42 thoughts on “2023 Game 58: Guardians at Twins”

        1. Per the Repository

          On October 20, 2021, it was announced that Bush would be transitioning out of the front office and take a new role as a senior advisor for baseball operations.[9]

      1. Was thinking more of guys involved in on-field or FO capacities, but I suppose Dazzle’s getting a direct deposit from the Twins’ payroll team.

        Chili Davis was the other coach I could think of, but be left the Mets a couple seasons ago and I’m not aware of him finding a gig on another MLB coaching staff.

    1. I thought Chili Davis was a hitting coach somewhere but turns out he was fired by the Mets in 2021

  1. It's so cool having a weapon like Duran. I haven't been this giddy about a Twins pitcher since pre-surgery F-Bomb.

  2. A good game to follow online while doing my duty at the local ballpark concession stand. Beautiful night for a town ball game with a lot more action than the MLB one...

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