26 thoughts on “August 5, 2023: #7”

  1. I am setting aside vacation day(s) for next summer for Cooperstown (do Joe right, sportswriters!) -- has anyone started kicking around WGOM shirt designs yet?

        1. I think the rough sketch was start at zooomx's place, down 94 to Chicago picking up citizens in the cities, Wisconsin, and Chicago, then 80 across to NY. FtLT can meet is in Cleveland.

          1. I believe that was the plan. Depending on how many are interested in going, I know a guy with several potential rigs that would work just fine.

            1. I, personally, am very interested.

              As a father/husband/employee though, I have to do a little more figuring.

    1. I suspect Mauer might have to wait a year or two. At least we'll know by the end of January.

  2. Today we head to the St. Cloud area for a wedding. A fraternity brother of mine and twayn's. This is the second close friend to get divorced and remarried. A few conflicted feelings as in college I was good friends with both the groom and his ex-wife. I am hoping the forecasted rain does not materialize, as it is an outdoor wedding.

    On another note, I also have conflicted feelings about a recent purchase. We bought a 2006 Pontiac Solstice convertible. Why? My wife and I go on A LOT of meandering drives during the summer. I love cruising on the lake roads with the top down. I have had some people accuse me of mid-life crisis, but I don't think that is it. I really don't care what other people think, and honestly I just love driving a 5 speed again. The one downfall is my already small garage is going to seem very tight this winter when I store the vehicle that will not move for at least 6-7 months.

    1. If you can afford it and your wife is fine with it, I don't think you need to worry about anyone else's opinion. Enjoy it!

    2. I'm thinking about getting a midlife crisis car once my kids reach driving age. My goal is to pass on the Focus to them and get a Miata.

          1. My brother's first car was a 73 Opel Kadett Rally with the dual black racing stripes down the hood. Back when I was 14, I thought that was the coolest car ever. I have thought about looking for one to restore. It was so fun to drive.

    3. I bought a 2006 Hyundai Tucson a few months ago and I've been fixing it up since then. Just picked it up from the detail shop and it doesn't look bad. I figure I'll drive it for a year or two and when Elder Daughter graduates and moves back to God's country I'll give it to her and get me a little roadster. Enjoy the car, dude. You earned that.

    1. They asked that in the radio last night. I was driving us to Chicago and got the first four fairly quickly. Finally got the last one and had Sheenie tweet Attaberry just before he shared it

      Actual Spoiler SelectShow
  3. 1) the overnight storm last night knocked out our internet gateway, even though it is hooked up to a surge/UPS. In the meantime, thank God for phone hot spot

    2) I've been Oppenheimed. I geeked out over all the scientist cameos/name drops, while meanwhile the intense filming/soundtrack preyed on Runner daughter's anxiety a bit. And I don't think I need to spoiler the scene that was probably the loudest I've ever heard in a theater.

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