Max Scherzer vs Brian Duensing
I was hoping to be able to write about the Twins tying the White Sox for third place, but that is going to have to wait until tomorrow. Instead, let's investigate the non-Verlander pitchers. Verlander is 13-5 for the season, but the Tigers are 14-8 in games started by him. Makes sense. Especially since he has yet to throw fewer than 100 pitches in a game this year. He only had three last year and five the year before.
Anyway, that leaves the rest of the Tiger staff at 38-38. Tonight's starter, Scherzer, is only 10-5 but the Tigers are 13-7 in his starts despite his mediocre 4.53 ERA. The offense has also scored 5.2 runs/game for him. Note to Duensing: don't let the Tigers score that many runs. Note to Twins offense: despite Scherzer's ERA, he has a decent FIP and pretty good xFIP, so practice some patience.
Unless this goes into crazy extras, I'll only be seeing the first handful of pitches for this one. Hopefully I'll have internet access at the resort so I can see tomorrow's game. Yes, the thing I'm most excited about on this vacation is being able to surf my sites in a different city.
Crazy extras? I thought you movie-business types were used to that.
Wowsers, you could not be more right about that.
Working as an extra is fairly emasculating as it is, but it's made all the worse by the fact that it seems a third of the people are on work release from prison.
And I just learned yet another fun fact about movie-making.
BTW, nice use of "emasculating". One of my favorite words.
Why is there no equivalent for the fairer sex? "Efeminizing" just doesn't work.
Working as an extra is so easy you'll feel like you're stealing (hence, you're surrounded by people who are only there because they have no skills), but it isn't worth the lack of respect you get on set. Actors do it because there's always the small chance they'll get a line or something, and there are some real success stories, but I can't bear to do it unless the pay is more than fair and I'm in desperate need of the money.
The Dude abideth in right. Thome at DH, Mauer behind the plate, Delmon batting eighth. I like!
I want Delmon to bat 10th, but other than that, I'm good.
That might happen when Span returns. I wonder who the Twins will keep out of Repko and Revere.
It might be better for Revere if he goes down and plays every day instead of pinch running for Thome with occasional spot starts, but I'd rather see Revere up here and playing than Repko.
This might be one of the few times the lineup is actually balanced between left and right-handed hitters.
balance numbers-wise? or talent-wise? 'Cause the righties are going to have to do better than that.
A Cornhusker vs. a Tiger; one time for me to root against the Mizzou alum
Anthony LaPanta and Roy Smalley in the FSN booth tonight
Dick and Bert in Cooperstown.
Dunce pitching up in the zone tonight- almost missed it without Bert to tell me about it.
Dunce looks like he's been taking pitching lessons from Liriano.
Not a fan of how this is starting.
Me neither.
Hey guys...I'm back! Miss me?
I was at the game on Tuesday. The heat was bad, but it was totally worth it for the payoff at the end. 🙂
what have you done for me lately, though?
I brought Kubel with me!
*passes a beer down the row*
why cant our team hit HRs
Because we can't face the Twins' pitching staff?
I think I'm going to go do something else. I don't think I can stand watching Duensing throw another meatball.
geez Dunce, how about less K's if it means less HRs?
That looked like a slow-pitch softball.
Dammit Duensing. This is not the way to stop them from scoring 5.2 runs.
As long as he only pitches 5 innings, they should only score 5 runs off him at this rate. Then the bullpen will likely take care of the .2 runs in the last four frames.
I figured the bullpen was more likely to give up 20.
Decimal points always have been tricky little buggers.
4 K's, 2 HR. I was wrong, Dunce has been taking lessons from Bert.
Yankmes leading the A's 14-2 in the fourth. It could always be worse, Twins fans.
come on Duderino
Dude is back!
been way too long since we've heard "Kuuuuuube" -- that was nice
RBI grounders are juicy.
Evening, gents.
It is evening!
Hey, isn't batting eighth like being the second clean-up hitter?
I hate the term "scoring position." Everyone is in scoring position if they are on base or up to bat.
This ain't good.
very clever -- make it a long half inning; let Scherzer's arm get cold
I'd be more OK with the Victory Martinez walk if I thought Dunce could find the strike zone and if freakin' Peralta wasn't slugging 2.800 off Duensing.
I think we may see Swizzlestick in the game soon
aw, SON-OF-A-
OK, time for Dunce to move back to the 'pen, I believe.
That'll make a spot for Slowey!
Make a spot for someone, anyhow. I'd hope it would be Slowey, but who knows at this point?
That'll make a spot for
Slowey!Toby Gardenhire.Groundskeeper Toby!
Isn't he still battling bilateral leg weakness?
more like Gardy battling bilobal brain weakness
That's not good. You need those to manage.
Ozzie Guillen begs to differ.
sexi lexi!
I could totally get into this epic comeback if we could, you know, beat the damn tigers.
Enough with the popups, guys.
man, I was ALL OVER that trivia question: Bert Blyleven was traded away from the Twins and then later reacquired; which Twin did this occur to before Bert?
But was he reacquired with at least one of the pieces acquired from the original trade?
Don't remember that being part of the question.
good call -- Swastika up in the 'pen
And Dunce is right on track with my run/inning prediction! Don't blow it here, Brian!
Nicely played, bootsy.
that was very close to being one of the greatest defensive plays EVAH.
that lexi play (that comment was about 5 minutes after the fact though).
Gotcha- I will have to review the tape (if Gameday deigns to favor me with a highlight vid of said play).
i doubt it, as he was safe by a step or two. if lexi had got him though, it would've been epic.
nice K
need a double play now
holy crap, just throw at the guy, huh?!
Like, two at-bats ago, please.
I dislike Jhonny
the fact that the twins are sucking so much is really upsetting Famished Pete...
I hate Peralta.
Jhonny Hit and Run Duensing
this game is turning stinky
That'll just about do it. I'm out.
Burnett = waving the white flag.
Going for the 20 runs from the bullpen* that sean was calculating earlier.
*I know those two were Duensings', I'm going to say they count for him and Burnett.
Famished Pete is downright agitated now.
on that subject, i ordered this cap for him from

it's about 4 years too big for him, but it'll be sweet when he gets there, i think.
Is your son a daughter?
that's this hat:

you don't dig on the military style?
Sort of quasi-miltary, anyhow. Where's Beau's avatar with his kepi when you need him?
At least you didn't get this one.
grandma might have gotten him this fruity number (as meowdeled by our cat):

That's a hep cat.
he didn't seem to mind when we wrapped him in a blanket, so naturally, we humiliated him further.
He's a father to a sister of thought.
(Or the Mad Hatter.)
rightly so
Bill Smith applies poster paint to cardboard.
I am so thrilled to have gotten to spamtown in time to see some of this crap.
Like Austin needs any help in the crap department...
well, this is turning out to be a real nutscratcher...

(be sure to visit (and add to) your local image repository)
its been a while for that graphic
That looks far more satisfying than this ballgame.
That looked like it hit bat to me.
I think we need to focus on which Tiger batter to bean in order to gain an advantage this weekend
why the fuck is burnett still in there?
This game stinks like stinky butts.
Is that from Twelfth Night?
Moby Dick, I think.
+ Omoo
i thought it was james joyce.
A Portrait of the Artist as a
Young ManNutscratcher.I predict a rally inning for the Twins
that didnt work out
Nailed it, but no confirmation email, so it was a surprise announcement. Seems like I only get the trivia in the blowout losses.
Less competition.
Gordo doddering.
Everybody knows the Twins don't try until the third and fourth games of a series, anyway.
it seems like the Twins are more exciting when we had our AAA lineup in place
I was just thinking that, while I took a break from the stinky-butt game.
Sell, sell, sell!
That was my other thought.
Yes, because it is so much better to have Hughes' .615 OPS, Tosoni's .558 OPS, Tolbert's .505 OPS, and Rivera's .507 OPS to go along with Revere's .582 OPS (before tonight). Plouffe at least has a .756 OPS, but is hitting just .211 with bad defense and he has a -.4 rWAR. This run the Twins went on has NOT been fueled by the young players. It has been improved play by the vets.
I mowed the lawn listening to taking the first three innings. Phooey.
I was hoping for more Ks from Duensing.
I was hoping for more a lot of things from a lot of people.
I mean, I was accepting of losing and giving up a bunch of runs, but going 5 innings, giving up 6 runs, and striking out 13 still would have been something.
Can Mijares start?
Well, he can't relieve.
I want CJ in the 9th!
Perkins? Where's the degree of difficulty?
Aw, hell, one good thing about a blowout is time to work on graphics:

I love that one where he makes a gown from the drapes.
Gardy's signal to the bullpen is a tug of the ear
oh, by the way...
That could make for one big plaque.
Which one was it?
Rhu-ru: Aw, hell, one good thing about a blowout is time to work on graphics.
Bootsy: I love that one where he makes a gown from the drapes.
Rhu-ru: Gardy's signal to the bullpen is a tug of the ear.
Rhu_Ru's comment & picture.
The Twins broadcast team is really stretching for highlights. So far, they've shown a nice play by Casilla for no out and a botched run down.
i mentioned it above, but if lexi got that runner out, that would've been plastered all over the 4ltr. if they took the time to watch this flyover state game, that is.
Would have been play of the year hands down. Too bad it wasn't a slower runner.
It looked like Jackson was in a sharpshooter on that route.
Mauer's 0-4 puts him behind Cuddy in the Avg Chase.
kills his hitting streak, too.
why Glen Perkins here??
what, you think he'll get in either of the next two at this rate?
and why are we wasting perkins here?
what, you think he'll get in either of the next two at this rate?
I see what you did there.
Jhonny is hitting .323 with a .917 OPS as a SS. Is anyone talking about him for MVP?
His only votes will be from the Twin Cities chapter of the BBWAA.
He and Asdrúbal will probably split the vote.
Rally time....
Here we go!
OMG, let him get the last two outs and get this crapfest over with already!
It is an eight to TWO ball game.
They can do it! They can do it!
They can't do it...
The Twins now have a .8% win expectancy!
Turd Sandwich is on to close it out...
I keep hoping that nickname will catch on.
well, he didn't DP on an UNO at least, so I guess that's progress
elm'n you son of a gun!
no save, so no dance. whatta shame...
twins : white sox :: tigers : twins
Spit-shine this one, socal.
Free Kevin Slowey!!
I am going to get drunk and make more wrestling banners.
Please don't. Please?
I didn't say I was going to share them.
Oh. In that case, knock yourself out...
Alright, I might end up making one to share.
Having Jason Kubel back is great, but what we desperately need is to have Denard Span back so we can get Ben Revere and his .284! on-base average out of there and hopefully back to AAA to learn how to take a pitch. Revere has one walk in his last 74 PAs and has an on-base average of .232 over that stretch. That is butt ugly. If it was Casilla, people would be wanting to lynch Gardy for leaving him at the top of the order.
Yes, but see... Jason Tyner sucked. Dick raved about Tyny so the brainless masses followed suit. Ben Revere offensively is even worse than Tyner; therefore, the Target Field faithful thinks Revere is the fourth greatest player in the lineup (being Mauer, Cuddyer, and JI JIM). Seriously, I was at the last two games and Revere is getting bigger cheers than anybody else on Thursday, but Kubel thankfully got more support yesterday.
Revere is exactly the sort of player that everyone in Minnesota absolutely loves for no reason. He can barely get a ball out of the infield.
Puts on the "Every Minnesotan" hat
We like him 'cause he's nice and he runs fast, and (they keep telling us) he's like a young Kirby...and that makes sense because he's not very tall and he's black, he plays center field and makes impressive catches, he smiles a lot and he looks like he's having fun and he tries hard. We like all those things so we're happy for him. You should be happy for him too, that nice, smiley young man deserves our support!