107 thoughts on “December 12, 2013: Because Travelling”

      1. Not THAT way, you haven't. His slide position would have his hand hitting the bell any time he tries to go past second position. And his grip hand offers little support.

          1. a person can play "bell down" just like a person can bat cow-handed, it's just different, but to do so you can't have the slide angled so close to the bell. it'd be like shooting a gun when you have a finger behind the trigger.

  1. Hey, my sister's wifi is back up! Last night was a ton of fun with regulars from both sites. Hopefully Saturday can work and more people can get out.

      1. Me: "Where are you staying tonight?"
        Spooky: "Not really sure...should probably figure that out, huh?"
        Me: "Probably."

        -30 mins later-

        Me: "You figure out where you're staying tonight?"
        Spooky: "My sister works early, but said she'll leave the door open."
        Me: "Cool. Where's she live?"
        Spooky: "Not sure. She said she was like 5 minutes away."
        Me: "Nice - I can drop you on my way."

        -40 mins later-

        Me: "Alright, what's her address?"
        Spooky flashes me the phone: XXX Something Ln. EAGAN...
        Me: "Dude. Eagan!?...that's like the opposite side of the Cities."
        AMR: "Is that more on your way or mine?"
        Me: "Well, it's East of here, so kinda mine...but Southeast rather than Northeast. You're West so."
        Spooky: "....."

        -55 mins later-

        Me: (to myself) "Sh!t. She must have meant 5 minutes from the airport..."

    1. Pictures or it didn't happen.

      What are Saturday's plans? That may be a possibility for me, especially if it is relatively close and lasts late.

      1. I wasn't joking when I said a gathering with you at the roller derby would be great (I've enjoyed myself every time I've attended). Still, I'll defer to spooky since he has the most difficult schedule (but also suggest the Lowbrow or Pat's Tap if we're gathering at a bar).

        1. I'll have to figure out what's happening with the Roller Derby. A group of friends are going and we were invited. Not sure if we will make it due to wife's health issues. If we did, we'd probably have to leave earlyish, depending on how many tanks of oxygen we bring. That's why I could do something later if it was close, after I put the better half to bed.

          I'll figure this out tonight and send out the deets.

            1. I agree, I don't really want to be responsible however since I won't necessarily be there. Take the Bull by the Horns Will and make it so!

  2. I am cooking a benefit meal for somewhere between 300-600 people today. One of my favorite hockey moms up here is battling Multiple Myeloma very bravely and our hockey association is throwing a big benefit to show our support. It is one of those situations in which your heart both breaks for what the family is going through, and for the incredible efforts of those who are rallying around the family. My emotions have been bouncing all over as we prepare this event. Cooking up about 350 pounds of pulled pork.

    1. glad to see you around, zoooooooomx, even if because this bittersweet event reason. Good luck to her, and kudos to you for pitching in. Plus, pulled pork!!!!!111one1111!!!

      1. Fed about 600 people. Raised well over $12000. Great night, great cause. I will try harder not to be a stranger bS!

  3. still think videos are getting a disproportionate percentage of the homepage; if they're going to have their own column on the right, can they be excluded from the center posts? it's still a hella lot of scrolling to find recent posts, particularly with the larger images and extra white space

    1. it's still a hella lot of scrolling to find recent posts, particularly with the larger images and extra white space


  4. Hmmm... when I'm at home the font here is nice and readable. When I'm at work it's a blocky monstrosity that hurts my eyes. At both places I'm using Windows 7 and Firefox. Any ideas as to why this might be?

        1. This will be more difficult to figure out why. Are you using the SSL version of the site? That shouldn't matter since both images on this page are also using SSL, but just need to check. Second would be checking if the image is there in the HTML and not loading or if it's being filtered.

      1. given the vista, I'm guessing that the best he can do is to try to get his daisywheel printer to print out some sort of depiction.

        1. i could be trying to use the IE7 on our computers.

          even better, judging by the windows 7 sticker on my computer, this thing was even downgraded.

          1. I blame the nesting. It's a teensy bit hard to make out the levels.

            also, another call for the alternating colors.

        1. That looks really bad. Can you check the inspector to see which font it is? If you don't know how to do that, here's how. Right-click on some text and select "Inspect Element (Q)". Something should pop up, I think docked to the bottom of your screen. You should see a tab named "Fonts"; click it and you will see what font you're using. You can list it here or take a screenshot again.

          1. @font-face {
            font-family: "Lato";
            font-style: normal;
            font-weight: 400;
            src: local("Lato Regular"), local("Lato-Regular"), url("https://themes.googleusercontent.com/static/fonts/lato/v7/9k-RPmcnxYEPm8CNFsH2gg.woff") format("woff");

              1. The google page looks good. And like I said, same set up at home and it looks fine there.

                Actually, my setup at work involves always using a remote desktop. I went back to my local machine and tried there and... it looks fine. So this is just a glitch in my remote machine. Weird.

                1. Actually, I found a spot on the Google page that looks like this as well, so it must be an external issue.

                  1. I did a search for Lato font and downloaded it. It still looks a little funny, but it's much more readable now.

    1. seems to depend on the machine/setup. I've gotten big windows and small ones, depending on machine (home vs. office) so far. [or maybe I'm mistaken, and the difference is whether I clicked the Superpower edit button above -- available to Poobah-enabled rights holders? -- or the edit button below?? ...checks. Yup, that's the difference for me. NEVER MIND ME.]

    1. I think the Twins fan vote is only a small percentage. I hope the other components aren't so misguided.

      If Gladden gets in, the WASTE can't be too far behind.

        1. Was thinking something oddly similar, but more, "where the hell does he find this quirky internet stuff?"

  5. LEN3 reporting that Sano won't need surgery (yay!! or is it not yet?) and the Twins have upped offer to Pelfrey for 2/$12M (really? Are we bidding against ourselves?).

    1. The Twins are likely bidding against 1-year offers for Pelfrey. I don't think 2/$12M would be crazy for Pelfrey.

    2. My post below is from yesterday, when Terry Ryan said, he'll be examined later this month. Now, LENIII is reporting that he has been examined. Huh? I hope LENIII is right.

  6. Maybe some things have changed with Twins, but some things have not changed.

    Ryan, who wouldn't pin a specific date for Sano to be checked out, said it's too early to rule out elbow surgery.

    "I don't have any thoughts one way or another quite yet," Ryan said. "It's too early for me. I'm not hiding or skating. I just haven't got enough information to tell you exactly where he's at, but I should in the near future."

    Let's just sit around until March and then have the surgery.

  7. Sheenie's in NOLA visiting parents for the weekend, so today was my first of a few nights baching it. I've managed to install malware on my laptop that took two-plus hours to remove and, after finally solving that problem, spill milk all over the dining room. I'm glad I can always remind myself quickly just how useless I am alone.

    1. I thought I felt a disturbance in the force. I'm smoking a brisket for festivus tomorrow if she needs an out.

      1. That sounds incredible, but I think her mother had already planned her every meal (the visit was a surprise to her dad).

    2. I'd like to know how you installed malware instead of Skype. Skype is owned by Microsoft, so there shouldn't have been any fishy links on the downloads page.

  8. with Ron Coomer leaving FSN for the Cubs Radio booth, I wonder if that means more Tim Laudner next year? (I hope the answer is no)

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