Whilst in Minny two weeks back I took out a yew alongside the house in prep for house painting, but the hedge shears took me down like bloodhounds on Cool Hand Luke.
That and oncet back in H'istan, I had to tackle enormous weedage in the backyard, plus numerous simultaneous powerpoint presentations at work. And, hellboy button mouse on the laptop - net effect - swelling in the wrists, and Constant Sorrows.
I am training for a century ride first week in September in Dartmouth, MA. I did this one last year, took 7 hours. NBBW is joining us this year.
Ibuprofen hasn't made any difference. I need to try bag of frozen peas on the arm.
But I did get in my 65 miles on Sunday (loop from H'istan to E. Longmeadows, MA). Suck it up, boyo.
We rode by this in E. Longmeadow, MA and reminisced about Light Bright.
You didn't spell it rite.

I've never had carpal tunnel, but I routinely get afflicted with various forms of tendinitis, usually in the knee.
I've been doing some running lately, including a couple of 5k runs (one was even semi-organized. I finished last among the people who actually ran. But I met my goal of not walking at all, so that was nice). It's been a few days, and busy schedules have kept me from getting out lately, but hopefully on Wednesday I'll find the time. Plus I've got a softball doubleheader tonight.
Swam 41 laps tonite, 1.2 miles. Longest swim evah for this boyo.