58 thoughts on “January 27, 2015: I Did it Again”

  1. Chris Parmelee signs a minor league deal with Baltimore. I still think he can play, but that seems to be a distinctly minority viewpoint.

  2. I can't decide whether to be relieved or disappointed that today's CoC image doesn't show Britney Spears with a cuppa.

    1. I bit. There are a scheisseload of pictures of Britney with coffee, and now I actually feel sorry for her. I saw only one I could imagine as a CoC header.

        1. I almost went with schiesseload (as that's how I first misspelled it) but then I'd be mincing my minced oath (learned a new concept today) and I thought I'd get called out on it and there'd be lots of explaining...

                  1. speaking of, I added Firefly to the NetFlix queue. How likely is it that I am right in thinking EAR—who likes Agents of SHIELD and Alias &c.—will like this?

                    1. I've not seen any of Agents of Shield it's Alias, but I still feel confident in saying that EAR will like Firefly.

                    2. I was kind if curious about this. I've been planning on watching this for awhile, but aren't there movies involved? What order are you supposed to watch everything in?

                    3. I know nothing myself. I think it starts with the TV show and then there's a movie and then I join internet messaging boards about how they need to make more. Then I hang Nathan Fillion posters in my cubicle (over that Torii Hunter one that's so old it's new again! Hey: FSN is going to broadcast 148 games that year!). Then I go to conventions. I'm planning on one in summer 2016 to be my first, I hope this isn't so sudden that I feel left out for missing the summer 2015 conventions.

                    4. Are we talking Agents of Shield or Firefly? I didn't think there was much confusion with Firefly since the show clearly was before the Serenity movie. As for Agents of Shield, it comes after the first Avengers movie, which came after Iron Man 1 &2 (& 3?), Hulk, the first Captain America and the first Thor movies. This is just in case you were serious. Otherwise, just ignore or make fun of, whatever you like.

                    5. For Firefly, watch episodes 1-14 in the proper order*. Then, if you want to feel happy and sad and bitter, watch Serenity. Well, you'll feel bitter regardless of whether you watch Serenity due to it ending so abruptly.

                      * Watching it in broadcast order takes effort as they're in the right order on physical and online media .

                    6. Serenity Spoiler SelectShow


                      Edit: Dang, can't nest spoilers. Eh, it was worth a shot.

      1. 1. Growing up in New Ulm, I learned this one simple rule about German pronunciation:
        When two consecutive vowels occur, pronounce the second one.
        So to get the sounds /ʃaɪs/ ("shys"), which has the English "Long I" or "ī", put the i last in the e-i combination.
        Hence, "scheisse". "Schiesse" would be pronounced /ʃiːsə/, or "sheese".

        2. Should it be capitalized as it's a German noun? "a Scheisseload of pictures" (This is a question.)

        3. When in doubt, use an eszett! "Scheißeload"!
        (OK, the other German pronunciation rule was that a capital B in the middle of a word was actually an s.)

        1. 1 - correct, pronounce the second vowel with I/E combinations
          2 - I think that's an adjective, Dude
          3 - "scheißelast" although a double S is acceptable when an eszett isn't available

          Still, scheißetonne is the word we should be using.

          1. 2. Nein! It's a noun!
            I can't perfectly remember how to diagram sentences that begin with "Here is" or "There are" &c., but I think
            There are a scheisseload of pictures of Britney with coffee. (edit, removing the second clause of the conjoined sentence.)
            There | are / scheißeload
                                              \a     \of

            Clearly, "scheißeload" is an object of the verb, and thus a noun.

              1. But I realized that German parts of speech may be subtly different and may effect capitalization rules. What if for capitalization, nouns in phrases takes the part of speech that the entire phrase represents? And what if in German, "a Scheißeload of" is considered an "adjectival phrase" (as pictures are really what Zee German found, not a Scheißeload) and via the other rule I decided was possible, is thus denied capitalization?
                My pedantry about capitalization of "Scheißeload" in "a Scheißeload of pictures of Britney with coffee" may have been Anglocentric poppycock.*

                *A Dutch (Nederlanden)-origin minced oath.

        2. Near our apartment we had a Waldgaststätte Schießhaus (mit große portionen, no less), where we'd walk for schnitzels. Pronunciation mattered.
          In this case "Scheiße" was modifying the "load," in english, so I went lowercase. I may also have been lazy.
          I will support the future usage of "scheißetonne."

          1. I jokingly call my good friend from Germany "Hermann Scheißmacher, von Strrrrrausberg", which got a snigger from his son when the two came to visit a couple summers ago.

            My problem has always been that my pronunciations have been good enough that people assume I comprehend more Deutsch than I really do, and I've gotten good at apologizing in German.

    2. It's possible that someone, upon seeing the title, went ahead and started to search out a picture (also to be surprised by the volume) only to find that almost all the pictures were portrait orientated which involve more work and was too busy and unmotivated to dig through piles of pictures of aging pop stars drinking caffeinated (or not) beverages.

      Yeah, that seems possible.

  3. I've sent some of you e-mails seeking donations for my annual Polar Plunge to support Minnesota Special Olympics. Thank-you to those who have already contributed. For anyone else who'd consider supporting me, you can visit my page. Feel free to hit me up here or via email (bmjohnson327 at the opposite of cold mail dotcom) with any questions.

    If you're interested in doing a jump yourself, I'm organizing another plunge with people from work for the last weekend in February (Sat, 2/28) in Burnsville. Let me know!

    1. Climbing, jumping.... I feel like I am sponsoring the citizenry to go play at the park! 🙂

    1. My wife was driving on that street right when it happened. She said several cop cars nearly hit her rushing to the scene.

    2. Google Kmetz vs. City of New Hope to observe some history. It wasn't the first time they'd had to deal with him.

    1. Both of Monday's home games for the New York Knicks and the Brooklyn Nets were canceled due to the winter storm. Given the teams' records this year, that may have been an act of mercy.

  4. I booked a flight to spend a long weekend at the end of February in the Twin Cities. I probably won't be around for any caucusing since I'll have limited time with my friend. Not that y'all aren't my friends, but she's, you know, a girl.

    1. Would give you a hard time, but suddenly the appropriate phrase escapes me...something to the effect of: "folks you converse with semi-anonymously on the internet" before...somebody else.
      No, that's not quite it. Disregard. Carry on.

  5. So we only got 7" from a predicted 24". I guess being only 71% off is good for meteorweather-persons.

    Sounds like Nantucket got nailed - dude I talked to whilßt shoveling said that the entire island lost power, and many people had 2 feet of water in their basements.

      1. Agreed.

        Third time escaped major storm with not losing power + not having a generator. The fickle finger of fate won't always be so kind. Off to Home Depot next weekend for this boyo.

      2. I suspect weather-persons often err on the side of the worst news possible for that very reason. Of course, if you do it too much, you run into the "boy who cried wolf" problem.

    1. I laughed heartily throughout. After the first episode, I was wondering if they had lost a step. A silly concern.

      'Spoiler' SelectShow

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