Cup of Coffee December 5, 2020: Reprieve December 5, 2020 hungry joe 7 Comments Enjoy the weekend, citizens. This one felt harder fought than usual.
You can follow @baking_all_of_the_cookies on Instagram to see what Sheenie is baking this month. She's about 2/3rds of the way through her attempt to bake all the cookies in the King Arthur Cookie Cookbook
That's some serious muzzle velocity. Is that an air cannon they're shooting it from?
Yes. But it's 1050 mph, not 2000.
Cookie day is always a good day.
You can follow @baking_all_of_the_cookies on Instagram to see what Sheenie is baking this month. She's about 2/3rds of the way through her attempt to bake all the cookies in the King Arthur Cookie Cookbook
For us, Cherry Winks and Mandelmussla (or Sandbakkels)