March 3, 2024: Here Fishy Fishy

The missus decided we need a family membership to the local aquarium. Unfortunately said aquarium is about an hour away, so I guess we'll be doing some driving.

15 thoughts on “March 3, 2024: Here Fishy Fishy”

  1. Mom A passed away at about 11:00 last night. She never did appear to be in pain or to suffer or struggle in any way. The hospital staff, the nursing home staff, and the hospice workers were all wonderful. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and your concern.

    1. Sorry for you and your family, but glad to hear her passing was as peaceful as it was.

    2. May her memory be a blessing, JeffA. And may you find comfort in your faith and family

    3. Sorry to hear this Jeff. Our prayers are with your family. Hospice workers are saints.

    4. Although you have seen many passings, losing one's mother is real tough. I'm glad that it happened as it did, with no late struggle. May memories of her be a blessing always.

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