22 thoughts on “October 26, 2022: While We Can”

  1. Not around the house, per se, but it looks like the Subaru is going to need a new set of tires. After a mediocre set of Continental DWS, I went with Nokians last time; they’re loud, but they were excellent in adverse conditions. Probably going to stick with them or try some Michelin Defenders.

    1. I went for the Michelins on the Santa Fe this spring because Costco pricing and I'm plenty happy with them. Michelins can be loud sometimes because of the hard, long-wear rubber but I've not had a problem with mine.

      1. Recent trip to Vail/Aurora, CO involved a trip to CostCo, which we are not members. Everyone out there in our Italy hiking group is a CostCo groupie/disciple. First you walk thru the tire section with that indelible smell of vulcanized rubber. Start with a hot-dog that sticks out the end of your bun with pop for $1.61 w/ tax.

        Then the tour of Oz begins. Piles of wine bottles perched on shopping carts. Huge bags of pretzels that could last you thru the winter. Diapers stacked like a fork-lift. The checkout lines were like people trying to leave Russia.

  2. We had the cheap pine (and no longer matching) wood stair banisters and posts, etc replaced with oak a while back, but it was at a time where I couldn't treat the wood ahead of time, so now I'm (slowly) staining and polyurethaning. We had nice weather end of last week so I was able to open windows and get the top part done, but I still have the detailed part at the bottom to deal with :-/

  3. On Sunday the peperoncino helped me vacuum out my car, which I manage to do once or twice a year. I didn't give it a full wash but did clean off the grimy areas only to wake up Monday morning to find the car covered in dust. As I told the peperoncino, at least the inside is still clean!

  4. Raking and hauling leaves, trimming some trees, and cleaning out the garage. Most of the leaves are down now and I should be able to get them all up this weekend. I found a place not far away where I can recycle my many, many gallons of waste motor oil and anti-freeze and I bought a Bagster for the garage clean-out. And Sunday is pumpkin carving day. We're going with a memorial theme again this year -- Queen Elizabeth and Hagrid.

    1. Woah, I had never heard of Bagster before. Not a WM fan, but I'd totally do that for a big spring cleaning. Unfortunately it's not available in my area. Wonder what the disposal cost would typically be?

      1. We did one when we demo'd the pantry. The bag is like $30 up front then about $180 for the pickup.

        And we got a lot of stuff in it.

  5. We just bought a sectional for the basement to replace the nearly 20-year old uncomfortable Ikea thing that's been taking up space. Well have to clean out that post of the basement because the replacement has a bigger footprint.

    1. Where did you get the sectional? We have an IKEA version in the basement. I need it in small sections due to the stairway.

      1. I have thrice had to remove a downstairs window to get furniture into the basement because of the stairs. Split levels are a nightmare for moving big stuff in and out of the house.

    1. I mortared in the tile in the new basement bath today. Gotta say, not my favorite thing to do. But, I ought to have a functioning second bathroom by next week. My wife wants to remodel the upstairs bathroom at some point, and I'm less and less convinced I want to do it as this basement project rolls on.

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