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Here's not not The Beths with a holiday classic.
Love that the bass player is in shorts. New Zealand Christmas.
Sorry, Sufjan is still my 100% Xmas go-to.
Look what you made me do, hj.
Hope your holidays go better than this, gang!
Christmas is kinda weird. But that's okay.
However, at this point, I feel like I'm the Christmas Unicorn.
But that's okay. You're the Christmas Unicorn too.
It's alright, I love you.
Happy Xmas Eve, all. Hope everything has a great night. Stay safe, y'all!
hope everyone's had a great holiday season. here's a traditional christmas song to cozy around a fire with.
this was the only song i really had in my head to play this week, but the hitman went ahead and played him recently. i'm gonna go ahead and ignore it, and play this track anyway as i'm driving up to the cities today.
appropriate lead-in and send-off as well...
we'll get something in here that ol' grinchy freealonzo will give more than a 6 to.