Honestly, I don't really like Ms. Merchant and crew, but we'll invite them up for the sake of the bit.
Beside, I'm sure some of you old fogeys do like her.
Honestly, I don't really like Ms. Merchant and crew, but we'll invite them up for the sake of the bit.
Beside, I'm sure some of you old fogeys do like her.
Some 99 for your 9/9.
(This was the only culturally relevant/actually live video of this track I could find).
Happy Labor Day, you guys!
I've been around here awhile, and have also been connected with citizens over other social platforms. I think I can safely say that I'm not very well known for many, if any, forms of activism.
This has been a pretty crazy week. Obviously locally, but the wider world has seen plenty of turmoil; much, much worse, actually.
On all these topics, I have fairly strong opinions, but as a good Minnesotan, I mostly keep them to myself. This time (and I apologize if this is counter to your own tenets), I will allow myself a little grandstanding.
This small rock blindly pitching headlong through the cosmos is fragile enough. With all the war and blood and hate on top of that which we subject ourselves to, I just don't see any reason to try to counteract anything that allows more love into this world. Institutions may tremble, but, in any form it comes in, #LoveWins.
(Sorry, this is a far too obvious choice, but, seriously, Queen is frickin awesome (and the Painter already played one of the best vids out there))
Just like Mr. Holmes, I'm hoping we can have a little fun today in Boston, and then skeeee-daddle.
(there are some claims on the internets that "O'Malley's" is in reference to Boston. that's what i'm going with, at least.)
The Meat Man hadda gettaway for awhile. I'm hoping to gettaway sometime in the near future too.
Kyle gave a long and (relatively) epic performance yesterday, just like what I can only assume is his kin did here.
If the Wild don't switch things up here, they're done. I suppose that's kind of obvious...
If it wasn't for your mother, you wouldn't be here. Better listen, foo!