14 thoughts on “April 5 6, 2022: Pumpin’ Ain’t Easy”

  1. Today:
    cat NBB | sed s/New Britain Hospital for Special Care/Home & Hearth in H'istan/g > /dev/out

    1. This time last year we were having an early spring and it was in the 80s. Global warming is letting us down this year.

    1. How much did he make per hour on his career? Amazing how long a no hit catcher can stick around.

      1. 556 games for $8.9 mil career earnings. Didnt quite reach 10 years service time so didnt quite big the maximum retirement pension package.

      2. Butera earned $8.4 million according to B-R. They are missing the 2020 salary plus the 2019 and 2021 salaries are well below the major league minimum despite him having played in MLB both years. I'm going to round up to $8.5 million.

        Butera played 3605 MLB innings. Assuming average of three hours per nine innings, that's 20 minutes of work per inning (ignoring all of the pregame work). That's $7074 per hour.

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