I made corned beef last weekend and decided to make a loaf of bread as well. Nothing special, just a regularish bread. As I was pulling it out, I wondered why it didn't occur to me to make rye bread despite having all the ingredients.

I made corned beef last weekend and decided to make a loaf of bread as well. Nothing special, just a regularish bread. As I was pulling it out, I wondered why it didn't occur to me to make rye bread despite having all the ingredients.
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Ever have that really cool older cousin that you can't wait to see at graduations, weddings, etc? I was at the local brewhouse last night visiting with the owners and enjoying some St. Patty's Day festivities. A cousin of mine texted me that his brother had just passed away. Apparently, he went into cardiac arrest on Friday. This guy was that cool older cousin who babysat us when I was little and he was so fun to hang with. When my mom died 30 years ago, we was the one person on that side of the family that showed up for every single graduation, wedding, and family get together. He was loud and obnoxious, but in a fun, non-threatening way. We all adored him. He was my firmest connection to my mother's family. When we opened the joint, I was treated to him stopping by every 3 months on his way back from picking up his wife's wine club selections at our local winery. He would always say or do something to try and embarrass me and I wouldn't have it any other way. Last night, shortly after I found out, a local guy walked in and started playing the bag pipes and I just lost it. I was fortunate that the brewery's owners were there with me as they have become dear friends. We tossed back a few brews and they listened as I shared my feeling about my cousin Steve. On this site we were talking about the pains of getting old and how getting old is better than the alternative. One of those pains is that the older we get, tend to start losing loved ones at a more rapid pace. I also lost 3 awesome regulars of the joint during this past year as well. Today is my wife's birthday. She turned 50 last year, and it was the day after everything shut down. So today I am knocking out some admin at the joint. I am going to bring the wife coffee and breakfast when she wakes up in 1/2 an hour. Then she goes for a haircut. Then I am taking her and the boy to St. Cloud for an early dinner at Cafe Renaissance (which is a bit of a hidden gem). We are going to celebrate her glorious 51 trips around the sun. I am sure we will toast my cousin Steve at some time. If you have a real cool cousin floating around somewhere, make sure you let him or her know how you feel. I am fortunate that I did so a couple years ago.
May Steve's memory be a blessing, he sounds like a wonderful guy. I know we haven't be able to fully grieve the loss of Sheenie's grandmother or my cousin in the last year, so those losses are going to hit hard once we can all gather again.
Sorry for your loss. I don't know that I quite have a cousin who fits this mold, but I've got a group of them who collectively do, and losing any of them would be hard.
So sorry for your loss. I hope you have a good day with your family. HBD to your wife
Sorry for your loss. I’m glad you have so many great memories with your cousin.
It occurred to me this afternoon that my family met your wife before I met you. Give her our best!
You are in our prayers.
echoing others. Thank you for sharing the remembrance. May his memory be a blessing.
My condolences on your loss--he sounds like a fantastic guy.
Thanks for all the sentiments all. Wife's birthday went well. She is a happy camper.
The Poissonnière surprised us by turning up her nose at the corned beef, but asking for a second slice of caraway rye. Of course, she ate both slices with peanut butter...but nonetheless, she enjoyed it.
Ah, yes: forgot about the bracket thing until now.
Password: 12346
If you played last time, you should've gotten an email to renew.
Competing brackets!
Get the hell out of my lane, Phil!
Lane schmane. I finished the race before you started. 😉
This friggin’ kid. I’ve run this thing for a decade or summat.
Dude. You know the drill.

Yahoo's profile history is fun and all, but I can't see who won certain years. I can see that Basket and Ball Guys existed in 2009, 2014 and 2015 where we have gaps in our Achievements page, but all I can see is that I didn't win, which came as little surprise. Uh...anyone win those seasons?
Not I
Something something snooze, something something lose...
now I have two brackets to fill me with angst!
Woo! Thank you, BMI, for a change. I am getting my first dose on Tuesday.
*punches shot shoulder* all right!
Hoping Mrs Runner gets a "leftover shots" call later this afternoon from our insider working a doctor's office, and I'm going to make sure we're dallying not too far away and can get her there pronto. Meanwhile, I had no real reactions to the first shot other than the expected local soreness.
My wife didn't react too bad to the first one, just some sluggishness. I just hope whatever reaction I have I can work through it so I don't have to tell my employer I'm getting it yet.
I've read that the first injection tends to have less side effects than the second, which makes sense.
I called around pharmacies nearby, but no one is maintaining a list.
Bummer, that’s unfortunate.
Same local soreness following Shot #1 (Moderna), but nothing else significant to report.
Same local soreness as the rest here. I was Pfizer.
Got my first Pfizer shot at 9 am this morning. I have no side effects whatsoever. My buddy who happened to get his at the same time said he feels stoned right now.
I also managed to score an Xbox Series X today, so everything's coming up cheaptoy.
sweet. when can i pick up your old one?
Its gonna be awhile. The expected arrival date is April 27th.
Has anybody tried out uzzu tv? They advertise all MLB games are available, even locally blacked out games. I think the cost is around $7/month. Still looking for the lowest cost option to watch the Twins this year.
It's $6.99 per week. I was looking at that as well, but it was rather deceptive adverising. A monthly subscription is $19.99 and an annual subscription is $119.99, which is a good deal. Maybe try it out for a week or a month and see how it works and then switch to the annual if you like it.
I decided to try it out myself. I'm trying to figure out what the catch is. I haven't been able to confirm that you can watch games that will normally be blacked out because there are no Texas teams playing currently, but I'll check it out tomorrow and let you know, but so far, it seems great. They claim to be 100% legal, and they have feeds of NBA and NHL games and MLB spring training games plus all the major sports networks and ESPN and ESPN2 plus a few generic and premium cable channels. It's all live. There's no DVR or pause and you can't start games from the beginning. Because of that, you can switch between channels pretty quickly, although there's no channel guide, so you don't really know what's on. On my web browser, the screen size of the video adjusts to fit the size of the browser window, so you can shrink it down and have a small screen in the corner of your computer screen while you do other things, which you can't do with MLB.tv. I really like it so far.
One other thing, it is 1080 streaming only, which probably means if you don't have enough bandwidth on your Internet, it won't be able to compress it down and give you the video in 720. It would probably just freeze up or quit on you. I've only tried it on my PC so far, but here's the many ways you can watch it:
• Laptop
• Desktop
• Android Box
• iPhone / iPad
• Apple TV
• Mac
• Roku
• Firestick / Fire TV
• Xbox & nVidia Shield
I'll let you know how Roku is once I try that out. There's also quite a few international sports channel feeds. There's cricket on now. It also has the Big Ten Network and most if not all of the regional sports channels. However, FOX Sports Southwest, which is for Texas, isn't showing anything but ads at the moment, so it might be blacked out for me.
Gracias, I thought $6.99 a month was too good to be true. Our main TV with the Roku downstairs is 1080 so that should be okay, the bedroom TV is only 720 and could pose a problem, although we only watch in the bedroom for west coast road trips. And I can always pay Comcast a few bucks more for more bandwidth if need be. But I sure have noticed that the media content distributers go to great lengths to hide the hefty extra costs from the sports content producers that they pass on to consumers.
The 720p TV might be capable of resizing the input down. 1080p is very common so not unreasonable that it can handle that resolution on input.
Update: Roku works pretty well, although each live game feed or live channel is its own icon, so it works a lot like the ESPN app if you've ever used that. The feeds take a couple seconds to load, so it's a little slower to switch between games. Each team's feed for the game is treated as a separate feed, so you can't switch audio while watching like you can with MLB.tv. I was able to get FSN Southwest to work, so that wasn't blacked out. There is no way to check a schedule on the Roku app and the game feeds are set up at the beginning of the day and there are no times on them, so if you click on them before or after the game, you either get an error message or it just doesn't load. The website has a page with daily schedules, but it would probably be easier to check sports websites.
Our main TV is a smart TV and doesn't have Roku. We get apps from Google Play for it, but Uzzu doesn't have an app on Google Play. I couldn't get an app for my Android phone either, but I was able to go to the website in Chrome on my phone and then Chromecast to my TV. However, it's a pain to switch between games or channels because you have to stop the original cast and then start another one. On the positive side, this proved that you could be casting one game on TV while watching another one on your phone.
Uzzu claims to allow you to watch any NFL game feed. If true, that's a gamechanger. The live sports channels includes NFL RedZone as well.
Martin van Buren is in my rear view mirror. Next up, Tippecanoe. I'm one chapter in and so far I've learned the following: WHH's father, Benjamin Harrison V, signed the Declaration of Independence and WHH's older brother was BH VI. Of course, WHH's grandson, BH, was the 23rd president of the United States. The Harrisons were a well-established family in the early United States and produced two US presidents. In the US of the 21st Century, the Harrisons are running a pawn shop in Las Vegas, NV (at least the Pawn Stars claim a familial link to Benjamin Harrison).
Another interesting fact in the first 8 pages of this book: BH V was a member of the state House in Virginia and during the Revolutionary War, he defeated some dude named Th. Jefferson for the Speakership, with the latter then becoming governor (Jefferson's governorship of Virginia was widely criticized, mainly because he fled in the face of the oncoming British). In 1791, BH V died in office and was replaced by his rival, a man by the name of John Tyler, who had a son of the same name. His son, of course, was WHH's VP and succeeded him as POTUS when WHH died in office.
And Tyler, Too!
I hope your Tyler book spends most of its pages on his geriatric virility