I'm not really bothered by the late cold and snows, but I've been jogging in mud for about 2 months now and really wouldn't mind a good firm, dirt path, please.

I'm not really bothered by the late cold and snows, but I've been jogging in mud for about 2 months now and really wouldn't mind a good firm, dirt path, please.
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My wife and I are at odds. I am not a Law and Order type. Never really big on the courthouse dramas. However, watching from afar as Robert Mueller moves his chess pieces around is addicting. My wife is tired of the news in general and refuses to watch any of it. When it comes to this investigation, I am engrossed. I think there is going to be several great books and/or movies coming out of this in the future. I see Mueller as such a patient prosecutor. Taking his time, not rushing anything. Slowly building his case and applying pressure . It will be interesting in the future to learn some of the details behind the moves we are seeing.
A noiseless patient spider,
I mark’d where on a little promontory it stood isolated,
Mark’d how to explore the vacant vast surrounding,
It launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself,
Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them.
There's one word in your LTE that bugs me and it turns out that I've been a little to pedantic on this topic.
Ahh, I see the Wild schedule has been updated. Very cool.
Took NHL.com a few days to have dates and times.
I don't actually know what this means, but I spookied that someone here would:
The whole storyline was a fun way to use Braun.
Max Scherzer pitched a CGSHO and stole a base!. The article says the last player to do that was Nolan Ryan back in 1984. That was his age 37 season. I want to see video of that!
Sorry, the best we could do was another popular clip from MLB.com.
[cue Michael Kay or John Sterling ejaculating over some Yankme thing]
Yes, I want to see footage of a Nolan Ryan SB, too.
2 outs in the 7th with a 1-run lead. I wonder if it was a busted hit-and-run. Manager probably figured if Ryan is thrown out, they start the next inning at the top of the order, or if it works, he can potentially get him around to third.
I'm actually kindof loving this "second winter". We're getting as much daylight as Labor Day, and it hasn't been _that_ cold. It was weird walking in a snowstorm on Sunday night at 8pm without it being dark.
Plus, as with all extreme weather in MN, it keeps the rabble out (or encourages the rabble to leave).
Depending upon when the air gets below freezing, places in the state may see 24" or more of snow from Thursday-Sunday! That's April 12-15!
April 2018: Doing it her own way!
If April Showers bring May Flowers, what do April Blizzards bring?
May gizzards?
I should be clear here: I don't know the answer.
The old timers back home always said the April blizzards were the deadly ones.
This back-and-forth with the temps is just what we need to hopefully moderate the pest levels this year.
I have asked this question before. The answer is nervous breakdowns.
Here it comes, here it cah-omes!
Awesome/Awful joke I read on facebook this morning:
Did you hear about the zoo with only one animal, a dog?
My level of humor. I’m going to tell the 💩 out of that joke.
Good day already - in the last ten minutes my wife called to say she got us tickets to Rock the Garden on June 16th, and my brother called to let me know that he got us tickets to Reds-Twins on April 29th - section 110, row 4. Here’s hoping it’s north of 30 degrees if possible, but if not, meh.
Minor Details has been delayed, but it's posted now.
Watching the Zuckerberg hearing. Three senators in, he’s already responding to some pretty straightforward questions about privacy & violations with serious dissembling. I hope the Senate’s understanding of the Internet has progressed from the “series of tubes” era.
"Funny, you don't look like a threat to democracy..."
That was 12 years ago, stated from a then 82-year-old man, and I think overly ridiculed. His statement was muddled and the email part was not good but if people were even a little bit charitable in their reading it wouldn't have been so bad.
Muddled or not, I’m not sure I think Chuck Grassley has any better grip on the Internet now than Ted Stevens did. Interactions with emeritii faculty suggest there’s still a pretty substantial gap in basic concepts & practices, and emeritii faculty are essentially in the age cohort/education-attainment peer group of several US Senators.
I'd have more confidence in the questioning if there was a chance of regulation being added.
Senator Graham simply can not understand that Facebook does not have ONE competitor. Geez, they're not selling cars.
Senator Graham is confused about many things.
oh geez, who invited Cruz to the party?
the people of Texas.
I can't find a "Zuckerberg" on b-r.com. What team does he play for?
Proxima B buzzkill