55 thoughts on “Coffee and Chicory – August 12”

    1. For reasons I don't understand, to some people home runs don't seem to count as "clutch hits". I guess it would've been better if those guys had hit singles to the opposite field or something.

  1. O.k. here it is, the greatest pre-sale opportunity ever. You can thank me later:

    Donny and Marie: A Christmas in Minneapolis -- December 21st Target Center.

    Presale at 10:00a August 13. Code: TCXMAS

  2. So, it's been a bit of an inside joke to the Runner family that if I mow my lawn, the elderly neighbor next door mows his lawn ½ hour later. Well, Saturday I mowed all but about ten minutes of the lawn (ran out of gas; usually I can get two mowings per tank) and sure enough, the mower starts up next door. I ran out Sunday afternoon and finished the rest of the mowing, and the neighbor starts mowing again. Now it's not so funny and is a little worrisome.

    1. Do you live 2 houses down from my sister? They have a similar neighbor. Only he's not elderly.

    2. My brother's neighbor is a touch crazy. She will follow him with a leaf blower and a rake to sweep his clippings off her lawn. Did I say a touch crazy? I mean batshit nuts.

  3. Re: Last night's Breaking Bad

    Spoiler SelectShow
    1. Oh, I really, really, really want to read that spoiler, but because I don't have cable / haven't seen the episode I just can't pull the trigger.

        1. "Blue, yellow, pink, whatever man โ€” just keep bringing me that!โ€

          Wife and I just started Season 1 - up through Episode 7 - last night.

    2. Spoiler SelectShow
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    3. Spoiler SelectShow
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          1. I'm only about 4 epsiodes in to the first half of season 5. Maybe me, you, and philo can talk about how we can't read what everyone else wrote.

            Spoiler SelectShow
            1. I think the worst part is:

              Spoiler SelectShow
                1. Season 5 in particular. I felt like I knew where they were headed, and just wanted them to get there. Episode 5 - 8 took me where I wanted to go.

                    1. I enjoyed parts of the first quarter, but wasn't really feeling it. Part of the problem for me is skylar's story line. I'm not really feeling it.

  4. I highly doubt he would ever end up on a jury, but cool that he was there.

    1. In a jury trial last fall, one member of our jury panel (who ended up being a peremptory strike) was a very prominent member in the Twins organization.

    2. I recently finished serving on an 11-day medical malpractice trial. First time I've ever even been called to be a potential juror in 13 years of being eligible. My main takeaway was that I never want to be involved in a lawsuit.

      1. My dad was recently on a jury in a case where the defendant was a convicted felon who admitted giving one of his friends a gun and ammunition. The friend later shot himself. The defendant was charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm.

        The prosecution had a confession given by this guy, who turned himself in. There were no issues with respect to admissability of the evidence. The defense called no witnesses and basically said only that the prosecution had to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

        One of the jurors refused to convict. He "had his doubts!" In the face of a stipulated felon conviction and an uncoerced admission that he had a gun (videotaped in a squad car when the defendant was not under arrest and sought out the officer to give his admission, meanwhile correctly describing the firearm that was already in the possession of the authorities), he refused to vote guilty.

        Hung jury. My dad was livid.

          1. A judge can't convict a person if the jury won't. Judge can go the opposite way, though.

        1. I'm sure I'd be just as livid in the same situation. On my jury, there were some who had doubts about this or that smaller point, but they were willing to listen to the other jurors and in the end the verdict was unanimous (though we only needed 10 of 12 to reach a verdict in this case.) In the end, I thought the case was clear in favor of the defendant, while at the same time I sympathized with the plaintiffs and from their perspective I can see why they filed the case.

          One of my fellow jurors had a similar story. He said he'd been on a jury in Chicago for a robbery case where the defendant was shown on video robbing a convenience store at gunpoint and 3 of the 5 witnesses testified that the defendant was the guy on the tape. Two of the jurors wouldn't vote guilty, but wouldn't even say why.

    1. I saw this on my Twitter feed, flipped over to MLB.com for the look in, and saw a replay of an Astro taking him deep.

    1. Next thing you know someone's gonna say something about the runestone...
      Or some artifact Paul Bunyan left behind.

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