December 2, 2023: Rain Out

There's a convention center right next to my work, and about 3-4 weekends a year now there's some sort of Anime, etc. type of show in town. It's a treat to see all the weird costumes walking up and down the street suddenly. Today the Furries were in town, but it was raining pretty good so everyone just carried their fursonas into the hall instead of wearing them. Man, that's one of the best ones to watch.

22 thoughts on “December 2, 2023: Rain Out”

  1. Estrellas defeated Aguilas 3-0 yesterday., despite getting out-hit 8-3. Eguy Rodriguez was 2-for-3. Robinson Pina pitched five shutout innings, giving up six hits and a walk and striking out four. Jefry Yan (3-0) got the win, giving up one hit in a scoreless inning. The save went to Neftali Feliz (9), who pitched a perfect inning.

    Caribes lost to Zulia 4-1. They led 1-0, but a three-run sixth put Zulia ahead to stay. Willians Astudillo was 0-for-4. Balbino Fuenmayor was 2-for-3. Luis Escobar (0-3) took the loss. He pitched five shutout innings, but his complete line is six innings, four runs, nine hits and two walks while striking out one.

  2. Anybody here famiar with D&D? I think my son might be into it and if so I could get him something for the holidays. But I wouldn't know where to start.

    He loves imaginitive storytelling and group play that isn't a competition. Almost all games disregulate him due to the fear of losing of having bad luck affect him.

      1. Surely you need more than dice to play. I saw dozens of books. Would you start with just the first one?

        1. I didn't recommend those because I don't know what reference folks use nowadays (or if it's all available online now). Technically you don't even need dice - that's probably online too

    1. I had a stint back in the day (looks like some of the books I had are worth a pretty penny now). Not sure what's happened through years, but the Player's Handbook is always a good place to start.

  3. I really like watching these Timberwolves, almost a quarter of the way through the season and sitting in the catbird seat.

    1. Most years I don’t mind much when a game is on during the day but I’m working, but this year it’s really irritating. I watched the score late with nerves fraying.

    2. i love it. it was awesome seeing them all together on the floor.

    3. I have not watched the Timberwolves, nor followed their progress, for at least 10 years. I have found myself slowly paying more attention. Today, the first thing I checked when I woke up was the TWolves score. I regret to inform you all that I am getting sucked in. In typical Minnesota fashion, I am terrified what my guarded excitement will do to the team. How will my heart be broken this time?

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