52 thoughts on “September 20, 2012: Prognostications”

  1. Reposted from yesterday's cuppa:
    Behold the 2013 WBC caps!
    I should get a Czech Republic one for CER.
    Though I would never sport a hat of the People's Republic, I still gotta say that the China cap is sharp.
    Other than that, love Mexico (which isn't new) and Israel. Think the US and Cuba have the lamest caps of real baseball countries (not gonna hold GB, Thailand, or Germany against them at this point: fledgling programs.)

      1. Hey, some countries have national colors that aren't on their flag:
        Netherlands: Orange
        Italy: Blue
        Australia: Green and Yellow
        Lew Zeeland: Black and White
        Nepal: Fuchsia (Wait, that is on their flag!)

    1. Psh, no need for the Czech Republic cap. Just hop across the river and buy one from the local team.

    2. i also like the mexico and israeli hats. the chinese hat is also sharp, and for some reason i like the thai hat.

      i don't mind the cuban hat, actually, but the canadian and US designs are... yeah.

    3. With that hat and most likely no Joe Mauer, I will continue to not care how well the US does in this competition.

      1. I love the WBC, but no assemblage of players would make me care which team won. I watch every game with the same amount of interest. I'm not sure why I get into it as much as I do, but I do.

    4. Also, like in 2009: where the heck are the Korean caps?
      They must have some non-MLB-sanctioned manufacturer.

  2. The documentary accompanying this article is one of the greatest things I have seen in a long, long time. (Bonus: narrated by Ken Burns, but no Doris Kearns Goodwin!)

  3. Built to Spill was awesome last night. A friend of mine who has seen them some 10 or so times says it was probably one of the best he's seen. No 20 minute jams but a lot of songs got extended 6-8 minutes with extended guitar sessions. Best part is that sonically, they were great. Three guitars (plus bass) and you could clearly hear all three. An eight minute cover of Crimson and Clover with lots of fuzzy guitars and vocals was pretty cool too.

    But don't trust me, the City Pages reviewer loved it too. http://blogs.citypages.com/gimmenoise/2012/09/built_to_spill_at_first_avenue_concert_review.php

    Only complaint is I wish they had played Stop the Show. I absolutely love that song.

    Also if you are interested I put the set list in a spotify play list. It is called Built to Spill First Ave Set. I think there is a link to it in my book of face page.

    1. Was this your first time? For the record, I've seen them 5 times, twice as a trio, once as a four piece, and twice with the 3 guitar lineup. Awesome each and every time. Incidentally, I saw drummer Scott Plouf a few times with his cool little duo before he joined BtS. That dude is a kick ass drummer.
      (Did they play "When Not Being Stupid Is Not Enough"?)

      1. I drunkenly saw them a long time ago, 1999? And don't remember much from the show.

        Unfortunately they didn't play When Not Being Stupid... They played 16 songs in about 110 minutes which is almost 7 minutes a song. A couple of shorties in there but also some guitar tuning between songs too which means missing out on some classics.

  4. Just letting you know I'll be away again for a couple of days. We just found out that Mrs. A's mom is having surgery tomorrow morning. Nothing life-threatening, but when it's your mom, it's always serious. Should be back either tomorrow night or Saturday.

    1. garbage truck was four houses past us by the time I remembered this morning. I considered trying to chase it down, but decided against it. These dirty diapers will be fine for another week, right?

      1. The nice thing is, I live on the "correct" side of a cul-de-sac street, so if I hear the trash truck (and miss it), I have a couple minutes to run it across the street onto the neighbor's driveway for their return trip. [fist pump.jpg]

        1. our truck comes some time after i go to work. if i walk outside and see all the neighbors cans on the street, i can usually work it out after a couple minutes.

  5. Alright gents... remember back when I was waiting on hearing something about a job? Yeah... I'm still waiting. Haven't called for >1 month. Do I call again? Do I call and ask to speak to someone more in charge than the person I was speaking to before (like, the HR person who was in on the interviews vs. the HR person setting them up but not participating in them?)?

    1. I guess, hypothetically, this question could be directed to any non-gents who might be around too.

    2. I am definitely not the expert here but I would call again. I would remind them that you are very interested but let them know that you are pursuing other opportunities.

      I don't see what you have to lose at this point. A lot of places seem to drag their feet until they get a little push. Maybe you can give it to them.

      Full disclosure - I am not in your field and may not know what I am talking about!

    1. Hendriks looks a little too happy to be here. I guess getting that giant ape off his back has done him a world of good.

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