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02 Oct 1994
Happy 70th birthday, Tom!
(h/t painter)
h/t davidwatts
Let's get to the point.
2 Oct 94
Okay, sorry, please allow me one more...
I've talked about this several times, but I was subjected to so many shitty songs over and over again at my first job thanks to their strict policy of only Cities 97ing. It made me hate so many bands that I might have actually enjoyed (as mentioned, it took me years and years to finally realize that The Replacements ≠ Paul Westerberg solo crap). I heard Tom Petty five million times on that station, however, it somehow never phased me. Sure, some songs I wasn't as crazy about as others, but they didn't make me cringe as whichever Jackson Browne song I'd heard 3 times in the last 2 days. Whatever, I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I just wanted to play one more.
This was one of the songs that, when it would pop on that abominable radio station they played at that job, I would kick back and enjoy. Maybe she would come in again, like that one time they played this song and I hoped she would come in and she somehow actually did. It never happened again after that, but I always hoped it would.
Thanks, man. I'll miss you.
...till next season is the hardest part. (Also watch out for the f-bomb in the storytelling at the beginning.)
Probably my favorite by him. Well, one of them at least.
Happy America Day, everyone! We'll kick it off with a cut from the upcoming WGOM SUMMER MIX 2016. Should be out later this week, folks! It's out now!
Tom seems insistent on doing his worst Dylan impression on this one...
finished up the tax return. our little deduction came through with flying colors.
(by the way, somehow, this is pretty much the only performance of this song not attempted by a beatles tribute band or filmed with a webcam)