As Canadian as it gets.
Death From Above 1979 – You’re Lovely (But You’ve Got Lots Of Problems)
the "official" WGOM hockey draft was last night, so something canadiany feels appropriate...
Beulah – Night Is Day Turned Inside Out
Every once in a while I think of it as a duty to remind everyone that Beulah is one of the more terrific bands I have ever come across my whole life.
From the DVD, A Good Band Is Easy To Kill
I Break Horses – Winter Beats
winter is coming...
Oasis – Live Forever
I would like to dedicate this one to Leslie Frazier.
You keep it interesting, coach, for sure.
Edith Piaf – Milord
here's some edith piaf, because, well... why not?
Folk Implosion – Natural One
jobu is sleeping in so I decided to find a song about Matt Moore.
R.E.M. – So. Central Rain
There was a little chatter about the R.E.M. retirement last week but I thought they deserved a video. Most people under 30 don't get them but to a certain group of people this band was pretty important.
Here are the guys in 1983, on Letterman.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals – Treat Me Right
vermont's grace potter and the nocturnals playing for a maryland crowd. love that B-3 sound.
Dr. Dog – Die, Die, Die
See you later, 2011.