March 5, 2024: Re-Up

I've tentatively scheduled the baseball fantasy draft on 3/17 at 8:30p. I could be convinced to move it. I've also set up to 5 keepers. I have no idea how that works, so we'll see how that goes. Anyone wants to join, let me know.

15 thoughts on “March 5, 2024: Re-Up”

  1. We've been averaging about 15 ballots cast per hour today at my Vote Center, more than we had in any one day Saturday through Monday. (Including VBMs dropped off). Only another 6:45 until the polls close, plus another two hours or so to tear down and repack everything.

    This has been an interesting experience. I will do it again.

    1. It's definitely a long day, and closing the polls just means the beginning of a lot more work. I'll get back in the game eventually though.

      1. I'll get back in the game eventually though.

        Let's all hope that opportunity remains open beyond this year.

    2. My polling place seemed pretty busy when I went in to drop off my mail-in ballot around 6 pm or so. Not like wait in line busy, but activity all around. I was a bit surprised how many people were there considering it’s March.

    3. Numbers went up during the day. I think we were close to 25 per hour overall.

      California law allows a voter to cast their vote anywhere in their county of residence and we had 14 voting centers (3 open 11 days, 10 open 4 days, and one "mobile" center open 8 days) and 15 drop boxes around the county with a registered voter population of about 158,000 (err, 113,000. I must have been hallucinating last night). Or you could vote by mail.

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