11 thoughts on “February 20, 2024: Soft Shoe”

  1. I just got an emailed advert for the A's "official batting practice cap."

    JFC. Are we moving toward multiple costume changes in-game, like a Madonna or Lady Gaga concert?

      1. They are hoping to level up to that.

        Re: stadiums. My next door neighbor is a die-hard A's fan. Per him, now that the Vegas move is in limbo, things are getting serious again with Oakland and the Mausoleum.

    1. BP caps/jerseys have been a thing for a while now, though, right? TBH, I’d rather they have a billion options for pre-game/post-game/practice/spring training and then only one home and one road uniform for the whole season, as I haven’t been a big fan of the 3rd/alternate/fashion/holiday uniforms that get used in-season.

        1. Same. One-off special event unis are fine. But I am "get off my lawn" about all the alternative unis. One home, one away. Don't screw with classic looks. No pixie vests.

  2. Legitimately love this question:

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