I just got a job writing for a very successful pro wrestling site. I sent off the sample and cover letter two months ago and figured it was dead, but yesterday was met with an offer out of nowhere.
All posts by spookymilk
Solange – Cranes in the Sky
Here's some more awesome recent R&B that you won't even listen to because you're closed-minded and I hate your stupid face.
(Kidding. I just want to see who's reading)
November 29, 2016: Although There’s No Good Time, Really
I'm getting sick as I return to work after a mostly-healthy three-day layoff. Wooooooo
Maxwell – Hostage
Come on, dudes. Listen up. Get smooth. Maxwell's newest album kicks so much ass.
November 28, 2016: Spread Thin
I have too much going on, which I do to myself often. Life would be so much easier if I just quit my job, right?
Kelela – Rewind
I've been fairly obsessed with Kelela for a good year now. She makes good, ahem, mood music. There may actually be a lot of R&B this week compared to my usual, as for whatever reason, it's grabbing me these days.
November 24, 2016: Thanks!
Drive safely, especially now that it's snowing.
November 23, 2016: No Lines
People don't line up a week in advance in Minnesota. That's kind of cool.
Less cool is the fact that we've been hurting for coverage for the last few days, because corporate apparently didn't foresee us having a single customer between Monday and Wednesday.
November 18, 2016: The (Too) Calm Before the Storm
Man, this week has been lean in the store. Come visit me. PLEASE.
Movie Day
We'll get it in where we can, and that's now. What's your pre-holiday fare? For that matter, what's your holiday fare? Do I own Planes, Trains and Automobiles? If so, I should pop it in tonight.