December 5, 2015: Temporary Relief

Between my cousin's crash and the job interview yesterday, it's been a stressful couple of days, but my cousin seems to be fine and the interview went well, so I guess I'll try to keep calm for a bit.

13 thoughts on “December 5, 2015: Temporary Relief”

  1. Looks like we'll be going to Zoomx's place in Alec for dinner tonite with the inlaws.
    Not sure how to say hi if he's there. We met once or twice a long time ago, and I can't remember his real name.

    1. Well Zoomx, if you're reading this, we'll be a party of 8 (4 kids (3 girls) and 4 adults (2 & 2)).
      S/b arriving around 5:30.

  2. I tried my hand at making broth with my turkey this year. I used that broth to make wild rice soup tonight (which is the second greatest soup ever conceived) and it turned out fabulous. I'm in flavor country right now.

    1. Yum.

      I am a big fan of making soup stock from the turkey carcass, but I haven't done it for a couple years.

    1. I'm on the verge of quitting this team until a real coach is hired. I have visions of wasted primes a la KG.

  3. Suggestions as to an online retailer of twins T shirt jersys? Gotta get mom a Christmas present.

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