While my faculties are essentially back and I can engage again at work, I lost my voice during a big sale yesterday, so this illness continues to be a ball. On the upside, I closed the sale.
All posts by spookymilk
February 7, 2017: Back to Work
It's my first day back after battling influenza. I still have it, but not bad enough to stay home.
February 6, 2017: That’s Five
...for Brady. I always cheer for him because I like to hear his sputtering detractors try to come up with new ways to say he's overrated.
February 5, 2017: Oh Right, That Game
Last night while my wife and I were at the Ladysmith Black Mambazo concert, she reminded me that the Super Bowl is tonight. Huh. I'm off, but not sure if I'll watch. I've never skipped it, but I've worked about ten of them in a row, so I haven't had to make the call recently, either.
FMD: Tones I’ve Never Heard
A few days ago, my Marantz SR6011 receiver arrived via FedEx, and I bi-amped my Martin Logan 60XTs and music in my home has never even approached this level of quality. I'm laid up with influenza, so I've gotten to enjoy the hell out of them, as stairs are proving difficult for my equilibrium right now and it's easier to sit in one spot while I wait for this endless sickness to pass.
How do you listen? Any other audiophiles out there besides me and Hess?
As for the music passing through these speakers, I'm going through Pitchfork's Best New Music archives to see what I missed, as well as pulling disparate acts from the past, ranging from Portishead to Jeff Buckley to White Zombie.
Since I'm not going anywhere, I'll drop a SpookySampler up in here today.
February 2, 2017: Hey Felix
How ya doin, Doris.
January 29, 2017: Rumble
Normally on the day of the Royal Rumble I make some veiled comment referencing it. This time I'll just talk about it outright. I really like the Royal Rumble, gang.
January 28, 2017: The Waiting is the Hardest Part
My receiver is set to arrive on the 31st. I really, really wanted it to show up before the 29th when my brother and dad come over. The customer service really could have been better, but at least I can track my package now.
January 27, 2017: Owned
I closed on the house on the 24th. Internet arrived on the 25th but there was just too much to do and I didn't have any extra time to hang out here. Now my body is broken from moving and I practically beg to hang out online.
As I've said before in solo conversations, it's a seven-story townhouse with a lot of smallish rooms. I have three bathrooms, but when I'm down in my home theater room I still find myself wanting to complain that none of them are a little bit closer. There are 49 stairs. I have rediscovered my love of power tools. My speakers are still glorious, and still waiting for my damned receiver to arrive so I can use them (the expected date of arrival is the finally nearing).
Because we bought from a relative, and one I actually like, this was a very simple process. I don't know how the hell people buy houses from strangers.
January 23, 2016: Ventura and Marte
Two more young baseballers have left too soon. Both Dominicans in separate car crashes. Yordano Ventura was one of the Royals' World Series heroes a couple of years ago. Rough night for baseball.