I’m in a pickle

The Great Pickle Experiment has reached an important milestone, as I've transferred both jars now to the fridge. Success! These pickles are delicious, and stupid easy to make.

The recipe is due to Cathy Barrow at the New York Times and is simplicity itself. In its essence: soak cukes in cold water for half an hour. Stuff them into clean quart jars. Add some spices. Cover with cooled brine and let sit for at least three days at room temperature. Enjoy!

On the left, the jar that was in the fridge over night. On the right, the jar that sat out an extra day. Note the slight scum of magical microorganisms on the surface of the right-hand jar's liquid. Do Not Fear The Scum. Most of it will crash when refrigerated, and it won't hurt you anyway.

copyright the wgom.org. some rights reserved

And here is the finished product. This was one of the smaller, whole cukes. Nice crunch, good but not excessive tang. Definitely needs garlic, which I forgotted. But I will be doing these regularly from here on out. Soo easy, sooo good.

copyright the wgom.org. some rights reserved

7 thoughts on “I’m in a pickle”

  1. One of the great problems in the Twin Cities. Cucumbers are ridiculously huge in the store. Ridiculous.

  2. theses are Kirby cukes. pretty standard for pickling. don't use the regular store cukes.

    1. next dw is going to describe cheaptoy's prize beers as looking just like MGD. πŸ˜‰

  3. Do you just leave the pickles in the same jar once you put 'em in the fridge? Sheenie's were ready today and I think I preferred the sour ones.

    1. same jar. one, I skimmed some stuff off the top first. the other, I did not bother skimming again. the cold made that stuff crash anyway.

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