Provuroni and the Dazzleman sign new contracts to stick around for awhile. As has been mentioned by several around here, this is a pairing I've really grown to appreciate,

Provuroni and the Dazzleman sign new contracts to stick around for awhile. As has been mentioned by several around here, this is a pairing I've really grown to appreciate,
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Say what you will but the Ric Flair appearance is hilarious.
"Best"? Looks like cosplay for some show/manga I'm unfamiliar with.
As for Marlon's T-shirt: not just Ric Flair, but Randy Savage!
Missed that. Street Style is a guilty pleasure of mine because it almost always makes me laugh.
Someone dreams about what the next Athletic ballpark could look like if built at Howard Terminal, including renders of that vision. He does have the advantage of being able to show those plans to the A's president, David Kaval.
Tyler White just hit a walk-off homer for the Astros vs. the A's. It was the 81st walk-off in MLB this season, a new record and it isn't even September yet. I guess only about half of those were in Twins games.
Home from the hospital. Turns out I had not just one but two hernias on the same side, so I got a twofer on this surgery. Two hernias and the first doctor I saw didn’t find either one. Root canal from Monday is settling down nicely now so that’s a relief. Sure feels good to have all this behind me, mostly,
Colonoscopy, too?!
Did that last December, so I’m good for ten years.
Did you get the buy-one-get-one-free discount pricing?
I hope so, I can’t afford more than one.
I had two done at once, once. Yeah, If you're not in need of those pills.... nevermind.
I should also note, I can always tell when the weather is going to shift because .... yeah, nevermind.
Mauer finally scores career run No. 1,000. I'm guessing this is all anyone cares about at this point in the season.
Hey hey -- Joe got his 1000th run...finally!
missed it by ... nevermind.
Sounds like Gardy is going to be a coach for the Twins in September.