Oops, I haven't played the National yet in calendar year 2018
Oops, I haven't played the National yet in calendar year 2018
The brothers Kiszka (plus drummer) have a new one out soon. Apparently the drummer was trying to play through an injury here which eventually lead to them putting him on the disabled list and canceling some shows. See? Don't be a tough guy.
could everyone be more bored?
11 Jun 2018
seriously, the only interesting part was the 10 seconds iha went off on a weird solo. billy has a new zero shirt. good for him.
This makes me want to see Alex Turner collab with Julian C.
I don't really appreciate this guy taking shots at my beloved Father, JM (my hot take is, publicly projecting the "music is all about the art, maaaaaan" pose is as much a calculated maneuver as anything else is, don't @ me) but this song is pretty good.
never change, julian
I was gonna do that last one myself, which suggests I've taken this about as far as it can go
I almost put this on the Summer Mix. Still a good track.
"We are not a proud race..."