May 9, 2018: St. Louis Toodle-Oo

Sure it was only a two game sweep, but they were two good games against a good team.

Also, a day game then a day off kind of feels like two days without Twins baeball.

29 thoughts on “May 9, 2018: St. Louis Toodle-Oo”

  1. The jalapeno had his first baseball game last night, and it went well. This morning he said to me, "I felt so grown-up when I put on my batting gloves and hit the ball hard!"

    Seven-year-olds are such a funny mix of being big and little.

    1. That's great. I hope I have this moment someday. Henry is five and has zero interest in sports of any kind, watching, playing, team, solo. He also has poor hand-eye coordination, so I'm sure that doesn't help) . Right now he just wants to draw and color maps and learn the provinces of every country in the world (so far he's mastered Canada, China, and Chile).

      1. that's also adorable.

        I was very much into that kind of political geography as a little kid. Maps and globes rock.

        1. Our first is into maps a lot* and his misconceptions about certain things has underscored the importance of good labeling and how terrible the Mercator projection is. Because the map we have places "Asia" almost entirely over Mongolia, it took a long time to emphasize, including at least one meltdown, that Asia is pretty big.

          * No provinces memorized, only capitals and esoteric things like Svalbard.

          1. Ours has a meltdown when he misspells a country. Tonight we had a long talk about how everyone including daddy makes mistakes every day and it's how we learn. And we listed all the things he finds easy now that used to be hard.

            1. We did the same thing. I think it's helped, but it might also have only resulted in my mistakes being pointed out every time.

            2. The jalapeño learned the word "mistake" at age two after I forgot to leave money at daycare for him to get something from the ice cream truck that was making a special visit that day. After I explained what a mistake was and that I'd made one, he said very earnestly, "Mommy, NEVER make a mistake again." And thus began our never-ending conversation about the inevitability of mistakes.

              Given that I attempt to solve all things with books, here are a few picture books that have to do with mistakes:
              The Book of Mistakes by Corinna Luyken
              Accident! by Andrea Tsurumi [lots of Richard Scarry appeal in this art]
              The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes by Mark Pett and Gary Rubinstein
              The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires

        2. What bS said. A neighbor kid the same age as the jalapeño was really into countries and capitals last year, and I had lots of fun talking geography with him.

        3. I was very much into that kind of political geography as a little kid. Maps and globes rock.

          Same. Big time.

          Newbish is into letters and numbers and words. The vast majority of his free time is spent writing numbers and letters on his magnetic doodle pad.

  2. The Mets just had an inning ended by batting out of turn. I know it happens once in a while, but that seems like a really basic blunder to make.

  3. Sarah Shook tonight at the Turf Club and tickets are available. If you like Lydia Loveless you will like Sarah Shook (and not just due to the alliteration). I'll be there.

  4. The other day, my friend said that Bud Light Coco-A-Rita is the most foul thing she had ever drank. Naturally I was curious so I bought.


    It was as awful as advertised. Tasted like rancid Hawaiian Tropic lotion. Totally worth my 4 bucks to taste that!

    1. 4 bucks?!? I can make a way worse tasting drink for at least half the cost.

  5. The re-edited episodes of season 4 of Arrested Development are hilarious. I don't remember it being nearly this funny (or that Trump's entire platform is built up ripping off Lucille; no wonder he may have committed some light treason).

    1. Season four is hilarious, but I think lost some people because it focused on individuals every episode rather than the massive ensemble. Now that I know they finally did the promised re-edit, I'm up for another view.

        1. To celebrate Cinco de Cuatro, they released a "newly edited" version of season 4 with the same content spliced together in a more coherent, chronological format.

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