Okay, so.... This has the potential to be a really good game. The Twins are in playoff positioning again. They're facing off against a legitimate ace in Greinke, but they've got a potential future ace going for them in Berrios.
I've been happy with Berrios' season so far, in that he has looked like a really good, if green young pitcher, instead of a player who's been way over his head.
Tonight could really play into his career narrative, though. If he comes out and has a great game, beating one of the best pitchers of our generation, and manages to give us some leverage on the playoff chase in the process... It'll be pretty freaking awesome.
And if he doesn't? Eh. It's another game. Go twins.
I think Cuddy was fine. He's always seemed very affable, and he made a good transition from "very mediocre utility infielder" to "slow, but very capable outfielder".
He's pretty much the definition of "Hall of Very Good, Twins Edition", though.
What would Nate Tubbs say!? (for the record, he had Cuddy as 27th in his latest ranking, which seems about right to me)
When I chatted with him in spring training way back in 2005, he was as legitimately as nice as everyone says he is. He spent 45 minutes giving me recommendations for restaurants in Fort Myers when I asked where I should go to dinner.
Still... I wouldn't put them in the Hall (but this isn't the travesty as when Dick inevitably gets in).
It's amazing the reputation you can get by being good at what you do while also being very, very friendly.
FWIW, I agree with everything you said in your last paragraph.
Since Cuddy is going in, Koskie should be there. He packed almost twice the value into a little over half the time in Minnesota. Cuddyer's 28th in rWAR among position players; Koskie's 13th, behind only Cesar Tovar among unelected players.
(Edited to clarify the last sentence.)
I really don't think either should be in, especially because it's highly unlikely that Johan makes it in any time soon.
Johan hasn't retired, so they can't put him on the ballot. He'll get there.
I think he will eventually. The fact that he was only a starter for five-ish years is not going to be helpful, though.
Well, of the four Cys won by Twins pitchers, he has half. Shouldve been three of five, though.
I don't disagree at all. This is an organization that definitely retroactively values longevity over quality, though.
Koskos didn't know any good magic trix.
He was sure handy with taking apart furniture, though.
Unexpected to see Terry Ryan back at the LOL – presumably as part of MacPhail's retinue.
Not quite the Ready... Aim... Cuddyer I was expecting on that pitch.
Should've had him throw from
shortstopsecond basethird baseright field.Solid
is there a delay? I thought the game was supposed to start 20 minutes ago?
somebody needs to work some Photoshoppery on that. Berrios!

Really good at bats so far against Greinke. I like.
he's gonna be over 30 pitches in the first. What do the Snakes have for a bullpen?
walks will kill.
Boo. Not what we were looking for, Eddie.
Looking at the pitches, that's not good plate discipline at all by Eddie.
Plate discipline...Eddie Rosario......
Syntax error.
Sheenie won a Papa John's Pizza in Twingo on that ridiculous swing and miss by Rosario last inning.
way to let Greinke off the hook, guys.
Well that rally petered out pretty fast.
New pitcher –Tim Melville – on Monday, Pirate.
This is getting more and more difficult.
Interesting. The Berrios draft pick was a compensation pick for Cuddyer leaving as a FA.
Why doesn't Ketel wear Number One? I'm angry about this.
Angel Hernandez has lots of really strange, fidgety body language and movements like Adrian Beltre.
So Ángel Hernández & one other ump on this crew are wearing white armbands to protest Kinsler's non-suspension? Could someone ask the other two umps for comment?
Is that really what they're for?
another walk for Greinke. aaaand crap.
still, he's averaging fewer than 2 BB per 9 innings this year. Boys better take advantage before he finds his groove.
that's a Mauer special.
and that's a Sano not-so-special.
Gameday called strike three an "Eephus". Heh.
Has to maintain his narrow lead over Judge.
that's Sano good
Heckuva play by Berríos on that bunt.
"that was a three-car pileup waiting to happen". Heh.
please don't bunt.
or maybe a bunt would have been better than a K there.
Not bunting was the key to the inning
Yes, let's make the hot hitter bunt.
Strike 3 to Buxton was almost a foot outside, per Gameday.
Crap. C'mon, Castro. At least a fly ball here.
Does that work?
It's also fair to point out that Angel Hernandez sucks at his job.
Gameday thinks ball one was squarely in the zone and that balls 3 and 4 were borderline.
The Fox graphic had it at the top part of the zone, but it was a curve so a lot of vertical movement. Understandable why it was called a ball.
Not a good control day for Greinke.
Yes Dozier, swing on the first pitch after a 4-0 bases loaded walk.
Dozier swinging like he wants to hit it to Winnipeg.
"he's not worried about lifting and separating".
good. He shouldn't be thinking about bras at a time like this.
The Twins now have 11 bases loaded walks this season. That seems like a lot.
Sometimes I forget the Snakes are Greinke's fifth team.
With a Stick!
Ninety pitches for Greinke.
More like Zach Gibson.
No extra base hits
Sanó was moving very slowly. Hope he didn't tweak something.
Sanó going max effort on that double play...
Why did Sanó only jog about twenty feet?
These Arizona uniforms are ass.
The turquoise is the only part they should keep. That would look awesome against some more desert-y colors.
The maroon and grey makes 'em look like a slow pitch team from Youngstown.
I was wondering how to describe them to my wife in a more vivid way than just "horrible". This works PERFECTLY.
Byron "Road Runner" Buxton. meep meep
This kid can pitch.
new player alert!
Graver's hitting for Sanó...hopefully not an injury substitution.
"lower shin soreness"
Joe's locked in
10-17 a walk and 5 k's the last 4 games.
All over the bases and he couldn't score a run
7 innings, two hits, no runs, one walk, and seven strikeouts. Pretty good start.
I'm on the light rail heading back to fort Snelling right now. There's a couple of diamondback fans next to me and they look very stern.