November 15, 2023: Personality Test

Pete started junior high this year, so naturally he's trying on various personality traits. So far he's leaning into the skateboarding, guitar playing cool guy type. Good luck!

30 thoughts on “November 15, 2023: Personality Test”

    1. Kerr sounded genuine in his defense of Klay. His defense of Draymond seemed...forced. like he didn't believe what he was saying

      1. Its pretty impressive how the Warriors have managed to become way more unlikeable as the dynasty dies.

        1. As a long-standing Warriors fan, I have a rather different perspective on both points.

          Draymond is and always has been a hot head. He's just as likeable (or not) as ever. When he's got his head out of his ass, he's still a premier player.

          Chris Paul is not much more than a backup PG at this point, which makes him pretty insufferable, I grant.

          But Looney is very likeable. Amazing rebounder and defender for someone who can't jump and doesn't seem quick. I love his game.

          Steph is still fantastic. Saric has been a great addition. Moody and GPII are fun off the bench.

          But. But CP, Klay, Wiggins and Kuminga have been terrible. Wiggins in particular. Warriors cannot win if those four are bad. Wiggins and Kuminga have eFG% of .415, Paul .413. Collectively, they are hoisting up 29.5 FGA/g. That's a third of the team FGA.

          1. Draymond is one of those players you love when he's on your team and hate if he isn't. Britt Robson's tweet this morning was hilarious.

    2. Saw that Rudy said he knew Draymon would get himself ejected once Steph was announced as out. These comments on Reddit about Rudy calling out Draymon are hilarious:
      1. From patient zero to my hero
      2. From touching mics to dropping them
      3. From surrendering as a Frenchman to calling out Steph's henchman
      4. From getting blitzkrieg'd to calling out bush league
      5. From faux pax to raison d'ètre

  1. Estrellas defeated the Gigantes 3-2 yesterday. Miguel Sano was 1-for-4. Geronimo Franzua (3-0) got the win by retiring the only man he faced. Jefry Yan got the save, his first, pitching a perfect inning and striking out one.

    Caribes lost to La Guaira 7-3. Willians Astudillo was 2-for-4. The loss went to Jose Torres, who allowed five runs (two earned) on three hits and did not retire a batter.

  2. Anybody know if some functionality recently changed on the site? Looks like all my formatting of my old top 300 posts went wonky and I think it just happened within the last month or so? I'm going to post my updates through 2023 after MVP votes announced this week, but as of now my draft is formatted all weird with a couple of my columns

      1. No worries. I found a work around, eliminating all the commas in my columns. I fixed my draft that is posting after MVP votes are announced. The old ones are messy looking but I doubt anyone goes back and looks at them besides me.

        1. I figured it out. WordPress converted the quotes to fancy quotes and that broke the plugin. There's a plugin to disable that feature that I hadn't activated again. Past posts now look correct.

  3. Lost my Godmother today. Best Aunt ever. I grew up in a ultra-conservative family (and extended family). Unfortunately, some racism in my upbringing as well. I have always had to compartmentalize my love for my individual family members from my disappointment in some of their "takes" on society. My Aunt Sue was a school teacher in Gig Harbor, WA. She was the one liberal influence in my life. She was the kindest person I have ever met and showered me and my siblings with so much love over the years. She visited us once in Minnesota and scolded my dad for yelling and swearing at me in our restaurant. She threatened to have me taken away if any more physical or verbal abuse continued. Luckily, the abuse ended that day. I was 13. She was able to get through to my Dad, when my Mom could not. I am unsure if I would still be here if not for this kind woman. I am unsure if I am just remembering this all in a rush, or if I knew it this whole time and repressed it. I know for a fact that I would not be the man, husband, and father that I am without her influence on my life. This one hurts my friends. Kiss those you love!

    1. So sorry, zooms. She sounds amazing. We should all be as lucky to have someone like her in our lives.

      May her memory be a blessing.

      1. Thanks brianS. Who knows, I may just fly out to Seattle for the funeral and then drive down the coast a bit to process all the things that have been on my mind. If I end up in your neck of the woods I will give you a shout.

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