May 15, 2024: Free Pass

I wish I could elbow anyone in the chest in my life with impunity. Things would be a lot easier that way.

(But seriously, the Wolves stank out loud and Jokic is amazing no matter how much shit he gets away with.)

16 thoughts on “May 15, 2024: Free Pass”

  1. Well, it was fun pretending a non-Lynx Minnesota team could win a championship, but at least I can stop paying attention now because I hate the rest of the teams except maybe Indiana. (Jamal Murray is a piece of crap so eff Denver)

      1. That's fair. That said, those two times were in a sport that doesn't have a severe officiating scandal ready to blow up in their faces.

          1. Love a good "I told ya so".

            Not that I'm blaming the losses on reffing, because I didn't actually watch any of the games. I'm just salty that Murray wasn't suspended when he did something super suspension worthy.

            1. I get the Murray thing. That was just awful. I believe if the series were 1-1 or Denver were up 2-0, he would have been suspended for a game. That's on the league, not the officials though. I otherwise feel like the officiating has been reasonable if imperfect, and hasn't been even close to outcome-determinative in any game.

  2. I'm not a well-versed basketball guy, but Conley missing had Ant controlling the plays and takes away from him playing off the ball which moves around those double teams. They looked better last night, so hopefully they can get a hometown win tomorrow

  3. Just got a ticket for game 6. Ticket 70 bucks. FEES 28!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Electronic ticket so not even a keepsake. We live in the dumbest of universes.

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