The #MNTwins have looked into signing utility man Marwin Gonzalez, discussing the parameters of a 3-year deal. But they know there’s a lot of competition and Opening Day is only 5 weeks away.
Hmm....I'm not necessarily against this, but if they were going in this direction, I'd have preferred they just resign Eduardo Escobar.
They refuse to fill positions of need or build an obvious core, but they get distracted by sparkly, shiny objects they don’t need whenever they smell a potential value signing.
I don’t think Eddie even hit the FA market did he?
This is an excellent point.
I'm really curious if Eddie gave the Twins any chance at all to resign him. Sure seemed like it went down pretty quick.
He did not. He signed in October for $21 million over three years. Smart choice to sign quickly.
Peter Tork of The Monkees passed away at 77. For whatever reason, I loved this song as a kid:
He was the Monkee my mom was going to marry (per her junior high yearbook signatures).
He was the Monkee that I most identified with. As one of 5 boys in the family, I picked Peter as he was the blondest, as am I, and the goofiest, as am I. RIP.
I got to see him live at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheater in the late 80s as the Mikeless Monkees and Weird Al performed. They put on a good show
"the Mikeless Monkees"
Were they actually billed that way? Because the Monkees were Mikeless from the first breakup until Davey died.
Weird: looking at Nesmith's face in the image for the video above ("Auntie Grizelda") and he looks a bit like my mother when she was young.
But my mom also looked much like Zooey Deschanel often does in the New Girl, so...
Heck no - why would they bill themselves pointing out their greatest shortcoming? Mike was living off White Out money.
Digging out from missing yesterday at work is about as fun as shoveling all that snow was. 🙄
No snow here, but we did just get a little bit of sleet. This has been the coldest winter I can remember having here in the 20 years we've lived in SoCal.
We just now had some flurries mixed with rain. My car also said the temperature dropped from 60 degrees all they way down to 36 over the course of my 22 mile drive back home from work.
Uhmm. Are u trolling us all up in the hinterlands, or are u just blissfully unaware how this just plain suh-hucks. Maybe wait until June or so to give your weather reports from SoCal.
I'll hold off on the Kauai weather...
Thanks! 😎
When I'm trolling, that's when I go "Snow? What's that?"
Nice to see a graphic confirming my eye test....there is a butt-ton of snow out there!
Record February snowfall has led to a significant increase in the snowpack across the upper Midwest. Current snow depths: Twin Cities: 16" Eau Claire: 16" St. Cloud: 22" Rochester: 22" International Falls: 22" Duluth: 27"
of course my town is under one of those >24 shaded areas.
Well then. A couple of weeks before my annual cardiology check-up in late January, I started feeling some angina pains after extended exertion. The doctor and I talked about it made a plan. On Monday I had a stress test that came back abnormal, so next Wednesday I'll be in the cath lab for an angiogram. Best case scenario, they open a blockage, put in a stent and I'm home the next day. I'm trying not to worry about less favorable outcomes. I just keep thinking about the navy vet I did phase two rehab with after my last angioplasty. He had 17 stents in him, 12 in the heart and 5 in the legs (doctors call 5 stents in your heart a full metal jacket). So it could be worse. Thoughts and prayers are welcome.
Good luck. I hope it goes well.
Thinking good thoughts, brother.
Dude. Be well, thoughts and prayers always! YITBOS.
The Japanese beat us to the punch on Space Force
We always shoot first.
With multiple targets.
Focus, people. Shot. With a bullet.
From The Athletic's Dan Hayes:
Hmm....I'm not necessarily against this, but if they were going in this direction, I'd have preferred they just resign Eduardo Escobar.
From the MLBTradeRumors thread:
I don’t think Eddie even hit the FA market did he?
This is an excellent point.
I'm really curious if Eddie gave the Twins any chance at all to resign him. Sure seemed like it went down pretty quick.
He did not. He signed in October for $21 million over three years. Smart choice to sign quickly.
Peter Tork of The Monkees passed away at 77. For whatever reason, I loved this song as a kid:
He was the Monkee my mom was going to marry (per her junior high yearbook signatures).
He was the Monkee that I most identified with. As one of 5 boys in the family, I picked Peter as he was the blondest, as am I, and the goofiest, as am I. RIP.
I got to see him live at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheater in the late 80s as the Mikeless Monkees and Weird Al performed. They put on a good show
"the Mikeless Monkees"
Were they actually billed that way? Because the Monkees were Mikeless from the first breakup until Davey died.
Weird: looking at Nesmith's face in the image for the video above ("Auntie Grizelda") and he looks a bit like my mother when she was young.
But my mom also looked much like Zooey Deschanel often does in the New Girl, so...
Heck no - why would they bill themselves pointing out their greatest shortcoming? Mike was living off White Out money.
Digging out from missing yesterday at work is about as fun as shoveling all that snow was. 🙄
No snow here, but we did just get a little bit of sleet. This has been the coldest winter I can remember having here in the 20 years we've lived in SoCal.
We just now had some flurries mixed with rain. My car also said the temperature dropped from 60 degrees all they way down to 36 over the course of my 22 mile drive back home from work.
Uhmm. Are u trolling us all up in the hinterlands, or are u just blissfully unaware how this just plain suh-hucks. Maybe wait until June or so to give your weather reports from SoCal.
I'll hold off on the Kauai weather...
Thanks! 😎
When I'm trolling, that's when I go "Snow? What's that?"
LA snow:


knitting + weather data = awesome
Nice to see a graphic confirming my eye test....there is a butt-ton of snow out there!
of course my town is under one of those >24 shaded areas.
Well then. A couple of weeks before my annual cardiology check-up in late January, I started feeling some angina pains after extended exertion. The doctor and I talked about it made a plan. On Monday I had a stress test that came back abnormal, so next Wednesday I'll be in the cath lab for an angiogram. Best case scenario, they open a blockage, put in a stent and I'm home the next day. I'm trying not to worry about less favorable outcomes. I just keep thinking about the navy vet I did phase two rehab with after my last angioplasty. He had 17 stents in him, 12 in the heart and 5 in the legs (doctors call 5 stents in your heart a full metal jacket). So it could be worse. Thoughts and prayers are welcome.
Good luck. I hope it goes well.
Thinking good thoughts, brother.
Dude. Be well, thoughts and prayers always! YITBOS.
You are in our prayers.
Did we note this? RIP, Don Newcombe