WGOM Fitness: October 9, 2012, Travel

I drove up to the Fatherland this morning, so I would have been smart to turn it over to Twayn. Yesterday I went to the gym in the afternoon and that went well. My left knee had been bothering me for a couple of days, but it felt pretty good when I was cycling. Afterwards, it was fine, too. I had decided to take it easy on this trip as it is only for three days and I don't work out on travel days, meaning that I am skipping one workout.

I had wanted to drop below 244.5 before the trip, which would have been the 40 lb. barrier, but I didn't quite make it. Close, though. Also, I'm getting pretty close to shedding the obese tag, which is 30.00 BMI. I'm looking to reach both of those milestones in the near future. But, starting tomorrow for the next three days, I'm on the heavy scale.

Day 77
Weight: 244.8
Loss: 39.7
BMI: 30.28

25 thoughts on “WGOM Fitness: October 9, 2012, Travel”

    1. I pulled my back on Sunday doing yard work, so I worked from home yesterday with a heating pad on my lower back. Still rather stiff today, but at least I can get out of bed and in and out of chairs without serious pain. So when my wife asked why I didn't wear the back belt that I bought last year, I didn't know how to tell her I completely forgot that I bought a back belt last year.

    1. Yeah, I'm not wedded to BMI, except that I want to be below their definition of "obese". I should cross that line at 243.2 lbs.

        1. Congrats on that too. I thought the "imprecise numbers from BMI aren't dangerous" comment was pretty spot-on. It doesn't appear to be a bad gauge of determining a relative healthy weight, just imprecise on an individual basis.

    2. I'm a shade over six feet tall. According to the BMI calculator that article linked to, I could weigh 138 pounds and still be at a "normal weight". That's ridiculous.

      1. what you said. I'm a shade under 6'3" and weigh 195, with a 35-inch waist*. BMI says I am borderline overweight. I think not.

        BMI is a guide, but it is a weak one because it does not account for differing body types or muscle masses. And the "healthy" category seems to have very little science behind it.

        *ok, 35-inch by the "old" measurement standards, in that I wear jeans/trousers size 36/34 and have to cinch up the waist a bit.

        1. I had the hardest time shopping for jeans back in June. My waist size hasn't gone up for years, but I went from a non-existant ass to a remotely visible one, and gained some mass in my thighs, which meant that it was nearly impossible for me to find jeans that fit both my waist and through the thighs. There are worse problems, to be sure, but it made me think it'd be nice to have a tailor.

          1. I actually bought some jeans yesterday. Very frustrating because my waist seems to straddle two different sizes, but it's giving me more motivation (besides just the Bossman and Twayn's inspiration) to drop some weight.

            1. I bought a pair of jeans a couple of weeks ago in a size I was surprised fit me as well as it did, so I ordered some more pants. The jeans I ordered were a different style, but the same brand, and the pants were a different brand. All 3 had different sizes. Very frustrating.

              1. I've been wearing Levi's for years. I bought some Arizonas this past week because they were cheaper and I liked some of the colors, and I'm surprised by how much I like them.

    3. I take some issue with their assertion that "people know if they're overweight." Sure, some people know if they're overweight, but as long as anorexia is a thing, it's pretty obvious that not everyone knows where the line should be.

  1. Deadlifts and rowing yesterday. I hit 10 reps of 80kg on the deadlift for my top set, which is a PR for me. A pretty lame PR, but a PR nonetheless. Did a 2k time trial on the rower after that, got 7:56 and change. It's the first time I've done that particular distance. I might have been able to go a little faster, but I was aiming for sub-8 and I'm glad I got it, especially since lunch wasn't feeling so settled at that point.

  2. Best & worst beers* for your health. Though I understand their premise, the "top" of that list makes me cringe.
    *the link is for printing. just select cancel and you can see the beers & comments without having to click through the slideshow

    1. Ugh, that entire "Eat This, Not That" crap is the worst. There's a terrible video of the guy responsible for it appearing on the Today show with the ever terribly Al Roker. I won't link to it because I don't want to search for it, but its awful with the beer segment at the end being the worst.

      1. their "top ten" is all scheiss. They would help you lose weight because after a couple sips you would drain-pour the rest and drink water instead. Number 11 on the list, on the other hand, is Good Food.

  3. My BMI is down from 27.6 to 23.5. I agree that it doesn't mean much, but it's nice to have something tell you that you're not overweight anymore.

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