If you thought you were having a tough time getting up this morning, the New Horizons probe is waking up after a six month sleep on its way to Ultima Thule.

If you thought you were having a tough time getting up this morning, the New Horizons probe is waking up after a six month sleep on its way to Ultima Thule.
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Much prefer the official name (486958) 2014 MU69.
The Australian Baseball League expands to eight teams, adding a team from Korea and one from New Zealand.
That's pretty cool actually.
I will be leaving early tomorrow morning and be gone the rest of the week. I plan to have the birthday lists ready to go, although some of them may not be updated. Whether "Minor Details" appears will depend on how much time I have. I'll will be attending United Methodist Annual Conference. It's more than a thrill, it's an obligation.
There's a lot of that going around right now...
nice callback.
If anyone is interested in going to either of the Twins games today, I have two SRO tickets I'm not using. The tickets are for the 3:00 game but I was told they're not clearing the stadium between games. You may need to get there before the first game ends, I'm not sure.
So much for our robot overlords.
Seven years ago today:

Time flies.
From The Athletic's preview that I get in my inbox every day (despite not actually being a subscriber right now...):
I only mention this because of how much I appreciate the fact that they used the word "coincidentally" instead of "ironically" which misuse seems to be all-pervasive these days. Just a happy word usage moment that struck me. That's all. Carry on.
I don’t claim to be a huge Mats fan, but even I think this piece is a bit of a mess.
I snagged a ticket in Section 118 for the doubleheader today for 22 bucks, so I'm taking myself to the ballgame.
Got tickets for J and I to see Mitski at First Ave. Fifth time for me, third time for J. I'm so happy for her that she's playing the mainroom.
Shows are really hard for me to attend in Chicago for various reasons (more non-family time commitment than money, but that too), so I’m trying real hard to decide between Car Seat Headrest and Mitski.
That was quick...
Of particular note (emphasis mine):
Meet the new boss, same as the old.....wait, what??
Wow -- they expected it post-CWS.
He can't sign anything until OSU's season is over, but he can still come to an agreement.