29 thoughts on “February 6, 2018: Red Eye”

        1. I've seen John Prine twice at the Orpheum, both were great shows, although his voice was definitely weakening the second time around.

      1. I also saw that Sturgill is playing the jazz and heritage fest here in New Orleans. I’m guessing he’s heritage.

    1. I know for a fact that Surly tried to book SS for their outdoor concert deal last summer and the schedules didn't work out. Here's hoping they can get something together when he's in the area.

  1. On the way to work this morning, the car in front of me was making no noticeable exhaust. Thought, "What the heck is going on there!?!"

    As I got closer, I could see that he had backed into a snow bank. His rear undercarriage and exhaust pipe were completely clogged with snow. I couldn't catch a stoplight to let him know, but assume it melted before he ran into any real issues.

    Do you folks attempt to let other drivers know if you see that they have an issue like this? Like when you see someone without their headlights on at night, or burnt out, or a low pressure tire, etc.?

    1. I do try to notify people, but I don't know that I've ever succeeded. I've been the beneficiary of that type of notice before too, and appreciated it (after the momentary embarrassment passed).

      I also try to goof around with kids in other vehicles, though primarily when I'm a passenger, not a driver.

  2. Ervin Santana out till May after having surgery on a finger. Press release said expected to be available for major league game activity in 10 to 12 weeks, but it wasn't clear if that meant after getting his endurance up with some minor league games.

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