23 thoughts on “August 28, 2020: Silver Lining”

  1. The kids usually have be up by about 7ish, which is still an hour later than I was getting up when I had to commute, which is nice.

    If I had my way, I'd be getting up at 8:30 or 9, but two kids don't necessarily allow for that.

    1. My daughter is capable of getting her own breakfast now. As soon as my son can, man, my weekends are gonna rule.

      1. My youngest started sleeping in later over the last few months, it can make some weekend mornings glorious as I wake up naturally sometime around 8.

        The oldest has been a sleeping machine since day 1, he's currently still asleep even though the dogs have been annoying and barking multiple times this morning.

    1. I just installed that update yesterday. In settings you can get to the defrag app, there's an option for running on a schedule, just uncheck that box and it will only run manually.

  2. I'm about half-way through John Lewis' Walking With the Wind (curbside pick-up from the West Hartford public library). Good read - recommended for all Citizens.

    Then I ran into this link earlier today. Dude was 23 years old in 1963 when he gave this speech. Wow.

    "We do not want our freedom gradually. We want our freedom now!"

    1. I had no idea. It feels very unreal and real at the same time. I turn 43 on Wednesday. My first colonoscopy is a week from Tuesday.

      RIP, Mr. Boseman.

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