DW, without you we'd have about 2 game logs a week. I totes appreciate your dedication.
In stadium scouting report:
Martin Prado flew out, in fair territory, and only for about two steps out of the box. Not even taking trying to jog down the line.
Dozier got a really bad jump on Stanton's single. I don't think he would have fielded either way, but his first step was very slow.
Arcia almost beheaded Park.
Ushers were a little tighter on sneaking into good seats today, but with a little persistence I'm still fourteen rows above the plate.
Tony O saw us having purchased two Tony O sandwiches, and decided to approach and chat with us to tell us how delicious they are. The Twins couldn't ask for a better ambassador.
Thats pretty cool! Did you get your picture taken with Tony O ?
Nah, skipped the picture.
My old man and I pulled the same thing you did tonight in the dome years and years ago. When inadvertently sat down next to Tony O and Dave St. Peter. My old man was beside himself with joy. Tony O spent a a fair bit of time talking the good old days with my dad. That was a great day at the ballpark.
Every time I see Chen is pitching, I secretly wish it was the Human Pez Dispenser
Something happened.
I like our new Home Run hitting Twins!
wondering if the Twins' scoring continues the Fibonacci Sequence
Only two truly unusual jerseys I can today:
Molitor (as a Blue Jay) and Alex Fernandez
And I just spotted a Lew!
is Magoo at the game?!
Morneau (Pirates)
Please. My Lew Ford jersey is autographed by the man himself. Like I'd risk wearing it out in public.
Need to get it framed, if you haven't already.
It's currently in an airtight container stored in a dark closet top keep from fading, but to have it framed is the dream. Also a basement bar in which to hang it.
The real question is does Lew Ford have even a Lew Ford framed Twins jersey in his home.
I like this team that scores runs and gets take back runs.
Nice to see the big guys contributing tonight
2 out RBIs!
Is this what it feels like for other teams when they face OUR bullpen? I like it!
Swarzak with the win for the Yankees. Parmelee aided the cause with two home runs.
Kintzler? Really? Are we trying to make him a Proven Closer to increase his trade value come July?
I'm all for anything that doesn't include Jepson as the closer.
Well, sure. I just thought we might try someone that didn't just come off the scrap heap.
What, you want Jepsen? I'm fine with this...for now.
Can't flip Jepsen so need to groom someone else to flip.
You can flip him off.
At least Stanton can only be the tying run.
Last night Buddy gets his first career win, tonight Kintsler get his first career save, it's the beginning of a new era in Twins baseball!
Game 58 and Mauer has seven home runs now. His non-2009 high is 13 in 2006. He might even break 20 this year.
His ISO is only .139. Career ISO is .138.
Did a tour during grad-school of the Seagate plant in Minneapolis. One of the Asian women on the disk-drive assembly line was wearing a badge that said 'ISO-Happy'.
Joey boomsticks

Well played, dw, well played.
DW, without you we'd have about 2 game logs a week. I totes appreciate your dedication.
In stadium scouting report:
Martin Prado flew out, in fair territory, and only for about two steps out of the box. Not even taking trying to jog down the line.
Dozier got a really bad jump on Stanton's single. I don't think he would have fielded either way, but his first step was very slow.
Arcia almost beheaded Park.
Ushers were a little tighter on sneaking into good seats today, but with a little persistence I'm still fourteen rows above the plate.
Tony O saw us having purchased two Tony O sandwiches, and decided to approach and chat with us to tell us how delicious they are. The Twins couldn't ask for a better ambassador.
Thats pretty cool! Did you get your picture taken with Tony O ?
Nah, skipped the picture.
My old man and I pulled the same thing you did tonight in the dome years and years ago. When inadvertently sat down next to Tony O and Dave St. Peter. My old man was beside himself with joy. Tony O spent a a fair bit of time talking the good old days with my dad. That was a great day at the ballpark.
Every time I see Chen is pitching, I secretly wish it was the Human Pez Dispenser
Something happened.
I like our new Home Run hitting Twins!
wondering if the Twins' scoring continues the Fibonacci Sequence
Only two truly unusual jerseys I can today:
Molitor (as a Blue Jay) and Alex Fernandez
And I just spotted a Lew!
is Magoo at the game?!
Morneau (Pirates)
Please. My Lew Ford jersey is autographed by the man himself. Like I'd risk wearing it out in public.
Need to get it framed, if you haven't already.
It's currently in an airtight container stored in a dark closet top keep from fading, but to have it framed is the dream. Also a basement bar in which to hang it.
The real question is does Lew Ford have even a Lew Ford framed Twins jersey in his home.
The wheels have fallen off here. Jeepers.
Ichiro is going to get 3,000 hits this series.
Nolasco got nibbled and blooped to death.
Billion man bullpens suck.
A mammoth blast!
Ed Nunez, gold glover.
Nunez now 0-for-4 with 2 lost helmets
I like this team that scores runs and gets take back runs.
Nice to see the big guys contributing tonight
2 out RBIs!
Is this what it feels like for other teams when they face OUR bullpen? I like it!
Swarzak with the win for the Yankees. Parmelee aided the cause with two home runs.
Kintzler? Really? Are we trying to make him a Proven Closer to increase his trade value come July?
I'm all for anything that doesn't include Jepson as the closer.
Well, sure. I just thought we might try someone that didn't just come off the scrap heap.
What, you want Jepsen? I'm fine with this...for now.
Can't flip Jepsen so need to groom someone else to flip.
You can flip him off.
At least Stanton can only be the tying run.
Last night Buddy gets his first career win, tonight Kintsler get his first career save, it's the beginning of a new era in Twins baseball!
Game 58 and Mauer has seven home runs now. His non-2009 high is 13 in 2006. He might even break 20 this year.
His ISO is only .139. Career ISO is .138.
Did a tour during grad-school of the Seagate plant in Minneapolis. One of the Asian women on the disk-drive assembly line was wearing a badge that said 'ISO-Happy'.
Can I laugh at that?
... I think so?