I was explaining this snack to a foreign co-worker and they were slightly aghast. On the surface, I suppose it does sound like a strange mix of ingredients.
Category Archives: Cup of Coffee
The “Cup of Coffee” is the daily post where the Citizens are free to chat about whatever they want. Topics that prove sufficiently popular often migrate to their own, dedicated post.
November 21, 2024: Hope To CC You Soon!
It sounds like the owners of the CC Club are considering putting it up for sale.
*Passes hat around*
November 20, 2024: Landslide
The 2025 Hall of Fame ballot class has been announced. Ichiro better get in unanimously.
November 19, 2024: Deadline
Today's the last day to add players to the 40-man before the Rule 5 draft. Protect your prospects, people!
November 18, 2024: Solo
The wife’s on a trip so I’m holding the fort down. Always an adventure.
November 17, 2024: Extended Version
I've been watching the long LotR movies with the kids and they are long.
November 16, 2024: The First
Rick lost his first tooth today(/yesterday). I went out and got the crispest tener I could find (I'm waiting for Pete to complain, but inflation, man). Where do you stand on the various American demigods (Easter Bunny, Santa, Tooth Fairy, etc.)? I've always tried non-denial denials.
November 15, 2024: Crisp
How do you take your water? I like mine as ice cold as ice cold gets. I know there are room temperature people out there, but I don't know why.
November 14, 2024: Cosmic Coincidence
The new word on the street is Uranus actually does have plasma in its magnetosphere. Voyager 2 spent a scant 5 hours flying past it (which is still where almost all of our data on the planet is from) and it seems like it may have coincided with a "co-rotating interaction region" from the sun. Or, in a period of increased solar activity, the sun ejected long streams of plasma to the edge of the solar system. This caused a strong but temporary drop of plasma in the planet's magnetosphere. It just so happened that around this time is just when Voyager 2 scuttled past. Hope we get a closer look soon.
November 13, 2024: Mr. Blue Sky
I'm a little pleased this website has suddenly picked up in the last week or so. As mentioned last night, I created this list for new or current BS members. As I also mentioned, please let me know if I'm missing anybody.