this was the only song i really had in my head to play this week, but the hitman went ahead and played him recently. i'm gonna go ahead and ignore it, and play this track anyway as i'm driving up to the cities today.
appropriate lead-in and send-off as well...
The second best song about quitting drugs for the holidays.
I wonder what Aimee thinks about the catchhimandkeephim dot com ad running on that youtube vid.
(I've always practiced "Catch and Release.")
The ad runs on the bottom of the video... I'd rather not link to a site with such a name...
Oh, now I get ya. (I always clink those off--or watch full screen where they don't appear.)
I need to get some more Aimee Mann. All I have is Magnolia.
She's great--I can't recommend her enough. And her whole catalog is solid. If I was to pick a fave, though, it might be Bachelor No 2--which shares a couple of songs with Magnolia. The Forgotten Arm, #%&! Smilers, and Lost in Space are all excellent records, too.
And since we've effectively turned this into an Aimee Mann thread, her Christmas LP One More Drifter in the Snow is quite good, as well. Free is welcome to give it a 6.
I recommend her live show as well. Even in the open air of Austin City Limits, it was very intimate.
Okay, I'll give it a 7 because Aimee Mann is about the only female I know who can make a necktie work.
oh, idunno.

Not a tie, it's a puffy shirt. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Nihilists clean up pretty good, free.
Ok, you caught me. But she rocked ties too, and was a pretty good looker back in the day. I just couldn't find one from that era with a quick search.