I must admit, though this puts me firmly in suburban dad territory, I do enjoy my collection of battery operated lawn equipment and am looking forward to adding to it. A hedge trimmer was my last birthday present suggestion when my mom inquired.

I must admit, though this puts me firmly in suburban dad territory, I do enjoy my collection of battery operated lawn equipment and am looking forward to adding to it. A hedge trimmer was my last birthday present suggestion when my mom inquired.
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The electric leaf blower from my last birthday was a winner - I get you. Except hedges.
I very much like my electric lawnmower. But I think the battery is not interchangeable with other products from the same company (Ryobi). Leaf blower is next on the agenda because long driveway and shit-tons of leaves from three big deciduous trees in the front.
Ryobi has two systems: 18 V and 40 V. Looks like their mowers use the latter. I have their 40 V blower and it works well but goes through the battery quickly.
i’ve got the greenworks mower, chainsaw, and trimmer. with three batteries that work with all three, it’s a decent setup. wouldn’t mind adding a blower.
ah, cool. I have a 20-inch mower w/40V battery. Will look around for the blowers. Happy (?) birthday to me.
I have the EGo mower and I freekin love it. Does my whole 1/3 acre on one charge. I don't do much non-corded items though. I've got my Dewalt drill and sawzall, but my other stuff is all corded Ryobis that work pretty dang good. I also bought a Dewalt nail gun today and I find it very enjoyable that the belt clip has a pencil sharpener in it.
I'm ready for a battery powered leaf blower, wrestling the extension cords around the lawn gets old. And a weed trimmer. Mine died a few years ago and I've been trimming with hand clippers ever since.
thinking about maybe this, since I already have a battery. (It lists for $179 with a battery and charger at my Home Despot, $129 without battery; on Amazon, $159 w/o; Lowe's apparently does not carry Ryobi)
All leaf blower and no play makes meat a something something.
I might get one for the fall. I largely leaves them on the grass, but collecting them out of the garden would be convenient.
Haha, you guys have leaves.
Wait, I wish I had leaves to clean up.
Mmmm, walleye sandwich.
CC to Hungry Joe - you may enjoy this one if you can find it in chicagoland. Lighter body than an american IPA, but still a good novelty - and a good looking can.
Hey CH - sorry we shut down the Zoom call early - I'm up in the homelands using my phone, so my charge was getting low.