Mornings have been rough, but there's a good chance I can sleep in this morning. No calls or texts, please.
All posts by spookymilk
October 19, 2015: It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
That movie has been near the top of my Netflix disc queue since probably about 2006. It finally arrived today, and with near-three hour running time, I wouldn't be surprised if I don't get around to it for another nine years.
October 17, 2015: Rain
Another monsoon led to another long, dreary day at work. Ugh.
October 16, 2015: Sour Cream
My preemie is eight. I'm not really sure how this happened; sometimes it feels like the Milkmaid and I were only recently talking about whether we were going to have more kids.
SC is good at absolutely everything she tries, and is a fantastic human. Also, her teacher joked that almost every boy in class likes her. So...there's that to look forward to...
October 14, 2015: Posting from my Phone
It's a drag.
October 13, 2015: Surprise Benefits
I ran a podcast last night and the Milkmaid slept in another room...I haven't had this much room to sleep in years.
October 12, 2015: Snags
I had two promising job opportunities in Minnesota fall apart on the same day. This is kind of becoming a joke.
October 10, 2015: The End
...of a relationship. October 10th, 1995 marked the biggest breakup I'd ever had. Several worse ones followed.
October 9, 2015: Slow News Days
I love the emptiness of postseason baseball columns. "8 role players who could become postseason heroes," one headline says. Throw some darts and call it a day.
October 8, 2015: Bracket Busted