Category Archives: Cup of Coffee

The “Cup of Coffee” is the daily post where the Citizens are free to chat about whatever they want. Topics that prove sufficiently popular often migrate to their own, dedicated post.

December 8, 2013: Almost There

Three days until I hit Minnesota. I'm thinking the 11th for CdL/WGOM people, and maybe the 14th as well if others can't make the 11th. On the 12th I think I'll see my friend Cheryl ("I wish I had a beard" from that commercial a year ago or so) and some other actor-types. I hope to see a lot of you dudes. I also hope I don't stay sick throughout it - I woke up with something yesterday.

December 5, 2013: Game Night

Tonight I help run a game night at Luke Air Force Base for the dome dwellers who have no families of their own and elect to stay on base to watch things. This is always one of their favorite events; depression is a bigger factor there than many would realize (there were two suicides in November, for instance). I get to do this through my company. I don't get a chance to volunteer for worthwhile things often, but I'm looking forward to this.