Game 150: Minnesota at Cleveland

Morning game!  I didn't see a game log, so here you go.  If I ran baseball, they'd stagger the starting times so there'd be a game being played live twenty-four hours a day.  Those 3:00 a.m. start times might make some of the players upset, of course.

49 thoughts on “Game 150: Minnesota at Cleveland”

  1. anyone with MLB radio: has the quality drastically fallen recently? it used to be pretty crisp, but now it sounds like i'm listening to an AM transistor radio (noticed it yesterday and today).

    1. I laughed when I heard that on the radio in the car. The explanation that followed made it a little more reasonable, but it was a very Dazzle-like thing to say.

  2. I don't know if I've ever seen two intentional walks in a row. I'm sure it has happened, but it must should be pretty rare.

    1. I've seen it quite often. It's the obvious thing to do in a tie-game in the bottom of an inning from the ninth onward when there's no one on first or second and someone on third. I seem to recall it happened in the '91 World Series.

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