those. Or at least go get one for yourself and give me a photo.
I shall do my best.
On an unrelated note: my best is not always very good.
I might have said this before but Laddie is my favorite bad player on the Twins probably since Tom Prince.
So many to choose from...
My favorite ever is Carmelo Castillo. Top that! can probably be topped easily.
Bombo Rivera.
Sigh. I only know of the legend.
He was definitely a bad player, but a legend, nonetheless. Perhaps my peers (fogies) can help me out, but wasn't there even a song about him?
I think you are correct.
by Garrison Keillor no less.
BingoBombo.Henry Blanco
Does Denny hocking count in this category? I balls'd that dude.
You did not.
Oh, I did. I did indeed.
Really? (wrinkles nose)
Eh, I love you anyway, printer.
Wow. Blackie is a new man?
so, I decided to watch several Robot Chicken eps on free on-demand instead of a Blackburn start. I watched them all, and there weren't nearly enough, because I'm here.
Unlike all the competitors who DO like to lose, eh, Dazz?
He obviously was referring to the 1919 Black Sox. Sheesh.
so, I'm starting the weekend lite, with a Kirkland IPA. But I have one of these in the fridge for later.
Deschutes Green Lakes Organic Ale.
...but I want that Victory Stout.
Dasani pints. A little bland, but you drink a mess of them.
isn't Dasani a brand of bottled water?
oh, heh. Yea. joak.
basically, then, you are drinking PBR?
I've had nary a drop of beer or liquor in the past three months. I've had 3 or 4 glasses of red wine in that time.
Don't hate me because I'm temperate. 😉
Hate is such a strong word. Are you trying to be respectable, or get in some heiress's pants?
Pretty certain I'm incapable of either of those options.
Wanted to drop some weight, and in the process found out sober wasn't such a bad thing. Who knew?
well, there's that.
I thought I was seeing a pattern there.
Skim. Milk.
When you buy a keg of something you drink it for a while.
Holy Moses!
what was the big occasion? bris? destruction of golden calves?
Purchasing a house in buffalo can seem like both of those rolled together.
aha! so you really do have a kegerator? mazel tov!
remember back in the day when it was pretty much a lock that Luis Rivas would hit a HR during a series at Kauffman?
0-for-3-vas hit home runs? That seems unlikely.
He pounded the Royals though, right? I knew he made a divisional rival his bitch...I just couldn't remember which one.
Hi Everybody!
Round-headed kid.
Thanks for taking Monday's game log, sir. I owe you one.
Happy to help, sir. You can pay me back by continuing to deliver Awesome game logs.
Dazz on Hosmer: "Good looking player...."
Me: 78 OPS+. He's Loney-Lite.
Yeah I was bullish on him after last year, but he's definitely Trending Worse.
Bonus point for anytime anyone makes a relevant Loney reference, though.
He's been absolutely brutal this year. On the "bright" side, his BABIP this year is only .241, compared to a ZiPS projection of .304. So he could recover to "adequate".
Ooooh, Thome with a donger tonight!
He might be handsome!
What does OPS+ have to do with his good looks?
It was Dazz, not Marney.
I did consider the possibility that he was talking about all-Airport team.
Dazz secure enough in his manhood to think a dude handsome. Can't confirm. I'm watching on radio.
what was that????
Blackburn earns his k finally.
and another???
*looks for signs and portents*
just sad that the Royals have to try to do their charity auction when the Twins are in town.
the Twins could use a run or 8 this inning
Okay, when does the clock strike midnight and Blackbum turns back into a pumpkin?
don't worry. I think the crappy parts of the bullpen are available tonight.
*insert DONUTS ARE HOT jpeg.
Probably soon now that I'm here.
There it goes.
I'm well acquainted with Blackburn's terribleness.
"getting some activity in the Twins bullpen right now"??
WTF? It's the 7th. Why did you wait, Gardy?
Doc, I swear I'm gonna send you a couple samples next week. Should be a reviewable one, too.
Oooh, ooh!
crap, now I feel guilty for never sending you those ambers. Beer will make me get over it!
I hope they at least found a good home.
*pops open an amber*
All that talk about Hosmer and now I see he's on base. Bet you guys feel dumb.
Just got the call that I got my promotion. I'm moving to unknown territory to diversify in preparation for another promotion soon, too, apparently. After the next one I should be getting 70% more than I do right now. It's suddenly a nice night at Casa de Leche.
congrats, spoons!
Thanks, Citizens. Once I realized the TV show was probably dead, I went to them about advancement and they immediately went for it. I had no idea how high they were on me. Or maybe they're just high. At any rate, works for me!
does your best friend/store buddy have an inexplicably hot girlfriend? If so, be careful around his sunglasses.

My best friend in life is married to a girl about three leagues out of his. So...hmm.
Party in the USA!!
Haha. I'm going to listen to that, just to complete your intention to annoy.
Nice work, spooky. Way to battle your tail off for that promotion!
I linked to meat's "Never fear, Spoonto's Here" banner, and that was that.
I'll be having some of your promotion pay then.
Cognrats, man!
Good news everywhere these days!
Like I said....
Willinghammer will need to make up for that.
I think it's pumpkin time.
to be fair to Blackburn, an average LFer would stop that ball before it rolls to the fence and it would be runners on 2nd and 3rd. Willingham is not an average LFer.
I can't remember having an average LFer (defensively).
Tyner? Leeeewwwww? Dan Gladden?
Span in 2009 was well above average, but outside of that half-season, I think it's been pretty rare.
Gary Ward had a metric ton of assists one year in the early 1980s (not that that makes him good defensively). I remember discovering that when I was researching something.
I seem to recall that the trade tree for Hunter originates with Gary Ward.
While trying to (unsuccessfully) search for the tree, I found that last time you said Ward had a ridiculous number of assists.
Oh. Ham not willing.
You don't say.
Robertson's 11k/2bb in 8 IP ratio looks pretty nice.
12 k/8.1 IP
Oops! KC feed shows the scores:
Toronto 6, Boston 1 (F)
Red Sox shut out at home for second time this season
Maybe it was an own run.
btw, where's Span tonight?
he has terrible numbers against Hochevar, so Gardy was playing the numbers
there you go.
who is the old geezer on the KC radio broadcast? He sounds vaguely familiar.
Denny Mathews?
Sure. Walk Joe to get to Consuela. I dare you.
Im surprised KC is walking Mauer to get to Willingham.
walking Willingham to get to Morneau, too
grr. Gameday has crashed FF three times on me tonight.
It must have gotten overloaded by all the offense.
Who is this Burton guy? Was he just brought up today? The Twins could have used him yesterday.
Think they picked him up at a two-for-one special at K(rivsky)-Mart
dandy double play!
Cool dp.
Dazz complaining that Escobar didn't damage Carroll on that turn. Spoken like an outfielder.
I've always thought the hitters should just carry the bats with them when they run the bases. Sliding into people is for the weak.
Prince Fielder excepted.
Dozier hitting for Plouffe...that cant be good.
Dozier for Plouffe? Seriously?
Dozier is hitting for Plouffe? I should probably just go to bed now and save myself the pain of watching the rest of this one.
Yep, it's bedtime. Night, all!
Dozier for Plouffe? Really? Cripes.
Wait, that was Holland and Dozier? What was the walkup music?
Something about Dozier for Plouffe?
Robby Inc says Plouffe has a bruised thumb.
egothumb for Plouffe!could this mean the return of Danny Valencia?
Ray Chang!!!!!!
speaking of Sano.
I could get to like this Fien character.
How will they screw this up?
they will try a bunt?
Contact play!
HR and a triple.....noice!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Mastroianni show
I am not ready to live in a world where this guy is better than Joe Mauer.
M&M Boys: Mauer and Mastroianni.
Heh, I was thinking during Casilla's first at-bat that his best skill was hitting sac flies.
Hope that holds true.And he grounds out as I type. is where having a short bench hurts. Span could have pinch hit for Casilla, but Dozier got burned up with the Plouffe injury.
This is starting to look pathetic.
This is
startingcontinuing to look pathetic.FTFY
good grief
holy cr@p
effing ridiculous.
The good news is that the Milkmaid just brought home an Ommegang sampler for me in response to this promotion. For that, I can weather ten more innings of this crap!
Party in the USA!!!
Okay, I'm laughing pretty hard now.
that's love
What? KC is using their closer? In a tie game? What??
They know it's ending. Now.
I get this feeling this game might be on for a while.
VICTORY Storm King deployed. Jack a donger, Joe.
Who'd win in a hotdog eating contest? Capps or Broxton?
Capps is more likely to cough something up.
(Burger) King of the Savers!
Or a leadoff double. That'll work. C'mon, Pork!
Not a triple. Boo.
could have used that hit last inning
Gordon's arm kind of makes me wish he'd been playing QB at NU.
Sweet effing jeebus, he is good.
So's he.
Mauer like "an artist with a paintbrush" to hear the KC announcers tell it.
It's imagery like this that keeps me coming back to baseball broadcasts.
A bunch of happy little singles.
A Bob Ross reference! It's this imagery that keeps me coming back to the WGOM.
or a single that scores him from second.
lots of cheers from the crowd on that. Is Mak there with his posse?
nice throw Frenchie
Good thing Francoeur couldn't get a good grip on the ball, as Mauer had little chance of scoring otherwise.
geeze! nice play by the Moose
aw, geez, not THIS Span again
Now he just needs to be picked off at third to complete the trifecta.
here comes the Dozier extra base hit that would have scored Span
That would have been a hell of a trick by Span.
Sometimes I wish Span had gotten LASIK on the part of his brain that controls baserunning.
Unnecessary, anyhow. C'mon, Perk.
I got a bad feeling about this.
(Chewbacca rumble while nodding head vigorously)
Ben Revere == noodle arm
a strikeout would be great
Out? Hard to tell from Dazz.
Out, no question. Also, Donut isn't hurt. I'm not sure what game Dazz is seeing (I never am).
I should probably just get myself another beer for the 12th.
you should probably do that anyway.
Ruh roh. We could lose the DH if Donut is really hurt!!!
No, Butters is on the bench. The world is safe.
Did the Royals pull a Twins there?
Lexi, Lexi, you so sexy.
That is...different.
Twins win?
I guess so. Hmm.
Let's throw Gatorade on somebody!
the Twins are not like the Red Sox
they throw Powerade on their players
Or craft soda.

Best Served Warm.
"At what point did you realize that this was your game to win?"
Uh, when we were in the lead going into the bottom of the inning??
Casey Fien does not strike me as a scholarly type.
Gardy don't go in much fer book learnin'.
You sayin Cole DeVreis and his glasses ain't long for the team?
Not unless he turns in his library card.
Just another typical Twins win. We're still on track for 108-54!