Saturday MLB Playoffs: All AL Action, All The Time!

Tampa - Boston 4:35
Detroit - Oakland 8:07

How about TMBG "Twisting" played on the Cincinnati organ pre-game 9/17?

48 thoughts on “Saturday MLB Playoffs: All AL Action, All The Time!”

    1. Stop trying to foist colored pants onto us!
      I saw what you twittered about brown pants on the Browns, now this?

      I can think of very few instances when in pro football or major-league baseball, colored pants are better than white (or grey or tan):
      1. Jacksonville Jaguars uniforms from a few years ago: all Black.
      2. Current San Diego Chargers: white uniforms with Navy pants (but with big white bolt-panels on the sides).
      2a. Not sure about the Titans.
      3. Steelers and Packers can wear yellow pants.

      Notice anything about my list? No baseball teams.

      1. I think the brown/brown/orange trim looked good. But as a rule, Im not a fan of the monochrome pants/jersey
        like when the Vikings wear purple pants...ew

        1. Vikings should never wear purple pants.
          One of the many teams to look good in all white.
          Of course, maybe I'm just a baseball fan trying to apply his preferred sport's aesthetics to other sports.

  1. critics say "this Postseason has no stars!!!"
    here Verlander doing his thing on a Saturday night in Primetime.

  2. I see 'Gray' pitching and all I can think of is 'Jeff Gray really turned it around. good for him."

  3. did anyone else have flashback of ii on the ground and runners running around the bases?

    1. Gosh yeah.
      How far does Leyland let Verlander go in the postseason?
      If he's not out there for the eighth, Vogt's third K of the night could be the one that won the game.

        1. Back when Leyland was a boy, men were men and started 40 times in 43 games, and finished them all, too.
          Well, times have changed. When in Rome...

  4. I so want the A's to come in and win this off Smyly (or whomever) here.
    I want Vogt's epic AB to be the thing.
    I wish I could watch this on TV.

    1. Verlander + 1.0 IP + 1BB - 1K = Gray.
      The Twins scored 6 runs on the guy in the last two weeks of the season (two games).

  5. The A's figured out, or at just proved, that the Tigers' soft underbelly is their bullpen. The A's finished just behind the Tigers in offense despite having a much worse home ballpark to hit in, so if they get to the bullpen in a tie game, I would say the A's have the advantage.

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