I had a coughing fit after typing the date and apparently didn't find my way back to it. There's little doubt for me left that this is my third bout with bronchitis. It isn't changing or going away. It's just here and it's driving me crazy.
I had something similar in the week leading up to Christmas. I had to sleep on the couch for a week because I my coughing was keeping Linds up.
It didn't really go away until a few days ago.
It's carnival time, and everybody's having fun.
Oh, sure, we keep the DJ away from his duties for too long, and he starts posting videos in the CoC!
12th night comes but once a year. I'll be drinking a celebration stout and watching the phunny phorty.
I love Mardi Gras music.
Ugh, last night on the way home from curling my car kept losing its ability to remain at highway speeds. I'm really, really hoping the diesel was just a bit gelled because of the cold instead of something broken in the turbocharger.
Well, the good news is that my brain reminded me that I may have done poor job of reconnecting the hose to the intercooler that I had to remove to change the serpentine belt a month ago. Bad news is that it's way too cold to do anything about it tonight.
Akin to the birthday discussion from yesterday, I looked up to see if any baseball players died as my spirit was entering this world. Turns out, there was. Pat Veltman was a journeyman, totaling 38 at bats over 6 seasons.
While doing my search, I looked up a list of the oldest baseball players still alive. Connie Marrero is 102 years old. His final season he was teammates with an 18 year-old Harmon Killebrew.
Closest death preceding my birth was Jim Lyle, who's only major-league experience were the last three innings of the Senators' last game of 1925.
No, he was not a lefty. Why do you ask?
Arnie Portocarrero died the day I was born. He's one of 19 pitchers to hit a triple in one of his first two career games. He's also one of 18 pitchers to not allow a run in his first 3 home starts of a season since 1919.
Nobody died on the same day as I was born, but one major leaguer had almost the exactly the same name: The Royals' best all-time player's brother and I shared the same first and middle names as well was the same first two letters and last letter of our last names.
Stickand B. Gully was George Brett's brother? ?
No one died the day I was born (and so far, no one was born either). The Twins drafted Kirby Puckett the day before I was born. Chet Falk was the last player to die before I was born.
Not only did Rogers Hornsbry die on my day of birth, Jeff Fassero was born on the same day!
So far no major leaguer was born on the day I was born, either. So far.
I've only found Jake Brown as having died the day I was born, so only a marginal big leaguer for me. As for the opposite end, I've found Jeremy Accardo (unfortunately not a starter. Would have been great to have shared a birthday with a "Jeremy") as having been born the same day.
It appears that no big leaguers died on the day I was born. Two were born that day, and while they're not Hall of Famers or anything they weren't half bad: Glenn Wilson and George Wright.
William "Chink" Outen, who caught part of the '33 season for the Dodgers, died on my birthday. Pretty much the same height and weight as me, too.
My birthday is sandwiched within 5 days either way between former Twins Roy Smith and Chris Pittaro.
new Twins player autographed baseball card acquisition Ryan Eades
Given the cold, this cartoon gave me a laugh this morning.
I cannot claim to be wearing only one.
The upside of being sick today, is that I didn't have to go outside.
Aw, feel better soon. I hope you're at least well enough to throw a cup of water outside and watch it turn to steam. I brought some bubble stuff to work so I can blow bubbles and see them freeze when I venture outside at some point today.
I took the kids outside (well, they stood inside and watched from the doorway) a bit ago to do that. It was just so-so. Lots of water hit the ground.
That's why you use a super soaker instead.
I spent much of the weekend preparing for the cold snap -- grocery shopping, buying beer, putting up the last window kits, splitting wood, putting insulated covers on outdoor faucets, filling the cars with gas, checking all the fluids, straightening up the garage, etc. Got four new tires on the truck (way overdue, they were down to 3/32 of tread) and checked pressure on the van (all four tires were @ 5-10 lbs low). Got propane for the garage heater, dragged out the battery charger to keep a trickle charge going overnight, I'm telling you, I was set. Then I got an email last night that they were closing the office today and we should all just work from home. Oy. At least I got to watch the Packers get beat in what turned out to be a pretty entertaining game.
Runner daughter posted a pic from EPCOT this morning, while I walked her dog in -8°F this morning.
We have friends who are stranded in the Virgin Islands. They were supposed to fly home yesterday, but so many flights have been cancelled they can't get back until Tuesday. There's a 100 degree difference between here and there today.
It's First Monday already? Sh!t!
well, I actually read a book this month (almost two!), so I should have a post up later today.
There is a cottage industry in the Twin Cities related to days off of school. On this unscheduled day off, gymnastics places and the like are having open gym days. My daughter, who could not go to school because of the cold, is now out bowling. $2.00 per line special! ($3.00 for the shoes.)
This is not how life was 40 years ago in SBGville, is what I'm saying.
Snow forts! Tunnel complexes not seen since the days of Stalag 13!
Exactly. We'd be out in the elements until we couldn't take it.
and probably some time past when you couldn't take it, unless mom preemptively called us in for hot chocolate.
I remember playing a lot of tackle football with neighborhood kids in the parking lot of the Congregational church across the street on cold days or snow days. Sure, there was asphalt under the snow, but I never remember hitting it too hard, because snowpants.
Winters Past
I keenly recall
the stinging pain of
feet finally regaining
blood circulation.
On snow days, it was watch Price is Right, then nuke some SpaghettiOs, then either go sledding or skating or build snow forts. No babysitter required (little did I know is that my parents couldnt really afford child care)
Of course times are different
Fox and geese trails in the yard
I'm working from home today. I watched The Price is Right. I think I'm going to take a nap in 10 minutes or so. I'm so glad I don't have to leave the house today.
Madison is currently 143°F colder than the hottest temperature I can remember my unit's meteorology team observing in Iraq. I prefer this.
Thief River Falls, the coldest place I've ever lived, was showing a temp of -26°F when I looked half an hour ago.
One huge reason why here is better is because in a couple of days the temperatures here will moderate.
my stomping grounds, not too far from TRF, had a -29°F this morning
120+ is just too damn hot.
Aye. Comprehension of that level of sustained heat finally hit me when we went on a dismounted patrol and, when I looked behind me, I could see my tracks in the asphalt, as if I were walking on hot, black, tarry snow.
I spent a couple of days in the Phoenix area one summer working on B/C loaders in the shop at our proving grounds. It was about 120 degrees and the shop doors were open because no air conditioning. I went outside in that blazing sun a few times. Man. We were warned not touch anything outside.
We took a vacation at a one of those vacation condos in Palm Springs. We did it during the offseason, which is the middle of summer. It was routinely 115-118 degrees. We wondered why the swimming pools were heated before figuring out they were just heated up by the sun. The hot tubs felt like they were on and the actual swimming pools were tepid.
Griffin has holes in his game. But, he's six years younger and doesn't need to have the ball all the time to be effective. The Clippers have Chris Paul. Why on earth would they want to sub out Griffin for Anthony?
I know Donald Sterling is a buffoon, but this trade talk (even if its the thinnest of rumor) makes zero sense.
If the Clippers acquired Anthony in a trade, they'd still presumably have to pony up $130 million over the next five seasons to retain him. As discussed above, the Clippers would have Anthony's Bird Rights if they traded for him. So they'd be able to exceed the salary cap to sign him.
But they would also have to pay a significant luxury tax bill to keep him around.
Plus, Anthony is almost 30. He's on the downward side of his career and they'd have to pay him $130 million to stop the ball when they have Chris Paul. Just no way on this. Griffin is 24 and signed for the next three seasons at a lower rate. I think the Knicks should pay that $130 million.
The key, unanswerable question: if the trade were to happen, would the Clips be more likable, or less?
That's a tough one. I really dislike Griffin, but I also really dislike Anthony. I feel like they would get more likeable, though, because of the tv ad factor.
speaking of tv adverts, is there a worse (non-misogyny category) ad campaign on tv right now than the Dr. Dre headphones adverts with KG and Kaepernick? I'm a manimamanimaman. Pseuod "fans" spitting and throwing eggs? Ugh.
Hmm, never seen that one what with not having cable anymore. I looked it up on the tube and watched the KG director's cut version (Note: Do no watch the director's cut version). Yeeeeeah, that's pretty embarrassing. That's even worse than Chris/Cliff Paul.
(ok, go watch the director's cut because they added racism to the pseudo fans.)
I think it's something that KG can still get commercials even after he's retired.
You do realize you're quoting a Chris Broussard story, right?
Predictably, Doc Rivers called the rumors "stupid."
Yeah, I do know.
In my defense, Mempis is one of my favorite cities.
edited to add: I'm sure Broussard's "league sources" are on the Knicks payroll. This is one of those selling of hope stories from NYK, so it amuses me and Broussard does have an editor, so it's the 4ltr operation and not just Broussard on the hook for this one.
Kevin love is a great player and seems like a good guy. But he needs to improve his timing when talking to the media. Complaining about the bench after missing 4 free throws in the last 30 seconds?
Two of the last three games have seen the bench score 5 points. FIVE. Yeah, the timing is odd, but I cut him a little slack.
Right now, its basically Love and Pek for 30, Martin for 20 and luck into 25 other points.
He'd already played 43 minutes by that point, too, primarily because the bench sucks.
The Timberwolves bench = Drew Butera.
plus they can't pitch
I thought his comments were pretty measured. And oh boy does this bench suck. The only guy that can score is Barea and he's just as likely to stink the joint out as he is to make a solid contribution on any given night.
His timing is terrible. His complaints are justified.
Ok. I can go along with that.
Complaining about the bench after missing 4 free throws in the last 30 seconds?
...After playing way too many minutes (43) because the bench is terrible.
I win by a nose!
No one will be believe me, but I actually had my letter typed and ready to submit for a good two to three minutes but got distracted by another tab. Either way, that's a lot of damn minutes for a guy who plays like Love does.
No one will be believe me, but I've actually been using this polar vortex to time travel. And read minds. 😉
No one will be believe me, but I actually had my letter typed and ready to submit for a good two to three minutes
who do you think we take you for, spooky?
Good news for the bench:
Ronny has been activated for tonight, so he's available to play for first since getting hurt Nov. 1 vs OKC— Jerry Zgoda (@JerryZgoda) January 6, 2014
I didn't realize Worley is out of options. It seems like it'd be nice to stash him in Rochester to start the season, just to see if he improves, but I wouldn't be totally optimistic about plugging him into the rotation.
I hope they could keep a couple of those guys in middle relief. The twins will need sixth and seventh starters.
That wouldn't be the worst outcome.
Hughes was a really good setup man, but I doubt the Twins gave him that deal to be a reliever, at least not until he fails as a starter.
I was thinking of the incumbents.
I braved the cold on Saturday night to attend the opening of local artist Daniel Buettner at Rosalux Gallery. Ended up buying this beautiful little painting. (I now have two of his.)
I dig it. Beautiful definitely is the cromulent word.
Dido. Cool piece, bootsy.
needs a basket on the handlebars. For ET.
Do. Not. Want.
Thank you.
How about a basket on the ground below with ET splayed out all gray with a streak of red wandering away from him.
Paging meat.
Very nice. Post-modern Magritte?
did we discuss this list already? Best movies of the year, from the New Yorker.
It's a good movie that plays with your expectations so much the whole way that you expect at some time it will turn into a bad movie or at least with the predictable ending making a point or something, and then it doesn't. I watched it through my fingers (figuratively) not afraid of a disgusting graphic scene but of a scene that would ruined the whole thing for me, or at least allow me to categorize and compartmentalize.
The only other Korine film I've seen is Kids. Maybe I should re-evaluate that, too.
Well, I just got done fixing up a burst pipe, so we have water again. Now, I just need to dry up the walls and floor and sheetrock at some point. I like the winter less than usual right now.
The deep-well dual-handle snow slider is a classic.
What section did they come from?
Not sure. They're from the Home Run Porch, but beyond that it's impossible to say.
For those adept with baseball-reference...
At one point in the past I was able to search single-season platoon splits by position. I remember the top 10 results being behind the subscription wall. Either way, I can't even find that page now.
The Batting Split Finder? Choosing Defensive Position from the Split Type allows filtering for a single position or all positions.
But it's an either or. Pick platoon in split finder or defensive position. Not both. Like, best seasons by right handed catchers against left handed pitchers, sorted by OPS
Edit: The final tally isn't limited to the split PAs unfortunately.
By a fluke of compound discounting, my wife picked up a 7 pound prime rib for just 25 bucks. It's in the oven right now. Salad and baked potatoes on the side, and a little cabernet to wash it down. That's the way to roll in 20 below.
Our below zero meal tonight will be Omaha Steak chicken cordon bleu and potatoes au gratin with some our our neighboring wine region's finest to wash it down.
We had the Wisconsin-style bành mí I wrote up here a while back.
I undrafted your C'oC and gave it life, Spoons.
Sunspot 1944, the largest in over 10 years
I had a coughing fit after typing the date and apparently didn't find my way back to it. There's little doubt for me left that this is my third bout with bronchitis. It isn't changing or going away. It's just here and it's driving me crazy.
I had something similar in the week leading up to Christmas. I had to sleep on the couch for a week because I my coughing was keeping Linds up.
It didn't really go away until a few days ago.
It's carnival time, and everybody's having fun.
Oh, sure, we keep the DJ away from his duties for too long, and he starts posting videos in the CoC!
12th night comes but once a year. I'll be drinking a celebration stout and watching the phunny phorty.
I love Mardi Gras music.
Ugh, last night on the way home from curling my car kept losing its ability to remain at highway speeds. I'm really, really hoping the diesel was just a bit gelled because of the cold instead of something broken in the turbocharger.
Well, the good news is that my brain reminded me that I may have done poor job of reconnecting the hose to the intercooler that I had to remove to change the serpentine belt a month ago. Bad news is that it's way too cold to do anything about it tonight.
Akin to the birthday discussion from yesterday, I looked up to see if any baseball players died as my spirit was entering this world. Turns out, there was. Pat Veltman was a journeyman, totaling 38 at bats over 6 seasons.
While doing my search, I looked up a list of the oldest baseball players still alive. Connie Marrero is 102 years old. His final season he was teammates with an 18 year-old Harmon Killebrew.
Closest death preceding my birth was Jim Lyle, who's only major-league experience were the last three innings of the Senators' last game of 1925.
No, he was not a lefty. Why do you ask?
Arnie Portocarrero died the day I was born. He's one of 19 pitchers to hit a triple in one of his first two career games. He's also one of 18 pitchers to not allow a run in his first 3 home starts of a season since 1919.
Nobody died on the same day as I was born, but one major leaguer had almost the exactly the same name: The Royals' best all-time player's brother and I shared the same first and middle names as well was the same first two letters and last letter of our last names.
Stickand B. Gully was George Brett's brother? ?
No one died the day I was born (and so far, no one was born either). The Twins drafted Kirby Puckett the day before I was born. Chet Falk was the last player to die before I was born.
Not only did Rogers Hornsbry die on my day of birth, Jeff Fassero was born on the same day!
So far no major leaguer was born on the day I was born, either. So far.
I've only found Jake Brown as having died the day I was born, so only a marginal big leaguer for me. As for the opposite end, I've found Jeremy Accardo (unfortunately not a starter. Would have been great to have shared a birthday with a "Jeremy") as having been born the same day.
It appears that no big leaguers died on the day I was born. Two were born that day, and while they're not Hall of Famers or anything they weren't half bad: Glenn Wilson and George Wright.
William "Chink" Outen, who caught part of the '33 season for the Dodgers, died on my birthday. Pretty much the same height and weight as me, too.
My birthday is sandwiched within 5 days either way between former Twins Roy Smith and Chris Pittaro.
new Twins player autographed baseball card acquisition

Ryan Eades
Given the cold, this cartoon gave me a laugh this morning.
I cannot claim to be wearing only one.
The upside of being sick today, is that I didn't have to go outside.
Aw, feel better soon. I hope you're at least well enough to throw a cup of water outside and watch it turn to steam. I brought some bubble stuff to work so I can blow bubbles and see them freeze when I venture outside at some point today.
I took the kids outside (well, they stood inside and watched from the doorway) a bit ago to do that. It was just so-so. Lots of water hit the ground.
That's why you use a super soaker instead.
I spent much of the weekend preparing for the cold snap -- grocery shopping, buying beer, putting up the last window kits, splitting wood, putting insulated covers on outdoor faucets, filling the cars with gas, checking all the fluids, straightening up the garage, etc. Got four new tires on the truck (way overdue, they were down to 3/32 of tread) and checked pressure on the van (all four tires were @ 5-10 lbs low). Got propane for the garage heater, dragged out the battery charger to keep a trickle charge going overnight, I'm telling you, I was set. Then I got an email last night that they were closing the office today and we should all just work from home. Oy. At least I got to watch the Packers get beat in what turned out to be a pretty entertaining game.
Runner daughter posted a pic from EPCOT this morning, while I walked her dog in -8°F this morning.
We have friends who are stranded in the Virgin Islands. They were supposed to fly home yesterday, but so many flights have been cancelled they can't get back until Tuesday. There's a 100 degree difference between here and there today.
It's First Monday already? Sh!t!
well, I actually read a book this month (almost two!), so I should have a post up later today.
There is a cottage industry in the Twin Cities related to days off of school. On this unscheduled day off, gymnastics places and the like are having open gym days. My daughter, who could not go to school because of the cold, is now out bowling. $2.00 per line special! ($3.00 for the shoes.)
This is not how life was 40 years ago in SBGville, is what I'm saying.
Snow forts! Tunnel complexes not seen since the days of Stalag 13!
Exactly. We'd be out in the elements until we couldn't take it.
and probably some time past when you couldn't take it, unless mom preemptively called us in for hot chocolate.
I remember playing a lot of tackle football with neighborhood kids in the parking lot of the Congregational church across the street on cold days or snow days. Sure, there was asphalt under the snow, but I never remember hitting it too hard, because snowpants.
Winters Past
I keenly recall
the stinging pain of
feet finally regaining
blood circulation.
On snow days, it was watch Price is Right, then nuke some SpaghettiOs, then either go sledding or skating or build snow forts. No babysitter required (little did I know is that my parents couldnt really afford child care)
Of course times are different
Fox and geese trails in the yard
I'm working from home today. I watched The Price is Right. I think I'm going to take a nap in 10 minutes or so. I'm so glad I don't have to leave the house today.
Madison is currently 143°F colder than the hottest temperature I can remember my unit's meteorology team observing in Iraq. I prefer this.
Thief River Falls, the coldest place I've ever lived, was showing a temp of -26°F when I looked half an hour ago.
One huge reason why here is better is because in a couple of days the temperatures here will moderate.
my stomping grounds, not too far from TRF, had a -29°F this morning
120+ is just too damn hot.
Aye. Comprehension of that level of sustained heat finally hit me when we went on a dismounted patrol and, when I looked behind me, I could see my tracks in the asphalt, as if I were walking on hot, black, tarry snow.
I spent a couple of days in the Phoenix area one summer working on B/C loaders in the shop at our proving grounds. It was about 120 degrees and the shop doors were open because no air conditioning. I went outside in that blazing sun a few times. Man. We were warned not touch anything outside.
We took a vacation at a one of those vacation condos in Palm Springs. We did it during the offseason, which is the middle of summer. It was routinely 115-118 degrees. We wondered why the swimming pools were heated before figuring out they were just heated up by the sun. The hot tubs felt like they were on and the actual swimming pools were tepid.
So, if I'm the Clippers, my internal discussions about a Blake Griffin for Carmelo Anthony swap would begin and end with the following phrase: No effing way.
Griffin has holes in his game. But, he's six years younger and doesn't need to have the ball all the time to be effective. The Clippers have Chris Paul. Why on earth would they want to sub out Griffin for Anthony?
I know Donald Sterling is a buffoon, but this trade talk (even if its the thinnest of rumor) makes zero sense.
Plus, Anthony is almost 30. He's on the downward side of his career and they'd have to pay him $130 million to stop the ball when they have Chris Paul. Just no way on this. Griffin is 24 and signed for the next three seasons at a lower rate. I think the Knicks should pay that $130 million.
The key, unanswerable question: if the trade were to happen, would the Clips be more likable, or less?
That's a tough one. I really dislike Griffin, but I also really dislike Anthony. I feel like they would get more likeable, though, because of the tv ad factor.
speaking of tv adverts, is there a worse (non-misogyny category) ad campaign on tv right now than the Dr. Dre headphones adverts with KG and Kaepernick? I'm a manimamanimaman. Pseuod "fans" spitting and throwing eggs? Ugh.
Hmm, never seen that one what with not having cable anymore. I looked it up on the tube and watched the KG director's cut version (Note: Do no watch the director's cut version). Yeeeeeah, that's pretty embarrassing. That's even worse than Chris/Cliff Paul.
(ok, go watch the director's cut because they added racism to the pseudo fans.)
I think it's something that KG can still get commercials even after he's retired.
You do realize you're quoting a Chris Broussard story, right?

Predictably, Doc Rivers called the rumors "stupid."
Yeah, I do know.
In my defense, Mempis is one of my favorite cities.
edited to add: I'm sure Broussard's "league sources" are on the Knicks payroll. This is one of those selling of hope stories from NYK, so it amuses me and Broussard does have an editor, so it's the 4ltr operation and not just Broussard on the hook for this one.
Kevin love is a great player and seems like a good guy. But he needs to improve his timing when talking to the media. Complaining about the bench after missing 4 free throws in the last 30 seconds?
Two of the last three games have seen the bench score 5 points. FIVE. Yeah, the timing is odd, but I cut him a little slack.
Right now, its basically Love and Pek for 30, Martin for 20 and luck into 25 other points.
He'd already played 43 minutes by that point, too, primarily because the bench sucks.
The Timberwolves bench = Drew Butera.
plus they can't pitch
I thought his comments were pretty measured. And oh boy does this bench suck. The only guy that can score is Barea and he's just as likely to stink the joint out as he is to make a solid contribution on any given night.
His timing is terrible. His complaints are justified.
Ok. I can go along with that.
Complaining about the bench after missing 4 free throws in the last 30 seconds?
...After playing way too many minutes (43) because the bench is terrible.
I win by a nose!
No one will be believe me, but I actually had my letter typed and ready to submit for a good two to three minutes but got distracted by another tab. Either way, that's a lot of damn minutes for a guy who plays like Love does.
No one will be believe me, but I've actually been using this polar vortex to time travel. And read minds. 😉
who do you think we take you for, spooky?
Good news for the bench:
Twins still in on Johan and other Twins talk.
I didn't realize Worley is out of options. It seems like it'd be nice to stash him in Rochester to start the season, just to see if he improves, but I wouldn't be totally optimistic about plugging him into the rotation.
I hope they could keep a couple of those guys in middle relief. The twins will need sixth and seventh starters.
That wouldn't be the worst outcome.
Hughes was a really good setup man, but I doubt the Twins gave him that deal to be a reliever, at least not until he fails as a starter.
I was thinking of the incumbents.
I braved the cold on Saturday night to attend the opening of local artist Daniel Buettner at Rosalux Gallery. Ended up buying this beautiful little painting. (I now have two of his.)

I dig it. Beautiful definitely is the cromulent word.
Dido. Cool piece, bootsy.
needs a basket on the handlebars. For ET.
Do. Not. Want.
Thank you.
How about a basket on the ground below with ET splayed out all gray with a streak of red wandering away from him.
Paging meat.
Very nice. Post-modern Magritte?
did we discuss this list already? Best movies of the year, from the New Yorker.
I didn't see Gravity.
In space, Hope Floats.
Actually, it was pretty entertaining. But
I heard a year end movie review show on my favorite librul podcast. Everyone on the show said
Ctrl + F, "Spring Breakers" ... no results. 🙁 They even mention The Bling Ring!
A lot of movies in this list that I need to see yet, my top 3 before seeing everything is Spring Breakers, The Place Beyond the Pines, Frances Ha.
I think those were all tied for first on Hulk's list.
It's hard to read that but those were some good comments on Spring Breakers.
The only other Korine film I've seen is Kids. Maybe I should re-evaluate that, too.
Well, I just got done fixing up a burst pipe, so we have water again. Now, I just need to dry up the walls and floor and sheetrock at some point. I like the winter less than usual right now.
Mission Accomplished
Nice selection of shovels.
The deep-well dual-handle snow slider is a classic.
What section did they come from?
Not sure. They're from the Home Run Porch, but beyond that it's impossible to say.
For those adept with baseball-reference...
At one point in the past I was able to search single-season platoon splits by position. I remember the top 10 results being behind the subscription wall. Either way, I can't even find that page now.
The Batting Split Finder? Choosing Defensive Position from the Split Type allows filtering for a single position or all positions.
But it's an either or. Pick platoon in split finder or defensive position. Not both. Like, best seasons by right handed catchers against left handed pitchers, sorted by OPS
There's also the standard Batting Season Finder. That one can use any saved search. Here's something that might resemble what you wanted.
Edit: The final tally isn't limited to the split PAs unfortunately.
By a fluke of compound discounting, my wife picked up a 7 pound prime rib for just 25 bucks. It's in the oven right now. Salad and baked potatoes on the side, and a little cabernet to wash it down. That's the way to roll in 20 below.
Our below zero meal tonight will be Omaha Steak chicken cordon bleu and potatoes au gratin with some our our neighboring wine region's finest to wash it down.
We had the Wisconsin-style bành mí I wrote up here a while back.
Ooooh. I gotta make those.
Green bean stir fry with noodles here.
You'd think someone would figure out how to at least fake it.