March 5, 2024: Re-Up

I've tentatively scheduled the baseball fantasy draft on 3/17 at 8:30p. I could be convinced to move it. I've also set up to 5 keepers. I have no idea how that works, so we'll see how that goes. Anyone wants to join, let me know.

15 thoughts on “March 5, 2024: Re-Up”

  1. We've been averaging about 15 ballots cast per hour today at my Vote Center, more than we had in any one day Saturday through Monday. (Including VBMs dropped off). Only another 6:45 until the polls close, plus another two hours or so to tear down and repack everything.

    This has been an interesting experience. I will do it again.

    1. My polling place seemed pretty busy when I went in to drop off my mail-in ballot around 6 pm or so. Not like wait in line busy, but activity all around. I was a bit surprised how many people were there considering it’s March.

    2. Numbers went up during the day. I think we were close to 25 per hour overall.

      California law allows a voter to cast their vote anywhere in their county of residence and we had 14 voting centers (3 open 11 days, 10 open 4 days, and one "mobile" center open 8 days) and 15 drop boxes around the county with a registered voter population of about 158,000 (err, 113,000. I must have been hallucinating last night). Or you could vote by mail.

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