12:10 PM
Francisco Liriano vs. Dan Haren
So, the Twins are well on their way to 158-4, the best record in franchise history. I wanted to take this game log to look at some recent signings by today's teams.
Josh Willingham | Albert Pujols | |
Average | .353 | .222 |
OBP | .421 | .333 |
SLG | .941 | .667 |
Home runs | 3 (on pace for 97) | 0 (on pace for 0) |
RBI | 6 | 2 |
Contract | 3 years/$21 million | 10 years/$240 million |
We're getting twice the production for a tenth of the contract. Is it really any wonder that the Twins are on pace to win 158 games?
Prediction: in an unprecedented move, the umpires call the game in the bottom of the first after the Twins score 35 runs without an out being recorded.
new guy is back!
I still can't decide after two years on the West coast if 10 am games are great or terrible.
I always thought the 10 am games were great. You can watch the ballgame from work and still have enough time to focus on the project you were supposed to finish by the end of the day.
I think I concur, though starting the day two runs down stinks.
I think you meant 5 runs down.
I love them, particularly on days off like today.
You and LIRIANO!
Did Coomer just say Parmelee wasn't a first round draft pick?
And there goes the no-hitter.
I'm here - dugout box on the 3rd base line, row 2! Awesome!
Dick n' Bert's hearts were a flutter over that groundout.
Dick wanted that bunt so bad.
Productive outs!
Bert played the game, right? D-span was in scoring position already.
That is up for debate most days.
Pitchers don't have to know all that offense stuff.
Big Pussy strikes out.
Well, it's a good thing Carroll got him over.
But he got him into scoring position.
Marney isn't doing a great job of selling the Buffalo Mac.n.Chez.
Obligatory monster jack.
In real time I thought he was pretty clearly safe. Good call by the ump.
I thought the same thing until I saw the replay.
So, like, a couple of months ago basically.
With no Scott Baker and no Kevin Slowey, who will be the Twins Official Whipping Boy this year?
I'm thinking Valencia is ripe for the picking.
Heh, I think you need not look further than today's starting pitcher
You don't know officially until it oozes out through the TV crew.
Yeah, like I said...
Ah, I am blissfully unaware of such things.
Joe Mauer. Just like it was last year.
He's the fans' whipping boy. Not The Official Whipping Boy.
OK. Valencia then. Dick n' Bert can talk about how he is destroying the team through partying hard.
Yikes. This one may get fugly.
They've already won one this series. How much effort can you expect out of them?
I'm more scared of Bourjos than Pujols at this point.
I'm scared of Liriano.
We're gonna get to learn the names of some of the new relievers today...
So, last night's game was an anomaly then. Good to know.
It's a good thing the Angels have a hole in the lineup like Pujols.
Down by five runs? Dan Haren pitching?
I'm suddenly glad I have meetings all afternoon.
Well he would've been nailed with a good throw...
Welp, I have to get back to sanding the exterior of my house. Anyone want to join me?
If you've got brews available, I'm in.
Yeah, to the sanding I go. Spoons, I have 45 homebrews in the house, and can get any kind of other you require. I expect to see you in about 11.5 hours.
45 homebrews?! Milkmaid, been nice knowin' ya.
Sweet Jesus, they sent him back out there?
Nice recovery.
C'mon you fairweathers, this game isn't over! Wooooo! Go Twins!
I'm not into booing joe mauer. shame on you twins fans.
I'm sorry, meat.
Heh. Gardy playing mind games with Haren. Sweet.
Wooooo! Yeahhhhhh! Ralllllyyyyyyyy!
I have both Liriano and Haren going in my fantasy baseball today. I considered sitting Liriano, but decided to keep him in just in case. I had the same feeling about leaving Mizzou in the Final Four.
I caught the first two Angels innings while at lunch. I've never seen so many balls hit up the middle.
I dunno. I feel like I've seen the Angels do it once before.
Time for Big Pussy to do something other than hit into a double play.
A day game! I'm here now, lets score some runs.
Really Target Field? Booing?
Now I'm bored.
What happened? Gameday isn't updating
Don't these knuckleheads know I only get to watch about 1 game per week?
They're trying to make sure no one else wants to watch more than 1 game per week.
Serious question: If you're so down on the team that in the sixth game of the season you're going to boo them, why buy tickets in the first place?
I don't understand booing the home team ever, unless you're attempting to boo the GM and the team's entire direction (which doesn't really come through to the viewers at home). I wish the Target Field "faithful" would leave that kind of crap to the entitled New York fans, but I'm guessing the MSM is largely at fault.
I've probably been to about 300 Twins games in my life and I pretty much agree with what you wrote and followed that rule. Matt Capps excepted.
I was at a late-2001 game where LaTroy was roundly booed the second he was announced for a save opportunity. The chaunce two rows ahead of me (who was in the front row) held up a sign that said "HAWKINS: LEAST VALUABLE PLAYER" and was so proud of it he turned around and showed the lot of us. Unluckily for the poor bastard, he wasn't in a section full of self-hating morons, and we told him to sit his stupid ass down and put the sign away.
I wonder if the LaTroy Hawkins fan club ever tracked him down.
The security guy in our section may have been a member. Shortly after he turned around and bragged about his sign, security yanked it out of his hands.
I can see it on rare occasions if there are legitimate effort issues or there are a bunch of dumb blunders--like players forgetting the number of outs and whatnot. In this situation, it just seems like a waste of time.
Yeah, the Milton Bradley toss into the stands with two outs is probably a boo-worthy moment. Yuni's apathetic waddle anytime he tanks a play might be boo-worthy. These are gameplay moments, though, and not players in general, which I assume is what you're after.
I'll play devil's advocate here. It's not easy to sit through unpleasant, dismal play in abject silence. You're obviously not going to cheer when the team does something poorly, and who wants to just sit there quietly? What's fun about being quiet? Booing at least lets you express some emotion, lets you feel like a part of a crowd, which is ostensibly a big part of why people go to the ballpark in the first place.
I'm totally fine with being quiet at the park. I find something intimate about a huge crowd in silence. It makes the big moments bigger. This might be the performer in me talking.
And I'm totally fine with people booing at the park. I find something exciting about a huge crowd expressing emotion together. It makes the boring and/or frustrating moments entertaining. This might be the hooligan in me talking.
I have to admit, this seems funny to me coming from you. It wouldn't have a few weeks ago, but you were surprisingly quiet at the caucus the other day. Was that unlike you? Admittedly, when you have guys like Can of Corn and I who never slow down, it might be tough to get a word in edgewise.
Well a lot of the conversation that night revolved around Survivor events that I wasn't a part of, so I didn't have a whole lot to say. But yeah, I can get rowdy with the best of them. Especially in the context of a live sporting event.
Oh, right. Sorry about that. Once Spookymilk Survivor comes up, it tends to control the conversation.
It mostly just made me wish I'd been a part of those Survivors! I hope I can be in the next one.
You are always welcome, man. You're hilarious.
The next one's a non-writing game and the current one just got underway. You're more than welcome to play the strategy-style game, of course, but you've only played writing games and I assumed that wasn't by accident.
Can also just follow along at home. Almost as much fun without the hassle of those silly deadlines.
Yeah, I actually get some emails from people who say they love to follow along despite not knowing anyone involved (but they feel they've gotten to know them as they play more games). There's a regular reader from South Africa who emailed me a few days after Survivor X to say he'd been cheering for nibbish since Survivor VIII and was super psyched about his win.
I'm pretty sure I didn't even remember to tell nib this. Whoops.
What's fun about being quiet?
What's fun about booing? I'll give you that through booing you get to express emotion, but it's not fun. I think not booing is more not fun than sitting quietly. Especially when the root cause of the booing is really Mauer's contract, when Twins fans would have been angry if he left. How in God's name does Hunter not get booed for taking the money and running and Mauer is public enemy number one for sticking around and not taking more money somewhere else? The whole thing makes my head hurt.
Because Torii still gives Souhan quotes.
Well, that combined with the fact that people apparently people are willing to believe anything they read, regardless of how dumb it is or how many poultry jokes are contained within.
I heartily endorse booing as a crowd option. It was fun to boo Miguel Cabrera during Game 163 after all the wife-beating allegations came out. Not that it seemed to help much.
Booing your own team should be reserved for very special situations though. I mean we can't be as obnoxious as Yankees' fans.
I don't think we'll ever see a Twins fan quite like this.
I knew that would be the clip because I thought of him immediately too, but what's awesome about it is that if you ignore that douche, you can find like three other douches in that area alone.
It truly is a masterpiece. I could probably watch it giggling for at least an hour. Every time I think I've seen it all, I notice another fan.
There are some truly special baseball gifs I could watch on a loop forever. That one, Bert striking out poor bastards looking with his curveball, Raul Ibanez's hilarious defensive miscues, Milton Bradley's hot-dog stance and toss into the stands with Da Heckler booing so strongly he looks like his head's going to explode...
The Ibanez ones are great, but one of Torii last night would be up there, too.
I have to track that down. Of all last night's highlights, that's the one I want to see the most.
I can get the entire thing on MLB.tv, of course. Do you remember the inning?
Bottom of the seventh.
Here is the link.
I'd love to do a gif of this but I can't seem to figure out how using mlb video
Thanks, free. That did not disappoint.
free: Do you just need a video to make a gif? I can probably find it for you without too much trouble.
Here's the actual video.
I will never grow tired of that clip. Everytime it pops up I watch it for like 3 minutes laughing.
Sure, I can see booing the other team, I just think it's generally poor form to boo your own team.
Look, I can't speak for everybody, but booing for me is just a way of blowing off some frustration and bringing a little levity to a situation that otherwise wouldn't be fun. I'm not saying it's logical to boo, and I'll fully acknowledge that it's impolite. But if I wanted to watch a game quietly, I would stay home and watch it on TV.
Different strokes for different folks. I don't go to the game to make loud noises and I don't go there to remain quiet, either. I find it nothing other than depressing for the fans to boo the home team. This particular circumstance is particularly odious to me, too. People booing Mauer because the guy had the audacity to get injured a couple times just makes me angry. Obviously he should have just tried to play through everything and he'd be in perfect health like the rest of the team...wait a minute.
I think that's fair enough. I just wanted to explain why I personally would boo my own team. If I had been there today, I probably would have booed Mauer too. But it wouldn't have been because he gets injured or has a big contract, it would've been because he had just blown it with the bases loaded. I would boo anyone in that situation.
I would boo anyone in that situation.
Really? The BEST players usually fail in that (and every other) situation. You would boo because he produced the statistically most likely outcome?
I understand being disappointed, but I don't agree with booing every instance of a bad outcome.
Dick and Coomer criticizing Valencia for getting a single. He's gonna be the whipping boy.
Who said it?
I was afraid of that.
Understand booing Mauer after last year? Sure, why not. You might as well dislike the best player on your favorite team. Sounds like a great way to enjoy your time at the ballpark. After all, everyone booing knows exactly what went on behind the scenes last year and clearly out to be angered about it.
Nothing's bound to help a player in a slump more than the boos of his hometown fans, too.
Bill James observed years ago that when a team is going badly, the fans and the management will tend to get down on their best player, as if he was the cause of their problems. It makes no sense, but it happens, and it happens lots of places.
I think it's largely about the money, but I'm cynical like that.
Important thing I learned today: Bert listens to country western on his iPad.
As often with Bert, I am surprised by about half of that sentence. Like anytime he says "I know this because I searched it on baseball-reference.com."
It's amazing Souhan can tweet and fellate Torii at the same time like this
I'm glad y'all follow him and mention the highlights so I don't have to. Really - three cheers to those of you that are strong enough to put up with it.
Joe says, EFF YOU ALL.
Only 3 runs on that homer? Pussy.
Spookied that. I want him to give the finger to the fans so badly right now.
What an un-clutch home run.
Nice play, Callaspo. Makes me miss Koskie. Of course, everything makes me miss Koskie.
Dick needs to expand his vocabulary. Span, Carroll, and Chrissy-Chrissy Parm-Parm all "squirted" their singles.
Dick:squirting::Chip Caray::fisting
Grossest. Syllogism. Ever.
Did they squirt them through the hole?
Can you moist a single? That would be grosser I think. A little.
Baseball can't touch football for homoeroticism. "Penetration" alone gets the job done.
"End Zone penetration"
"Unimpeded to the backfield"
"End Around"
"Down and In"
"Post move"
"Going Deep"
I think a case can be made for "splitting the uprights" too, though if you watch a football game for long enough and decide to notice such things, everything sounds icky.
Why would you swing at that with a 3-0 count, Danny?! Just take the bump to your OBP, man.
Where was the pitch? Unless a great hitter is coming up behind you, I approve of swinging at a get me over fastball in that situation.
In the dirt in the other batters box.
Yeah. Should've been an easy one to lay off of, with that count. I mean, Torii would've swung, but most people wouldn't have.
no kidding. Haren was giving Danny nothing to swing at (Revere up next). Keep the bat on your shoulders
Oh, sweet Jeebus, Valencia.
Mauer has more HRs than Pujols
And more AL MVP Awards as well.
All the negativity in this town sucks.
Is it good to have a batting title? I heard that most of those hits don't really even count.
heh heh. Well played, Dude.
My eyes. They burn!
P*ssy non-GIDP.
Angels brain fart.
Now would be a good time for some Canadian Club.
I need to stop paying attention so that something good can happen
I'm a big fan of Pujols, but I don't think I'd mind it if he had the type of season this year that Adam Dunn had last year.
I dunno. I'd kind of like seeing him beat up on some other teams in the AL.
I'm with kg on this. I want to see what he can do in the A.L. while still at/near his prime.
I'm pretty anti-Angels, so I'd be down with that. Torii claimed in the press he was looking for three rings with the Angels. So far he has just as many playoff series victories with the Angels as he had with the Twins. I wouldn't be hurt if it stayed that way.
Pork by-product!!!!
Boudin, FTW
I like this guy. I also like the hunt for the baseball in the flower pots. That's hilarious.
All he does is hit homers.
Wheeling Ham now leading the majors in homers.
CC-PP: still the Greatest Twin Evah.
I'm starting to like this Parmelee kid.
Willingham now on pace for 108 homers, for all of your information.
Which would probably be some sort of record.
By the way, I enjoyed your intro to today's game log. Well done.
Nice throw ii!
terrible throw by Hunter. Jacque Jones would be proud
Oh, how I miss the soul patrol.
Nice throw ii.
How many apologies can they make for F(aceplant)OTF this series?
He just doesn't make mistakes like that.
Yeah, sometimes he face plants himself into the wall chasing after a ground ball.
Choice of feeds: still my favorite MLB.tv Premium feature.
The Angels announcers are dull. I'll take dull over Dick.
Be thankful Hudler/Physioc are gone (and inflicted on the poor Royals fans). Those two were the worst I've ever heard.
Yeah, Hudler was pretty terrible.
Yet Physioc was even worse. I expect the color guy to be pretty bad and a homer, but the PBP guy should have at least a sliver of professional ability.
I don't remember Physioc. I'm glad I don't.
Be very glad. Worst. Announcing Team. Evah!
What's so galling about it is that the booth seems to have forgotten the hatchet job ii and cuddii pulled, what, like 3 weeks ago.
I'm surprised to hear Dick's excitement at Sweet Danny V's hit. I was expecting him to deride him for not bunting.
He did make sure to explain that Kendrick would have fielded it if he wasn't expecting Valencia to pull it. Very backhanded.
(Also, Revere "squirted" that fly out.)
in spring training, the Rays had a reverse Thome shift on for Danny. Only the firstbasman was playing on the right side of the field. it was weird looking.
The Rays shift on lots of hitters nowadays.
All this is because they brought in the right-hander to face Morneau.
That's good scouting.
Seriously, Gardy? We gave up two players for that?
Great strategery.
I'm ok with it. Casilla is really the only person you will lift for Burroughs, and there's no point in letting Burroughs face a lefty with Hughes/Plouffe on the bench. That's the best use of the roster.
You rang?
That was almost a classic collision. Almost.
I was really rooting for that one.
Twins Baseball
Twins baseball?
The crappy little infield hit, not the injury.
I wasn't challenging, Rowsdower. We simulcast.
The ? confused me, but then I'm easily confused.
Oy. That's no good.
Oh my that looked painful.
Can someone other than Dan Gladden explain to me what just happened?
Downs ran to cover the bag, and covered too much of the base. He either rolled his ankle grabbing the ball or Span hit him while trying to reach. I think Span hit him, but it was hard to tell.
Bang-bang play at first base with the pitcher trying to cover and Span stepped right on his ankle/heel causing him to roll his ankle while getting spiked and sending Span tumbling into a somersault. The pitcher didn't make the catch, but is now limping off.
The play was bang bang, and as Downs stepped on the bag D-span's foot came down on top of his ankle and rolled it. Painful looking exchange.
Thanks guys. Depending on Dazzle for intelligible description is very frustrating.
E-6 once likened Dazzle's call to an old lady trying to describe a mugging to a mall security guard. I think that about sums it up.
That is awesome. I don't remember that.
Heh heh.
...hope he's alright, though.
oh god
Oof. Don't like to see that.
Damn. That hurts to watch.
Looks like Span spiked the side of the Angels' pitcher foot.
For those that aren't watching video, what "gameday" like site to you like to use the best. I mean other than gameday, because this thing has sucked at updating for me. I've gotta find a better way (short of someone typing up each thing that happens on here)
I'm pretty happy with Gameday Mini. Have you tried that?
that's what I'm looking at
it's spotty.
Yahoo has done all right by me at times in the past.
so far that's doing well for me too
Those look worse than they are. Looked like an ankle sprain to me.
Dang, are these Twins showing a little bit of pluck?
The Twins coming back to tie up an almost hopeless game has given me more optimism for the season than anything else they have done this year.
I had a weirdly good feeling about this one, and when Mauer hit the homer I had that 2006 feeling where I just knew we'd catch up. Now I'm nervous, though.
We can't have another 2006 without losing a ton of games early!
I like the way you think.
Well, every time I see something like that happen to a Twin I assume they'll be out for a few months. Kind of glad it wasn't our guy on that one for once.
If it was a Twin pitcher that was stepped on he would end up needing elbow/Tommy John surgery.
Not until 2013 after pitching ineffectively with the injury amidst a couple of trips to the DL.
Hurrah for steals!
Beau no longer leads the team in stolen bases.
Awesome. Big P*ssy leads off next inning -- zero chance of a GIDP!!!!1111one1111!!!
The Rockies (Moyer)-Giants (Bumgarner) game features the third-largest disparity in age for starters in MLB history, apparently. The blurb doesn't say what beats it, but I assume Satchel Paige is involved.
Paige v. Bill Monbouquette (sp?) in 1965 is one - couldn't tell you the other one but it might involve Ted Lyons.
Paige - Monbouquette in 1965. Paige was 59.
That record's as safe as DiMaggio's.
Paige's last season in MLB, before the stunt in 1965, predated Monbouquette's first minor league season.
I really have to question Gardy's strategy of bringing in IDONTKNOWWHOTHEHELLTHISIS at this point in the game.
I meant to say he's amazing.
I've only learned Baloney and Murton.
Even with all the Wins Gray has?
Ah yeah, ol' one armed Pete Gray.
Are those real pitchers? I don't even know.
stupid Bourjos
Babe Bourjos strikes again.
I know this is snark, but Bourjos is pretty good, man.
I know he's a good player. He's just one of those annoying players who plays absolutely out of his mind when facing the Twins. Career OPS: .725. OPS vs. Twins (before today!): 1.030.
It's infuriating since he always comes up in important situations, and they can never get him out. Every crappy little dribbler he hits gets through, every ball he hits into the outfield runs the gap. It's just exasperating. See also: Polanco, Placido.
Yes, but Polanco somehow didn't convert Tolbert's GIDP in Game 163 into a GIDP, but instead allowed the ball to elude him to tie the game.
Hopefully that means Bourjos pulls a Jacoby Ellsbury late in game 7 of the 2012 ALCS to seal a Twins win!
Matt Stairs. There will be no other player that completely and thoroughly destroyed the Twins as him.
Heh, wow. I didn't expect the split to be that pronounced.
Ohhh, fudge!
Heh. Weird.
Well, fudge.
Just hit Bourjas next time.
Or keep the right-handed relief pitcher in to face him. Gardy either trusts a reliever and sends them in way too often, or never gives them a chance to prove they're capable.
Note to self, fantasy team must include Markakis, Bourjous, and Granderson
and Brett Gardener
and Adam Kennedy
I like Gardner, too.
I do not like Adam F. Kennedy.
You loved Eckstein, though, right? Right???
I would have tried to get all of them. I like all those guys. Don't hurt me.
Next thing I know you'll be gushing about Swisher.
I'm pretty sure Spooky has always at least kind of liked Swisher (I've certainly always liked him more than kind of).
I do indeed like Swisher.
Gray's in? Win number two coming up!
vote bhiggum
Wait, Joe got a single his last time up? Talk about some home scorekeeping.
There wasn't a fielding error on it. It would've been weird to call it a fielder's choice since he didn't have one.
Call it an E6. Pujols was there for the throw.
He didn't mishandle the ball though.
Doesn't matter - he still should have made the play. That's the only criteria.
I dunno. Who do you give an error to there? If the shortstop just holds the ball its not an error. If he throws to the wrong base its not an error.
Pussy singles hitter.
Ooh snap. SBG's former avatar responded to Stick on the tweets.
You'll have to link / quote for those of us who aren't twits.
There you go.
People can audibly boo from Target Field stands via Twitter? Is there nothing technology can't do?
I've heard that you can instagram a boo to give it that old timey feel.
If I had any hair left I'd pull it out.
Out of context, natch.
You know this means a Capps sighting in the 9th.
261 LTE's? Twins fans don't get a lot of work done on Thursday afternoons, do we?
Kids, that's why you don't bring in Rich Thompson to a one-run game.
I am having fun.
Eerily similar
Did you notice the loser of that game was Jason Bulger, who moved on to be a Twin for about 5 months and is now a Yankee?
Kubel's super cycle game. I remember it well.
Okay, I have had this game recap half-written like three times now. Time to start over again!
Maybe this team won't be completely worthless. I'm happy with jumping to that conclusion after 6 games.
Mauer and Morneau homer at Target Field...huh.
Someday they might catch up to Jose Bautista!
I can only assume the crowd felt no joy.
Upon further reflection, I do enjoy 10 am games.
Valencia shouldn't pull the ball so much.
Careful, they said that about David Ortiz, too.
My keyboard is hoarse from booing.
Pour 'em on for Capps' sake.
Ask and ye shall receive.
Gray for Cy Young!
Willingham sort of has a Thome shuffle going on when he runs.
You realize that if Capps can hold onto the lead your AL wins leader will be Jeff Gray.
Somebody better grab him in your fantasy league.
Cy Young.
Just as long as they don't call him Gray Young.
Three pitches, two wins?
Why yes, I have been in a meeting for the past 90 minutes and missed all the fun. I hate it when work gets in the way of baseball.
HOLY COW. I'm already starting to forget the nightmare that was last weekend.
Last time the Twins had 19 hits in a game, July 27 2010
Last time the Twins had 20 hits in a game, July 26 2010
And by leaving the bases loaded twice it's almost like 2010 all over again.
that was quite a run of games for the Twins:
July 25 against Bal 10 runs on 19 hits
July 26 against KC 19 runs on 20 hits
July 27 against KC 11 runs on 19 hits
Working on a Capps proof cushion.
20 hits in this game? Did the Twins get 20 hits all last season???
Wow, and they're working on making this lead Capps-proof!
Silence! Dicus will take it as a challenge.
I guess the Twins hitters didn't have a lot of confidence in Matt Capps saving two 1-run games in a row.
Who the hell does?
well... not in the way you think
really? hit the bag? dumb
yup, maybe a DP otherwise
a double play would be awesome right now
A triple-play would be awesomer.
I'll take a single out.
I hope that Perkins is warming up.
Ten runs in a single game? They're going to be too tired for anything tomorrow now.
Shortening makes flaky pie crusts and blown saves.
I swear to all that is, was, or might even remotely be considered holy, if Capps screws this up
bad call
Great time for a bad call, blue.
Well done, Hughes and ump.
And replay shows he was out at first. Nice one ump.
We all know it's going to somehow come down to Capps v. Bourjos, right?
This could be a sequel to "This Only Ends One Way."
That's a strikeout, right?
....please, please, please tell me it's a strikeout....
We need to get out of this before Bourjos comes to the plate.
Please get this over with before Bourjos comes up.
Somehow this win will feel less satisfying.
Oy, this is some tense shit.
New year, same Capps.
O, Valencia!!!!!
Oy. Puppies please.
and breathe
Matt should change his middle name from Dicus to Never In Doubt.
No, he should leave his middle name alone and change his first name to Bickus.
If Capps screws this up, are you okay with booing then?
Capps is the exception to just about every rule.
Sweet Danny V!
Sweet Danny V.
For the gameday-only crowd, please tell me what happened.
Slow roller to third that Valencia bare handed and got the out at first
except for the bare-handed part, that's correct
It might as well been bare-handed, it stuck in the heel of his glove.
Don't question my memory of a game I'm only half watching while working
it was a ball almost batted off the plate, took a high chop and along the line. Valencia ran in and made a sweet play to get the close out at first
too close... a little too close
That was a FULL afternoon of entertainment.
Nice win guys... don't ever freakin' do it again!
Twins win a series!
A team effort on this one.
What a game. Came back from being down 6 and nearly blew it in the end.
The offense is looking a lot more like I expected it before the season.
Unfortunately, the pitching too.
But a win's a win.
Sure is nice to be able to use this one again.
I miss my pup.
Jeff Gray is on his way to a major-league record 158 wins in a single season, having thrown only 237 pitches.
He's like a reverse-Guerrier.
Vulture Gray!
Unfortunately, there is no species that has the common name "Gray Vulture".

I did find this, though:
Another Madd Capps save! Actually, he didn't pitch all that bad. No walks, no extra-base hits. Would have been pretty easy if the ump hadn't blown the call at first on the potential dp.
At 2-4, my current absurdly simple win expectation formula has the Twins up to 71.3 expected wins, from 71.8 to start the season. Low point so far: 69.2 expected wins.
Twins came up two runs shy of doubling their season total of runs in consecutive games and for the third time this season.
Still on track to go 158-4!