May 20, 2024: Holy Crap!

I still can't believe they pulled it off. I wanted to stop watching in the 2nd but I stuck with it, as they apparently did as well. Wow. KAT was huge. Amazing.

50 thoughts on “May 20, 2024: Holy Crap!”

    1. I don't know if we can post items from Bluesky but someone there name Paul had a screen shot of the game when it was 58-38 and posted "When there was only one footprint in the sand, it was then that Naz carried us".

      Which is just a long way to say Naz Reid

      1. Looks like Bluesky does not yet have OEmbed enabled (this is how Twitter and YouTube posts are embedded) and the embedding they do have indicates that user has blocked external embedding anyway.

    2. When Naz Reid was at the line, I was telling my wife "Evidently, he's got a big cult following. The people love him"

      Then he immedately proceeded to block Jokic and then throw it down at the other end.

      The bluesky TL was full of "NAZ REID" and it was beautiful

  1. Though I followed along from afar and watched last night, as a lapsed fan I cannot claim the same valor as many here. To those of you who have been here the whole time, congrats. What a great game. What a great team. What great collection of dudes.

    1. I’m the thing you’re talking about! I watched in the van on a long first leg of the drive from Dallas to Minneapolis. The two of us switched off halves. I drove the first half while Brandon watched, and vice versa. Poor Brandon.

    2. As a bandwagon/fair weather fan, I can't claim that valor either. But it's still so much fun, right?

      (I'll pocket my MN fatalism for a day or two.)

    3. The only valor I am claiming is the fact we haven't lost a series since Naz Reid was honored in Germany. All kidding aside, I did not pay much attention to the Wolves the past 15+ years. The NBA, in general, I have avoided due to lack of defense. I did watch many more games this year, just because of the brand of basketball this team plays (and the fact the Wild sucked). I am excited for this team, and for Minnesota. The best part of last night, was the fact a couple from Denver sat in the joint throughout the whole game and it was great to celebrate in front of Nugget fans.

      1. I have never paid much attention to the Wolves. I didn't watch a playoff game in 2004. I'm with you; I like watching defense. I actually was on the edge of my seat last night and I don't think I've felt that way about a basketball game since the Gophers Final 4 run

          1. Last night it seemed like they were out of sorts in the first half...too many wide open looks. And then in the 3rd quarter they were like, "Oh yeah, let's get in everyone's face all the time." I'm sure it's that easy. Jokic missing a bunch of uncontested threes didn't hurt.

    4. I saw the wolves beat the pels live in Nola with my cousin in November. I’ve watched maybe a combined one other game since but tuned in to the second half last night from the bar next door. The crowd was definitely into the wolves winning. It was a good time. What are the rules of this game again?

  2. So yeah, I will try not to give up on this series as much, although with all the games occurring in the same, proper time zone that will be a bit easier.

      1. Exactly. Maybe some Geoff-level invective or Statfreak-level doom-and-gloom may be required.

    1. My other favorite post from last night, that I can't find anymore, is about that shot and then calling out the backup on the bench in the blue warmups with his hands "putting his brain back into his head."

  3. I thought they had figured it out the 2nd half of game 5. I was at and picked them for game 6. What a game 7. Oh man so much fun.

  4. Admittedly, I was so stressed in early 4th quarter and had to turn off the TV. I couldn't bear to watch if they gave up the lead they fought so hard for. So I went to my music and hit shuffle to see what my mood should be. First song was Welcome to the Jungle. Second was a Queens of the Stone Age Song. I knew then and there, lead was preserved and watched last 5 minutes or so of game time stress free. Although, like most, it took that KAT put back dunk for me to just sit back and enjoy.

    1. Yeah, that's when I started to relax as well. Going back to that play, many thanks to Murray and KCP for doing absolutely nothing.

      1. That was the moment. I saw Conley's shot go up through the double-team and in that instant before the ball reached its apex I could see Denver snagging the rebound, nailing the outlet pass, boom - quick trey, and everything going down the drain from there. Then KAT slammed the ball home and it was such sweet, sudden relief that I jumped off the couch and made a small spectacle of myself.

      2. I must admit, I fully enjoyed Murray dropping his hands in utter exasperated defeat.

    2. I knew the victory was in the bag with about five minutes left. I don't have a reasoning, it just felt like it was over for Denver. I also had taken a 10mg gummy earlier in the night thinking it was 5 mg, so that may have contributed.

  5. If anyone is actually interested in ordering candles for their Timberwolves altar, my daughter can set up a Google form and Venmo/PayPal account for ordering, but she has finals this week and doesn't have time to build a website. Price is $15 per candle or the full set of four for $50. If there's enough interest I'll get the ordering link up.

    1. I think if this went on a public forum, she’d have all the business she could handle for a week.

      1. We discussed it, but it's finals week and she didn't have time to build a storefront or do marketing.

  6. The Twins game Friday night has been moved up an hour to 6:10 pm to accommodate the influx of fans for Mavs-Wolves game 2 set for 7:30 tip-off.

      1. I'm working the Twins game but not my full-time job Friday, so I may go downtown early to get a parking spot and take in the atmosphere.

    1. Love that we're hosting both Dallas teams the same evening. Aristotle suggested they should just take the same bus up from Texas.

      1. Though it might be a good idea to keep the two offenses separate so the Twins don't rub off on the Wolves...

  7. thank goodness.

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